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Haven't been here in a while - 65 days AF

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    Haven't been here in a while - 65 days AF

    I haven't been around in a while and today I felt like checking in to see how everyone is doing and to share where I am.

    I joined here early this year and did 92 days AF. Then it was my 10th wedding anniversary and I thought I could mod. We had champagne and wine with dinner. And then wine the next day. And slowly I was back to the hidden bottles and rotating liquor stores daily.

    In August we had friends over to swim and drank mojitos . . . the pre-mix kind to which I added more rum. I hadn't been that drunk in a long time. It was not pretty. I was sick much of the next day, as was my husband. The nauseous feeling wouldn't go away after a few hours like it usually did. And I had a dull ache in my side. I figured I had finally done it - sent my liver over the edge. The nausea didn't go away for 3 days. The ache about the same.

    I kept thinking "I really am going to die. I am not going to see my child grow up. I am going to let her down and my husband."

    Amazingly, after 3 days, the craving came back, but this time I kept telling myself "I thought I was going to die. I thought it was the end and it will be if I keep it up." For a couple of weeks that was my mantra "I thought I was going to die."

    It is now 65 days later. I haven't had a drop even through birthdays and company and some of the busiest, most stressful time of my business' annual cycle. I haven't used campral or the supplements or any of that this time, though they certainly helped the first time.

    I don't plan to ever try to moderate again - I just can't. My husband can have a glass of wine here, a beer there and is just fine. I am ok with having it in the house now but try not to kiss him when he tastes like it - it just bothers me.

    Anyway - I wanted to come back and say hi and tell those who are struggling that sometimes it takes a try or two but if you keep trying, eventually something clicks and you can break free. I plan to keep plugging away one day at a time and adding to that total.

    Hugs to everyone in the battle.
    Member since January 2008
    AF since August 25, 2008

    Haven't been here in a while - 65 days AF

    That is such an inspiring post Tired. I have tried to mod many a time and I know I just cant. My last binge made me think I was going to die too. I havent drunk since.

    Thank you for sharing your journey and I wish you much continued success.
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


      Haven't been here in a while - 65 days AF

      Hi Tired,

      What a story, thanks so much for sharing it! :l

      I'm modding and am beginning to wonder if I should just try AF. I can't seem to decide.
      Your post has certainly given me some food for thought.

      Take care,
      "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


        Haven't been here in a while - 65 days AF

        Hi Tired Since I am a newby (been checking out the sight for about a year, but officially joined on the 10-10-08- we have never met. I am DLW. I am AF since 10-10 . I appreciate you sharing your story. The beast that lurks behind me will never go away- so I know I will never be able to moderate. Especially since I am a closet drinker. I see I am not the only one with the temptation of evil lurking behind me.
        My mom died from liver disease,- she was only 39 the beast isnt going to get me- I fight it every day of the week- but each day it is easier!
        Sobriety since October 2008 ( with a few bumps in the road ) - but I am still here, strong and fighting every day for my sobriety!
        And every day is a challenge - But I am WINNING so far!

        • Yesterday is History
          Today is a Mystery
          Tomorrow is a GIFT


          Haven't been here in a while - 65 days AF

          It does get easier doesn't it? The more the days rack up, the easier it is to not want to break that.

          The first time this year I went AF for any length of days, I had 90 days in mind and figured after that I'd be "cured" and could moderate. I've learned that there is no moderation in my brain . . . my brain and body crave more and more and the downward spiral begins.

          My father is an alcoholic, both grandfathers were and my mom went through a period in her 30s when she walked the line. She pulled herself back. I crossed for many years but hope I am on the right side of the line now and can stay this way.

          My next goal is to lose the weight all those years of drinking packed on and meet my goal of running a marathon before I turn 40 in a couple of years.

          One day at a time . . . and each day is brighter. I can even imagine our annual holiday party without alcohol. That's progress!
          Member since January 2008
          AF since August 25, 2008


            Haven't been here in a while - 65 days AF

            Welcome back! Great job on 65 days. Your post is a great inspiration!


              Haven't been here in a while - 65 days AF

              Well done! 65 days is amazing!


                Haven't been here in a while - 65 days AF

                Thank you so much for sharing your inspiring story. It comes at such a great time for all us newbies!!!!

                Thank you and all the best!!!!
                AF July 6 2014


                  Haven't been here in a while - 65 days AF

                  I was a newbie on here early in the year and took great comfort in knowing others have "made it". There are many senior members who are still here posting every day and I thank them for continuing to share their success with everyone. I am not here as much, but I do feel an enormous debt of gratitude to these boards and to the book and want to make sure those still in the day-to-day grips of the battle know we're all rooting for you. One day at a time is the motto here for a reason. My husband, even when I had failed again and was struggling, would use the old addage "dont' quit quitting." I didn't and it finally seems to have clicked, though I can't let up the fight or get complacent and I finally have accepted that there is no end in sight - no time when I will be able to drink "normally." Accepting that is huge.
                  Member since January 2008
                  AF since August 25, 2008

