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Dysfunctional Family Dynamics-Step-Children

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    Dysfunctional Family Dynamics-Step-Children

    This really is a request for advice.

    As many of you have read I have 6 children. The two oldent are my step daughters(17 & 14), and they have been with us since 2000. Their mother has her moments where she can be wonderful and supportive. But when she is drinking, or out at the bar, she is a different person. She likes to call here and tell me that I am not their mother so they don't have to listen to me. She lives in Pennsylvania so location is not an issue.

    I refer to my sd's as my children. They are as much a part of my family as my own. Recently the teenage acting out has come to a head with the 17 yo. She is skipping about 6 classes a week, at risk of failing her senior year. She no longer follows the rules in the house. Is up on her phone all night. Last months phone bill had 12,832 text messages in 29 days. In other words she is literally up all night texting. She has no chores, and I gave up the master bedroom with the only private bathroom 3 years ago thinking that would give her a little piece of mind. I had just painted it to my liking and bought a new shower door. She has trashed the walls by taping up pictures on EVERY millimeter of space, and the hinges on the door are broken because she slams it when she's mad. She also has the only locking door in the house.

    My 17 yo is smart. Dispite her grades she is very smart, she uses her brain to scam her dad all the time. She knows she can't get away with it with me, so her dad is her target. He is a police officerand a firefighter who works 12 or 16 hour day's depending on the week.

    She is a soapbox kind of girl. When I was drinking, she would hit me(that stopped when my hubby had her picked up), and berate me about how I wasn't doing my job, I was stupid, I was lazy, etc.etc. She has started with the "You're not my mother" ritual, and my 5 yo and 3 yo have started it too. My 7 yo thinks that if the 17yo can tell me no and get away with it so can she.

    Although I know that I am none of those things, as an "alcoholic"(I hate that word), those things hit hard, sometimes the bad stuff is easier to believe. I am college educated and run my own business. My hosue is always clean, the laundry never piles up and I take pride in the fact that we sit down as a family to dinner every night. We only order take out once a month, so that's a lot of cooking for me.

    Changing diapers, making lunches, chaperoning field trips, doctors appointments, permission slips, breakfasts, snacks twice a week for kindergarten, house cleaning, parent teacher conferences, sets for the school plays, getting kids to basketball or soccer practice, cello lessons, JROTC competitions, that's all me. And it's NOT because my husband won't help, but with his schedule, and the timing of most things it is nearly impossible for him to do things like that.

    Anyway, for a long time my husband would tell me(not ask) not to make waves. Don't give my 17yo a hard time and things would be easier around the house. I didn't listen to him because I thought that she needed to be reigned in before she got herself in trouble. She likes to get on her soapbox when she gets in trouble and turn everything around to be my fault. I am the problem and her life would be so much easier if I weren't in it. We've told her that she can go back and live with her mom if she want's and she doesn't. She says that she doesn't skip school, that the teachers are wrong.(I confirm via email when she misses class). The teachers enter the wrong grades, or the math teacher doesn't like her and wants her to fail. We'll ask her to do something around the house, she tells us it isn't her job, she walks out and goes and stays with a friend. She burns her bridges there and comes home.

    I have the schedule for 7 of us mapped out everyday. It is important to know what has to be done ahead of time. She will wait until the last minute to ask for a ride to work(a job she did not ask before she got, and where she has blown every check on clothes-I no longer give her money). If I say yes then I have to bundle everyone else up in the car in a hurry, now that it's below zero outside that takes a while, and if I already have things that have to be done, someone is going to be late, or I have to miss something. If I say no, then and I quote I am a "selfish bitch".

    So yesterday while my husband was at work, she finally decides to come downstairs at noon as we are getting ready to leave to deliver cheesecakes. I have everyone bundled up(as it was -10) and the car loaded and running. Now we have all been up for hours, me since 3:30 and the kids since 7, and have cleaned the house, had breakfast AND lunch, and expected to be gone running errands(grocery store, deliveries to the old folks home, cleaning my mother's office, dry cleaning, meeting a school mom for coffee so the kids can play) for 2 or 3 hours. She asks for a ride to work. So I ask her why she couldn't have asked me the night before. She replies "I shouldn't have to ask, you should make sure I make it to work". That was it!!!!!

