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the cost of hangover hell...

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    the cost of hangover hell...

    a hangover never fails to cost me something. yesterday it cost me an artwork commission because i could not get out of bloody bed. my daughter was at her grans house for the night and i just sat and danced with a never ending bottle.

    i am trying to get onto the whole MWO way of thinking and find my place amungst everyone here i know its up to me to spend time and get to know everyone.

    please tell me i am not alone in the life wasting experience

    love pixie
    I found myself on the roof of the world just waiting for to get my wings - The Waterboys

    the cost of hangover hell...

    Pixie, you are not alone. There are over 7,000 members here to support you. Read, learn, post, make a plan, and stay close. We are a good bunch :wings:
    LTG AF January 13, 2011


      the cost of hangover hell...

      Pixie, you are so NOT alone!!

      Hangover hell sucks big time.... hang in there!
      "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


        the cost of hangover hell...

        pixie welcome
        you're not alone i'm here, we are all here to support each other. sorry to hear about the commission. sometimes these things we go through serve as a wake up call. this does not have to be a life wasting experience but a life changing experience. God only knows why we have to go through this in our life time but we can only see it as a learning experience. we can't let AL control us anymore. this is my second time around, starting the program for the second time and i intent to follow it to the letter. have you read the book? consider the supplements they suggest; they've helped many people here that drunk for years and years so they work if we just make a decision to change our lives around. keep reading the posts and posting that also helps and it will help you know that you are not alone.
        :lilheart: "Love is large, love defies limits. People talk about the sanctity of is by definition sacred. Not some love between some people but all love between all people"
        ~Jennifer Beals~:huggy


          the cost of hangover hell...

          Oh pixie...You're not alone!!!! I a few times I found myself "excited" when my daughter was going to her dads. I could drink my wine w/no cares in the world....Not out with people, mind you, just alone in the house. I could do what I wanted, drink as much as I wanted, and no one knew any better.........except me. I found that comforting for some reason.

          We all are here for you. I have many regrets because of my drinking and my hangovers have cost me many things as well.

          I'm just at the beginning of this journey, and plan to stay. Please stay too....I'd be happy to chat anytime!
          "Be Kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."


            the cost of hangover hell...

            Pixie, one thing for sure, you are not alone. I have been on this site for over a year and am JUST NOW GETTING IT. It has nearly cost me my marriage and my relationship with my 24 year old daughter. I have a blessed life, nothing tramatic happened to me, no worries or woes, just me and a relationship with WINE! How stupid could I be to let it keep happening over and over and over again. But, I think I have FINALLY learned my lesson and have waken up to the fact that I cannot drink ever again. Kind of makes me feel sad in a way, like mourning a loss. Not because I miss the alocohol, but becuase I am a grown adult and I CAN'T DO SOMETHING. Don't you wait your whole life as a kid to do what YOU WANT? Like eat ice cream for breakfast, or eat 4 candy bars or stay up all night JUST BECAUSE YOU CAN? Makes me feel I am weak for not being able to STOP at one drink. And how sad.... I have all these pretty wine glasses my Mother in law bought me and can't use! LOL!!! Silly I know.... but it's something I must live with.

            Best of luck to you. As the site says....MY WAY OUT. You have to find that one thing that works for you and keep with it. The people here are all in the same boat. We have been there done that not only one time but for me at least, HUNDREDS OF TIMES!!!

            Keep reading and posting. IT WILL GET BETTER and EASIER!

            :beach: "You can't go uphill thinking downhill thoughts"
            AF since 10/11/2008


              the cost of hangover hell...

              I'm here for you, Pixie, any time. I lost out on a big business deal not long ago due to a hangover. I will never forget it. I'm still trying to get over the shame of it.

              Read the book, stay with us, we're with you. :l

              "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


                the cost of hangover hell...

                Pixie, you are certainly not alone here love. We have all been there with the hangovers and the excessive drinking. And yes its truly horrible. Why we keep doing it I dont know. But we do until somethng works for us and we learn to manage it. Here works for me very well when nothing else ever did. But like anything it takes time to find your feet and settle. You will get it, just stick around. There is support here in bucketloads. Dont feel bad any more.
                Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                  the cost of hangover hell...

                  spirit pixie;454320 wrote: ... i am trying to get onto the whole MWO way of thinking and find my place amungst everyone here i know its up to me to spend time and get to know everyone...
                  This post was a good start! Could you say more about what it would be like to be "onto the whole MWO way of thinking"?

                  I doubt there is a single person here who has NOT lost something major, and more than once, because of being drunk and/or hungover. I certainly have. I finally got sick and tired of it. One of these days (maybe today?) you will, too.

                  best wishes,



                    the cost of hangover hell...

                    Back again...

                    I'm in the same boat with you, Pixie. No great loss of anything this time, but it has happened before. Today I'm just trying to not drink away my hangover, cuz I can't afford to have one tomorrow since I have to get up at 4:30 for work... No freaking fun! I started taking Topa again yesterday and ordered supplements and listened to my CDs and came back here... It's been a year and I had been doing well for quite a while, even spent Christmas last year AF! But this syndrome is insidious, sneaks right up on ya...
                    I am just grateful MWO is here!
                    Keep reading & posting Pixie, you will be just fine soon...
                    "I fought against the bottle, but I had to do it drunk."
                    Leonard Cohen


                      the cost of hangover hell...

                      Pixie , have you been a silly billy? Dont you know by know that the bottle has two left feet , cant dance and promises more than it can deliver??
                      Ah you will sort this out soon Pixie , sounds to me that the worm is turning and once the worm turns theres no going back to the honeymoon period of drinking.


                        the cost of hangover hell...

                        thank you all so much - going to take this pixie butt to bed and will post tomorrow morning
                        I found myself on the roof of the world just waiting for to get my wings - The Waterboys


                          the cost of hangover hell...

                          Nope! Your not alone! I used to romance my bottle of wine each time my husband went away for the weekend to go fishing. Ugh.... There's nothing like hanging out alone in your home with a bottle of wine. There's no one to talk to but yourself. Your in your own little world. Everything seems wonderful. Until, the next day, you wake up feeling like crap, scrambling to let the dog out, checking to see if you blew out all the candles from the night before, checking your SENT box in your email, to see who you mailed, checking your CALLER ID to see who you phoned..... Then the guilt comes in. You can't believe you drank alone. You can't believe you wasted one of your precious days off from work or now have to struggle to get to work. Yup.... Been there.
                          September 23, 2011


                            the cost of hangover hell...

                            hello everyone - all the things you have said have really made me think positively about the whole situation, and as many of you say - sometimes we need a few wake up calls before we can really put action into place. the cost more financially - is health and mental anguish. it is such a dumb thing to do.

                            but the excitment of a night alone with free flowing wine, with no one watching how many times you fill that glass has always been so inviting.

                            feel less like a isolated case walking round the house putting together the jixsaw puzzle of calls made, emails written, notes to self....

                            have much to learn - i do have the book downloaded now so going to read that.
                            will pop onto the site later - have a busy morning and i am NOT hungover !!!!
                            love you all and thank you all again for your messages, they have given me a feeling of direction

                            love love love
                            I found myself on the roof of the world just waiting for to get my wings - The Waterboys


                              the cost of hangover hell...

                              Hey Pixie! That is great to hear! Have a brilliant day today!
                              Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                              Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009

