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Day 3- scared.

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    Day 3- scared.

    Hey all, it's me again. I'm on day 3AF again and I'm scared. Everytime I fall, it's usually 1 night, and I feel so wrong the next morning. Add that up and its a full day LOST. I usually fall on day 4 or 5 and I'm tired of doing it. I ordered Antabuse, and am waiting for it. It's my little insurance...(yes, I've read the antabuse thread and still think it's right for me.) I had a bad dream last night and I woke up really scared. Sorry if I'm rambling. Same situation has been happening for over a month, and I'm just so ready for the next step.

    Day 3- scared.

    Hi MM! What else do you have in your plan, besides the Antabuse?
    LTG AF January 13, 2011


      Day 3- scared.

      I'm reading the book right now. I talked to a lady from my church who was a hardcore alcoholic..(I quit going to church for a while because I feel guilty, no one makes me feel bad, it's just me). Right now thats my plan. What's your opinion of a plan? Any ideas welcome.


        Day 3- scared.

        MM, great that you are reading the book. My opinion of a plan: throw the kitchen sink at the problem! Do everything! Supplements, medication, exercise, self-hypnosis, meditation, good nutrition. This is a life-threatening, life-destroying condition. Seems to me it's not a time to try to get by with as little as possible! The antabuse will give you a good period of AF time within which to put into place all the other elements of your plan, and learn how to live without drinking. Eventually you will probably go off the antabuse... but you want to have a lot of healthy habits in place, when you do.

        best wishes,



          Day 3- scared.

          I too quit going to church because I felt quilty. I started back about a month ago with my neighbor who I talk with about my drinking. This week, my plan is to put myself on a schedule instead of sitting at the computer all day. Part of my schedule is taking my supps as I should. It's so easy for me to forget. I think putting some structure back in my day will help me stay focused. Also, I am trying to look at how I react to certain situations. I have to stop looking at things so dramatically.
          LTG AF January 13, 2011


            Day 3- scared.

            Excellent post, WIP, throw the kitchen sink at it! Learning how to live without drinking is a process, not something that can happen overnight. Every day it seems I am faced with new things to do without drink in hand. How do I do the fall clean up without drink on porch? How will I decorate my Christmas tree without my celebratory cocktail? I have to force myself to do some of these things, but keep reminding myself that I am learning new habits. It will be frustrating at times, I can't kid myself about that. But my hope is that the new habits will take over and new traditions will be made.
            Come on here next time and join chat when you feel like slipping. The wonderful folks here have rescued me when I felt like falling. You can do this. We all can!:l
            You, as much as anyone in the universe, deserve your love and respect. ~ Buddha


              Day 3- scared.

              I'm right there with WIP around the kitchen sink. Do as much as you can to conquer the AL. Take hot baths, eat super healthy, be with friends, go to a meeting, church, exercise...try these things out and find out what works for you.

              You can do it
              AF Since April 20, 2008
              4 Years!!!


                Day 3- scared.

                Keep yourself busy, busy, busy. Did I mention busy? lol....That seems to work for me. I normally crash and burn on Day 3 or 4, and today is Day 6 for me! I even went the weekend? It's funny when I
                read that it reminds me of how proud my girls were when they first peed in the toilet! lol.....

                You can do this MM, we can do this....PM me any time! I am no guru however, I am at the same point as you and we can certainly support each other.
                AF July 6 2014


                  Day 3- scared.

                  Hi MM...

                  Think of how bad you will feel if you were a huge help to me the other day and you should listen to your own advice. You told me that I would feel better, and I do, so let me tell will pass. You arent missing out on anything by staying sober. NOTHING but a nasty hangover, and the blues. I know it's hard...its so freaking boring to be dont want to be alone with your thoughts....I know...try to stay strong and PM me if yo uwant.


                    Day 3- scared.

                    I agree with everything thats been said except "its boring to be sober" I thought it would be too, but being sober I am doing SO much more. I really dont feel bored anymore. I did when I was drinking though. MM you can do this. You know you can.
                    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                      Day 3- scared.

                      I agree with Starting - being sober is NOT boring. I find it to be very productive :wings:
                      LTG AF January 13, 2011


                        Day 3- scared.

                        I think that was taken out of context...I meant that is what our brain tells us...."drink...come's boring to be sober..."


                          Day 3- scared.

                          Yeah, I see what you mean CK. Its others too isnt it? Who tell us we are boring when were sober..
                          Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                          Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                            Day 3- scared.

                            Hey MM, how are you doing??
                            "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                              Day 3- scared.

                              I'm doing good today. I don't feel like drinking, just scared that I'll cave in the next few days. I'll be fine. I'm so predictable, and I'm just a little worried.

