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I did it.

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    I did it.

    Star :l Yes you can do this!
    Congratulations on your decision. Hang
    in there and it will get easier over time.
    You will be amazed at the difference in
    your health too!:goodjob:Pan


      I did it.

      How's the non smoker today? :l


        I did it.

        The support is great........thanks.........don`t want to mess up this time.

        Don, for all my optimism this time.........the non smoker feels disorientated, has a headache and deep breathing through the cravings.........hell, I`m having to breath so deep.........there`s a shortage of oxygen for anyone within a 5 mile radius of me!!! :H

        F*** is tough........explains why I usually give in so easily,`s only a stupid fag right!!!!

        Star x
        Formerly known as Starlight Impress.


          I did it.

          Good for you Star!!! Distraction, distraction, distraction!!! Those are my words of "wisdom" for the day!


            I did it.

            WIP..............I am distracted here, as in.........DEMENTED!!! lol
            Formerly known as Starlight Impress.


              I did it.

              Stay strong and focused, hon.....

              You are a strong, wonderful, determined can do this. Just get through it.....make yourself...

              Stay on here all day if you have to........go for a walk (but don't take any money with you).....distract yourself.....

              You're doing great....:l


                I did it.

                Yaa for you
                Your posts are such an inspiration to me, that I don't have any doubt that you will cross this hurdle too- Climb that mountain and dont look back!
                Sobriety since October 2008 ( with a few bumps in the road ) - but I am still here, strong and fighting every day for my sobriety!
                And every day is a challenge - But I am WINNING so far!

                • Yesterday is History
                  Today is a Mystery
                  Tomorrow is a GIFT


                  I did it.

                  Well.........I did do it..........lasted all of 16 hrs. Succumbed to having half a fag out on the ashamed and disappointed in myself.

                  I find the worst part of withdrawal isn`t the`s the headache and lightheadedness, so my long-suffered anxiety decides to rear its ugly head and I start to imagine I am going to faint. I really experience all that physical stuff, I subconsciously furnishing myself with an excuse to fail??.........I think I must be.

                  Why oh why do I get all fuelled up, convinced I`m indefatigueable.........only to land in a heap yet again? :upset:

                  Still Stinkin` Star x
                  Formerly known as Starlight Impress.


                    I did it.

                    Logging off quick.........Don is here........he`ll have my guts for garters!!!! :H

                    Seriously..........need to go shop.

                    Star x
                    Formerly known as Starlight Impress.


                      I did it.

                      Oh, Star....don't beat yourself up, hon....we'll get it....


                        I did it.

                        You just wait until you get your ass back here!!



                          I did it.

                          Star hon, whatever happens I luv you baby. I still think there ought to be something you can take that will help with the cravings. I know your resistant, but heck what you got to lose babe! :l