    Here's how the conversation went:

    Me: You got the job without consulting us first.
    Her: It's my right to have a job and if you're not going to buy me a car then you have to make sure that I get there.
    Me: If you went to class and passed all your classes you would have a car. Plus you were offered a car and you turned it down.
    Her: I don't want someone else's used car, and you wanted me to pay for my insurance. If I live here, you have to provide it.
    Me: No we don't. All we have to provide you with is a roof, food and clothes.
    Her: I deserve more. You never do anything for me.
    Me: Why don't you start doing what you are supposed to be doing like going to class and doing your homework?
    Her: Why don't you stop being a stupid alcoholic?
    Me: Yet you continue to ask me to take you to work, make you things for the bake sales, make stew for 50 people, drop everything so that you can go shopping.
    Her: You're supposed to do those things.
    Me: Not if they interfere with the lives of the other 7 people who live here. Everyones schedule is just as important as yours. If you were ever home you would know that.

    So that's the gist of it. So last night my hubby finally put his foot down. She has no responsibilities here, no chores, doesn't check in when she is supposed to, skips class, blows her paychecks, doesn't pay rent, or insurance. Dear hubby told her that this was not a bed and breakfast. She either helped out or we didn't do things for her.

    She refuses to accept responsiblity for anything. Her grades, her sty of a room, her schedule, the things she has broken, her skipping class. Yet she continues to call me and my children names and berate me. I have told her that the way she is living is not reality, and that she needs to start learning that now, or she will be in for a rude awakening. She says that I am just jealous because she has friends and a life and I don't. Which I guess is right, but not at the same time.

    Just a heads up, I have never told any of this to anyone. Only my husband truly knows what goes on here.

    So I am washing my hands.

    I will not take her to work or pick her up without 24 hours notice and not if I have to change one of the other kids schedules to do it.

    I will not make her stuff to take to school unless she has gone to all her classes for the week prior.

    I will not call in for her just because she is too tired to go to school because she was up all night on the phone.

    So any opinions?

    I know this was a lot but I feel so good right now!!!
    "The one true thing that I know about myself is that I will never stop learning things about myself!":nutso:

    AF SINCE 5/23/2007 - MINUS 3 DAYS!!!!

    Dysfunctional Family Dynamics-Step-Children

    Yes, yes, yes!!! You have my solid support, AK girl. Imagine, a teenager not wanting a used car!! Your other kids seem to be saying they NEED you to be an authority here, not let you, the most important person in their lives be dominated.
    It sounds like you really have your hands full, and I wish you well!


      Dysfunctional Family Dynamics-Step-Children

      Yes, absolutely yes. No question. You need to make it clear that with privliges (rides to work, whatever) comes responsibility, and this includes respect for others. I might tell her..."while it is commendable that you have a job, your first responisiblity is school, and until that gets better, I do not support your working. However, I will be willing to work with you getting there IF the following conditions are met (enough notice).

      ONE IMPORTANT THING THOUGH: You don't want to just make your relationship strict and unpleasant. If she is using her paycheck for shopping (and why not, she is 17 and did make the money), why don't you suggest the two of you go shopping together? She may say "no, I am going with..." but you may make it more appealing by suggesting you go with her and a friend and take them to lunch? You definately NEED to get her to understand respect, and not be so self-centered, but at the same time, you are trying to build bridges.

      Just my two cents. I have a 19 year old daughter, and now that she is in college and "TRULY" feels grown up (she is not, really, but is in school, working hard, and works 20 hours a week at a pre-school), she has soooo come around and is now not just my daughter but my friend. I know you have the additional issue of the step-daughter thing, mom comments which don't help, but I don't think she gives her mom much credence. It sounds like she knows you have raised her, and obviously on some level really does respect that, or she would be running to mommy's house right now.

      You have most of the control here, it seems, and I think you can turn this around. You are truly remarkable with all you have to do (I only had two to juggle).

      Best of luck!!

      formerly known as bak310


        Dysfunctional Family Dynamics-Step-Children

        No Lila, I'm Akgirl, she's Akmom...and one hell of a mom I might ad!!!!!

