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the cost of hangover hell...

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    the cost of hangover hell...

    Yes drinking has cost me, as my username implies, I am an internet marketer (some consider it spam :H) but, anyway I have probably lost somewhere in the range of $10k-$20k, this year alone. How? By drinking too much and falling asleep early-then waking up feeling crap and not being able to have the concentration needed to focus on my campaigns.

    So, I know exactly how you feel.


      the cost of hangover hell...

      Pixie, I had to hit the bottom (there is no place to go from there) to start my battle back to the top . I am 19 days on MWO sight- and 19 days AF. I am a closet drinker. I have relied heavily on this sight for inspiration and strength. Let us join you on your journey- we're here whenever you are ready.
      Sobriety since October 2008 ( with a few bumps in the road ) - but I am still here, strong and fighting every day for my sobriety!
      And every day is a challenge - But I am WINNING so far!

      • Yesterday is History
        Today is a Mystery
        Tomorrow is a GIFT


        the cost of hangover hell...

        Glad to hear you post so positive Pixie. It will just take some time. They say it takes 21 days to break a habit. Just hang in there you can do it. We all can!

        :beach: "You can't go uphill thinking downhill thoughts"
        AF since 10/11/2008


          the cost of hangover hell...

          Hey Pixie Been there and done that so many times - cancelled appointments, missed work and called in sick - but the night before was with the vino bottle and like you i looked forward to it - but the next day I would be sick, shaky, sweaty, headache, ashamed, guilty, remorseful and afraid of losing more of my life. Keep posting and asking and you will get sober. All the best to you.


            the cost of hangover hell...

            Hangovers glad they are a thing of the past... SO FAR that is.. Cravings are still there...


              the cost of hangover hell...

              Reenie;454813 wrote: Nope! Your not alone! I used to romance my bottle of wine each time my husband went away for the weekend to go fishing. Ugh.... There's nothing like hanging out alone in your home with a bottle of wine. There's no one to talk to but yourself. Your in your own little world. Everything seems wonderful. Until, the next day, you wake up feeling like crap, scrambling to let the dog out, checking to see if you blew out all the candles from the night before, checking your SENT box in your email, to see who you mailed, checking your CALLER ID to see who you phoned..... Then the guilt comes in. You can't believe you drank alone. You can't believe you wasted one of your precious days off from work or now have to struggle to get to work. Yup.... Been there.
              Substitute Husband for Daughter off at her dads, and substitute wine with beer and this is EXACTLY me. That "wonderful" little world I used to disappear into, just me and my 12 pack. Until it all happens just as Reenie described...right down to the burning candles that were lit all night long. Yup...been there....a thousand times.
              :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

              Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                the cost of hangover hell...

                Michaela;454350 wrote: Pixie, one thing for sure, you are not alone. I have been on this site for over a year and am JUST NOW GETTING IT. It has nearly cost me my marriage and my relationship with my 24 year old daughter. I have a blessed life, nothing tramatic happened to me, no worries or woes, just me and a relationship with WINE! How stupid could I be to let it keep happening over and over and over again. But, I think I have FINALLY learned my lesson and have waken up to the fact that I cannot drink ever again. Kind of makes me feel sad in a way, like mourning a loss. Not because I miss the alocohol, but becuase I am a grown adult and I CAN'T DO SOMETHING. Don't you wait your whole life as a kid to do what YOU WANT? Like eat ice cream for breakfast, or eat 4 candy bars or stay up all night JUST BECAUSE YOU CAN? Makes me feel I am weak for not being able to STOP at one drink. And how sad.... I have all these pretty wine glasses my Mother in law bought me and can't use! LOL!!! Silly I know.... but it's something I must live with.

                Best of luck to you. As the site says....MY WAY OUT. You have to find that one thing that works for you and keep with it. The people here are all in the same boat. We have been there done that not only one time but for me at least, HUNDREDS OF TIMES!!!

                Keep reading and posting. IT WILL GET BETTER and EASIER!

                You can still use those wine glasses. Just put water or another af drink in it instead of the wine. I once put chocolate milk in a wine glass.
                I quit drinking on March 8, 2020. Taking it One Day At A Time and no more taking my quit for granted.

                Also doing it for me. I got to stay sober for me.

                Just consecrate on today and do what you can to remain sober for today and worry about staying sober tomorrow, tomorrow.


                  the cost of hangover hell...

                  I understand about the wine glasses but I, like Drifty, put perrier, sparkling juice or other conconctions in it. I used many justifications for drinking including not wasting the wine glasses and not wasting the many bottles in the five foot by four foot wine rack that I am asking hubby to move to the basement TODAY.

                  No more excuses for me. I remember with such pride and happiness the two few week periods last summer that I stopped drinking. I felt confident, in control and did not miss it. One thing I do know is that as most people have discovered once we stop, moderation is for the iron-willed ones; not for me. Learning to accept that has been my greatest challenge.

                  Just starting out like you (for the millionth time) and having a sober Christmas this year. We are all in this together.

                  I do this for my children, my grandchildren, my health, my peace of mind, and mostly for the opportunity to learn to live with my true, unfiltered, clear-headed, vulnerable self.

                  "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
                  ? Lao-Tzu


                    the cost of hangover hell...

                    I'm with you as far as the wine glasses go. I have a china cabinet full of really beautiful glasses. I still use them to drink out of. I love my champagne glasses and drink diet ginger ale out of them. It is sort of like pretending to drink champagne, it looks the same. I don't know if this a good thing or not. I might be subconsciously glamorizing champagne drinking.

                    As far as the cost of hangovers.... When I had a part time job as a fitness instructor, I can't even count the number of times I had to make phone call after phone call to try to find a sub in the mornings because "I have migraine" or "my son got really sick" or "the furnace is broken and I have to stick around until the repairman comes". Lots of lost income.

                    That doesn't even count the amount of times I had to cancel plans with friends for lunch or an outing, etc because of the same reasons as outlined above. Cancelling plans caused me to feel real isolated and lonely, which of course made me want to drink. What an evil catch 22. Uggghh!


                      the cost of hangover hell...

                      I can't even count the times I turned down invitations in advance to things on a Saturday or Sunday morning, knowing in advance "I'll be hungover that day". That's embarrassing even to admit.
                      :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                      Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                        the cost of hangover hell...

                        K9 i can relate to that turning down invitations
                        I will stay at home and watch boring TV before I open up another bottle.....
                        Your one of my many great people I look up to on this board to become sober free....!

                        Thanks for all the support this board has given me!

