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I feel sooo violated.

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    I feel sooo violated.

    Evie they will get caught.

    Makes me feel even worse because I committed an act of crime for a forged credit card.

    Anyway, do you not have your cards insured?

    It is a horrible feeling, without a doubt. I am sure things will be resolved in a matter of time. I can only imagine what my old employer felt like when I committed that horrible act.

    There are so many cameras around the stores, etc... They will pull tapes from where any purchases are made. They will more than likely catch these people. (I pray). If your cards are insured, you will only be inconvenienced for a short time.

    I agree, it is a shitty world out there. So sorry for your issue. Trust me, no one can be sorrier than me. I hope everything turns out OK.

    Identity theft is so huge here as well. Nothing is safe anymore.


      I feel sooo violated.

      Evielou --- sorry to hear of your credit card fraud. I've been receiving new cards from the companies I deal with here .... they have chips in them and now retailers are getting new machines, where I have to key in my pin number, rather than sign. I think it's a new safeguard the credit card companies are using to thwart this type of theft. Problem at the moment is not all retailers have the new machines yet.

      Thank goodness, we are not responsible for the payments on these thefts! ... but I understand how you feel violated. I hope they find who is responsible and shut them down.


        I feel sooo violated.

        So sorry this happened to a sweet soul like you. Just proof of the evil in this world!
        Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
        awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


          I feel sooo violated.

          Evie, that sucks!!

          We have a new system over here where if you swipe your credit card it will still ask for a pin number to verify... I also got a bit annoyed about it at first but now I am grateful.

          Poor hubby had his credit card stolen last night in China so I have also been on the phone all day to our bank trying to sort it out - luckily I cancelled it before they could use his card, but what a schlep!!
          "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


            I feel sooo violated.

            Just found out they we are not being held responsible for those charges because we can prove that both cards are in our hands and we never even left the house yesterday.The cards were used in the area that the hotel is in...Not to smart, are they???The store cameras are being checked so they should get caught.Just so they didn't use the other card numbers that they had access to in our computer....Yicks....what next???
            sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


              I feel sooo violated.

              sorry to hear that E..i got this email from a friend everyone be safe

              Using Credit/Debit Cards at the Pump
              People are getting desperate due to the constantly rising gas prices.
              A friend just told me about something that happened to one of his
              coworkers. &nb sp;
              She used her credit/debit card to purchase gas at the pump (as most of
              us do). She
              received her receipt like normal. ;
              However, when she checked her statement, there were 2 $50 charges added
              in addition to her purchase. Upon investigation, she found out that
              because she did not press the
              'clear' button on the pump, the employee inside the store was able to use
              her card to purchase his/her own gas!
              To keep this from happening, after20you get your receipt , you must press
              the ' CLEAR' button
              or your information will be stored until the next customer inserts their
              card. Be sure to tell all your friends/family so that this does not happen
              to them! & nbsp;
              (**I had never noticed the clear button but I got gas the other day and
              sure enough it is there. I will be using it from now on....)
              :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
              best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                I feel sooo violated.

                thank you Roger, and any more safeguards as well. I am planning to cancel the credit cards I never use just to be safer.