        Wow, very brave to share your story. Having a preteen myself, thank you for posting it. I think you are doing EXACTLY the right thing. It sounds like she has not had enough consequences and needs a big dose of reality. The things she said to you...omg, I know teens are hormonal and all of that, but she is crossing the line.

        I'm glad hubby is putting his foot down. I think he should be a big part of it. Although he works a lot of hours, he should be the one to set the rules.

        Wishing you lots of luck and sending you :l
        :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


          Dysfunctional Family Dynamics-Step-Children

          this is the 3rd response,deleted the other 2,children will manipulate as much as they can get away with,butt and thts a big,but,we are still the care givers,even into the later life,i no,i have 4 of my own,it wil never end,somtimes as u said YOUhav to put the law down and have a break,i do beleive tht is wht you need,and i stress YOU,,gyco


            Dysfunctional Family Dynamics-Step-Children

            sorry about the confusion - I was confused, because aren't you a single mom, AKgirl? I don't know if HE should set the rules, but yes, if you don't have his support, yikes!! Best of luck!


              Dysfunctional Family Dynamics-Step-Children

              Like I said she is a smart girl. We have tried supporting her no matter what. She continuously beats(verbally) me and her friends up for things when she does the same thing.

              Last March when she was failing a class for failing to turn homework in, we got a call from her History teacher. Her history teacher informed us that it was important to give her enough time to work on her homework. When my husband asked her what she meant, he got so angry that he handed the phone to me and walked out of the house. It seems that she had told her History teacher that we make her babysit every night, and that we have her doing all the chores. I gracefully informed the teacher, that in fact, she has NO chores, and that she chooses not to come home until dinner, even when she is told to be home right after school. I also told the teacher that we have discussed her many absenses with the principal and vice-principal and if the school wasn't going to address it then they had to take responsibility. They were the ones letting her leave school in the middle of the day.

              She has already missed 42 classes this school year(unexcused) and I just got the first notice on Friday.

              I already knew because I can track her school everyday.

              I agree that I should be supportive and help her, but most of my free time(yeah right!!!) is spent trying to explain to my kids why you can't skip school, and why I am their mother and they do have to listen to me, and that mommy isn't a selfish "b----"(yes she prefers to say all of these things in front of my children). So my 3 year old is running around the house saying "b----, b----". So supporting her is not exactly my top goal.

              When she starts telling the truth, and accepting responsibility for her actions then I will 100%. Last year, my 12 year old was doing a project for school and she asked my 17 yo what she should be doing in 10 years. The 17 year old replied "You'll have a cigarette in one hand and a drink in the other doing nothing" Now my 12 year old is a straight A student, basketball, cello, honor roll, all those things, and has even been accepted into the John's Hopkins summer program next year if I can come up with the money. So for my 17 yo to say that was just cruel.
              "The one true thing that I know about myself is that I will never stop learning things about myself!":nutso:

              AF SINCE 5/23/2007 - MINUS 3 DAYS!!!!


                Dysfunctional Family Dynamics-Step-Children


                You are dealing with a lot! Raising kids is a huge challenge. You are trying to improve your own life now and recover from a debilitating disorder. [BTW, You do not have to call yourself an alcoholic unless you want to.] I raised 2 boys mostly by myself. I have a little experience with a SD but only visitation, she never lived with us full time. So I can offer a ton of empathy to you. Maybe some help, but I do believe you have a lot of wisdom and are on the right track.

                Some things I noted:
                First, you and your husband need to get on the same page. The two of you should sit down without any of the children around and come up with a game plan, then he needs to speak with her. Then the three of you need to have a talk. You are her primary care taker right now, for good or bad, that is the reality. You need to have authority over her and everyone needs to be aware of this. It sounds like you know this, but her mother and father don't get it. They are right, you are not her mother and it is ok for you to tell her that you realize that and that you don't want to take the place of her mother. But you are her guardian. She is living in your house, and that being said, she must follow your rules. If she cannot do that and if your hubby can't agree to support you in that I believe that it cannot work for you and that she should go live with her mother. This is an especially difficult time for you. You are vulnerable and you are in recovery. You need support.

                Second, I think you already have a very good handle on what you want to see happen. You listed a number of rules. You need to stick to them. You have other children in the home that deserve your time and attention. You are operating a business. You are acting for the most part as a single parent with your husbands work schedule. God bless you girl!

