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Help! I have a teenager!

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    Help! I have a teenager!

    OMG! How am I ever going to stay sober with a teenager around? My "not so little" guy will be 13 this Monday. He is starting to show all the normal signs of being a teen. Doesn't like me, moody, know, A TEEN. I'm just wondering how I'm ever going to survive? We have always been very close and it's hard to adjust from being Mom "the wonderful one" to Mom "the stupid one".

    Any words of wisdom from those who have survived?

    Somedays I feel like I'm going crazy ull
    :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.

    Help! I have a teenager!

    Breathe deepp...they are demons until
    Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


      Help! I have a teenager!

      I had two of them..but girls. they are now 25 and 22. one of them used to cry when I just said "go take a shower". My advice to you is to stay closer than ever, he will come back and he will remember you being there.


        Help! I have a teenager!

        Got 2 teenage girls...13 and 14..I find throwing money at them works..

        Seriously..Just be there when he wants to talk and take an intrest..Trying to make them do stuff is like pissing in the wind..
        I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
        One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


          Help! I have a teenager!

          and don't forget to pretend you like video games.... LOL


            Help! I have a teenager!


            I'm holding my breath. I raised two stepchildren, the son was easy, the girl, oh boy!!! But I'm still close to her and her children, so they do come around.

            I too have a 13 year old boy. Other than being on the cell phone all the time, I can't say we have had a lot of problems. Though he lives w/his mother, mostly. But as I say, I'm holding my breath and am glad he's a boy and not a girl! LOL :H


              Help! I have a teenager!

     I interested in this post!!! While I don't have teenagers, yet....I am happy to hear any thoughts!!! I have 3 daughters, my oldest is 10 going on 20! Why do they feel the need to grow up so fast? I don't get it. I would love to be in her place right now....only worries are grades in school, and geting 1st in Mario Cart Wii! Seriously, I know they have it difficult-social pressures and it's a trying time. I only try to be there for them, and hope to God I have taught them some good morals and they know right from wrong. We can only be there when they fall on their face, and they will always remember we are there.

              Girls are freaking TOUGH man!
              AF July 6 2014


                Help! I have a teenager!

                Read Zits cartoons as often as you can. Seriously, I even have some of their books! :H
                "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


                  Help! I have a teenager!

                  Ill give u my mums number! She could tell u some stories about me! Mine is only 8 at the mo, so still a little angel. Just about!
                  To Infinity And Beyond!!


                    Help! I have a teenager!

                    Waiting for his way out;449006 wrote: and don't forget to pretend you like video games.... LOL
                    You are soooo right!!!! Can't tell you how often I have stared blankly at the screen, pushing buttons, trying to act like I knew what I was doing. LOL!
                    :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


                      Help! I have a teenager!

                      to this day, I have not told my girls I used to let them win at Board Games, not because I wanted them to feel better... but because I hated the games and it was faster if I let them win..
                      Most people told me for years I was staying to close to them, the same people now complain their children are not close to them !! The seeds of love you plant in them throughout their growing years, blossom sooner or later. Probably sooner for girls and a little later for boys.


                        Help! I have a teenager!

                        I think that's the hardest part, we've always been so close. He said I was a good Mom cause I acted like a kid sometimes. (Always willing to jump on the tramp or wrestle...just be goofy) Now he just rolls his eyes....I'm definately NOT the cool Mom in his eyes anymore, I feel like more of an annoyance to him. It's a tough one to swallow.
                        :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


                          Help! I have a teenager!

                          You are not really an annoyance, he just THINKS he is all grown-up. Just keep planting the little seeds.


                            Help! I have a teenager!

                            im ready to kill mine , Im cant wait till he grows up and fecks off and leaves my head in peace ...spoilt little brat!


                              Help! I have a teenager!

                              is that any help to ya , lol!

