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Checking in

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    Checking in

    hey everyone!

    I just wanted to check in. I don't know how often I will be able get online today, I have friends over.

    I also wanted to tell everyone that I drank last night. Nothing terrible, but it feels good to admit here.

    I hope everyone is doing ok!


    Checking in


    Hope you enjoy your friends today. Try to stay away from the drink if you can.

    Honesty is one of the reasons I come here. I think being dishonest about our drinking is one of our problems, it allows us not to face it head on.

    Here we can be honest.

    Take care of yourself!!

    AF April 9, 2016


      Checking in

      Thanks Cindy!

      I am totally fine today, I didn't do anything retarded for once....I think I just got caught up in the festivities. I am going to move past it though, and not let it get me down.

      I am kinda pissed though, I ate an entire box of vegan chicken nuggets last night. Dipped in ranch dressing of course. Then I figured I may as well polish it off with a bag of tater tots. I am a bloated pig this morning! :H


        Checking in


        I know the feeling. A perfect food choice, carbs, fat, salt!!

        AF April 9, 2016


          Checking in

          OH YES!!!!

          I will say this though Cindi, and please take it for what it's feels nice to have been able to go out and have a few drinks and not have a panic attack this morning.

          Now I am not saying that hangovers and drinking are a good thing (don't yell at me anyone) but it's different when I can drink like a normal person instead of trying to jump over the bar and drink beer out of the tap...... lol

          Does that make sense?

          I know its a pipe dream to think that will happen everytime, which is why I am trying for another week.