                Third, that had to be really healing for you to get it off your chest. Now take your plan to hubby and convince him that it needs to be put into place or she needs to go to Pennsylvania with her "real" mom.

                Last, but absolutely not least, absolutely, under no circumstances do you put up with abusive behavior from her directed at you or any of the other children (physical or verbal). Glad to hear that your husband agrees with that one.

                I feel for you kiddo! In my experience I found that boys are harder when they're little and easier as teens. Girls on the other hand tend to be easier when they're little and are hormonal messes in their teens. I found that they all got to the age of about 19 or 20 and they became human again. How awesome was that! Then the little buggers want to move away! Life isn't fair!

                You hang in there. Feel free to pm or e-mail me if you want to do a more private discussion. Dealing with kid problems is really a frustrating, difficult, and heartbreaking situation.

                love ya,
                periwinkle :l
                Even baby mountain goats must learn to tackle the smallest mountains first. sigpic


                  Dysfunctional Family Dynamics-Step-Children

                  I wonder where she expects to live after graduating from high school? I am glad you are setting some limits. It sounds like a truly difficult situation. You really have my sympathy.


                    Dysfunctional Family Dynamics-Step-Children

                    I do have his support, but as I said, he works 12-16 hour days. When he is home, she is not. She is told to be home but isn't. We took away her cell phone, so she went out and bought one on a friends account(friend is 19), she doesn't have a car, and she no longer has a key to the house because she can't be trusted when we are not here. So we are trying to be a cohesive unit, but when we can't have conversations with all of the parties involved, it becomes difficult.
                    "The one true thing that I know about myself is that I will never stop learning things about myself!":nutso:

                    AF SINCE 5/23/2007 - MINUS 3 DAYS!!!!


                      Dysfunctional Family Dynamics-Step-Children

                      I am reading all of your responses, I have to run go fix my mothers filter on her water heater. I will be back in a little while.

                      AKgirl HUGS!! I will get with you soon.
                      "The one true thing that I know about myself is that I will never stop learning things about myself!":nutso:

                      AF SINCE 5/23/2007 - MINUS 3 DAYS!!!!


                        Dysfunctional Family Dynamics-Step-Children

                        Lila;452839 wrote: sorry about the confusion - I was confused, because aren't you a single mom, AKgirl? I don't know if HE should set the rules, but yes, if you don't have his support, yikes!! Best of luck!
                        Yup, single mom of one...boy. My hats off to Akmom, I think what she does is amazing. And I wish her all the best. I should have maybe elaborated a bit on "him setting rules" I just think if she has the "your not my mom" mentality then rules should come from Dad. Also, if she is acting out and verbally abusing mom, and the other children are being affected, dad should definately step in. I think thats what strong male role models do in a home.

                        Good advice Periwinkle

                        :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


                          Dysfunctional Family Dynamics-Step-Children

                          yes, I agree, AKgirl, and men can be a little scary, in a good way and kids respond to that. (hope I don't get into trouble for saying that) I am a single mom too, of 3!! And I am hoping I never have to deal with this stuff. My heart really goes out to you, AKmom! I don't know if she needs a good spanking or a therapist! And the life course she is setting is not good, bad grades, no college...hope she straightens out and fast.


                            Dysfunctional Family Dynamics-Step-Children

                            Akmom you are doing good. With the younger kids around, the older kids need to contribute to the family or get out of the way. In Jewish tradition, a child is an adult at age 14. In historic America the age of responsibility was similar. But it's not something you can tell her to do, or force her to do. Not sure how you get the message through, but it's worth a try. Nice to hear your spouse is sticking by you on this.


                              Dysfunctional Family Dynamics-Step-Children

                              I sent her a PM but thought I would put this here in case other are going through this as well. Not sure it will show up as a link. (it didn't)

                              Total Transformation James Lehman's Program

                              I got it when my boys "teen" first started showing. LOL It is very helpful information. The funny thing I found out after listening and reading the program. It is way more about how we parent them than the kids themselves. Not to say if we have bad kids, we're bad parents...there are just ways to parent them we might not have considered.

                              :l to all the parent of teens out there (Mine just turned 13...heaven help me)
                              :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.

