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This is not a donkey forum
Oky.....Views are like asses, everyone has one ! Ha! We can agree to disagree here, people should'nt take things so personal. ( Sorry about the Red Sox......OKY. IAD )
?Be who you are and say what you feel because
those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
Dr. Seuss
This is not a donkey forum
I feel the same way about the political issue. I have strong feelings about this election, as everyone should, but they're just MY opinions, and I don't need to convince anyone else I'm right! I'm here to get well, not to get my folks elected!sigpic
Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.
This is not a donkey forum
Okydoky, are you referring to yourself when you talk about someone leaving because of politics? I read through the SNL thread and there are certainly a lot of opinions, but that's what happens in political discussions.
There are many times where I post something that I know people may not agree with (or I don't agree with something that they said), and that's okay. Being in the minority isn't always a bad thing to me, but you have to be willing to accept that , state your views, and then let it go and move on to another topic.
Take care all, and I truly hope that no one feels compelled to leave here simply because of their political views.Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."
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Hi Okydoky
I saw the threads criticizing Palin. But there are plenty of Republicans on this forum also from what I have seen.
The presidential election season is bringing out a lot more politics on this website and I guess this might continue until inauguration day. One thing I have noticed in my offline life is that few people are openminded when it comes to politics so it's not something we are likely to agree on.
But as for this forum, I never really knew people's politics until just recently. It truly doesn't matter how we vote. We can still reach across those aisles and support all alcoholics...
Nancy (Democrat)
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I sure hope you do not let others posting their political beliefs here in anyway to deter you.
I have resisted posting because I just know it stirs some up and it hurts others.
So, I read or ignore at my leisure.
I do think it is good that people care that much about our country, even if I don't agree with their beliefs. It is so much better than apathy.
However, like Nancy says,It truly doesn't matter how we vote. We can still reach across those aisles and support all alcoholics...
CindiAF April 9, 2016
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Oh dear, I have been to busy moving and all that to pay attention to the campaign. I don't even get the newspaper. More stuff to deal with and recycle! With the quality of our news today, in my opinion, it is not too worthwhile anyways. All you get is sound bites and sensationalism. From both sides of the aisle, I have gotten my political news coverage from this forum. A bonus has been the international, and far away Alaskan perspectives from other MWO people. I never hear much about Alaska! I know, I know, that is not the purpose here...but I have enjoyed it.
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Totally agree with Nancy and Cinders! I have been fascinated to see the range of political opinions here. It seems to me that we all generally demonstrate a firm awareness of the fact that we are primarily here to focus on our problems with alcohol, and to help each other do so. AND, in the course of doing that, we talk about stuff that is important to us, topics that are not directly related to alcohol... it's all a part of getting to know each other, and it's good to get to know the other aspects of people's lives. So... politics and religion/spirituality sometimes come up... because they are (or may be) important to us.
I would hate to see anyone feeling as if s/he had been badly treated because of political views... especially to the point of dropping out of MWO.