I think I've gone downhill quite a bit since the beginning of the year. Strange thing is, I don't get "drunk" (except for maybe the last half hour before bed - the one last drink to put me into sleep mode). Last year, I had drinks mostly in the evenings, maybe about a pint of rum from suppertime to bedtime ..... Now, I'm drinking about a quart (750 ml) of vodka or rum a day - all day .... It starts very early in the morning, then I'll go an hour, sometimes two, then have another ... etc., etc., and by the end of the day, that's how much I've consumed....... I hide it at home (and I bring it to work). At home, I "pretend" I'm just having one or two around dinner time and into the evening. I chew gum, eat orange slices, etc., to mask the smell.
I'm at the point where when I wake up in the mornings (I'm the first one up, before 6:00), I get my "stash" of mixed drink ready for the workday, in a plastic bottle, and get it hidden away before anyone else gets up. I always make sure I have enough ready for the next day, or I panic.
NOT GOOD. THIS IS NOT GOOD. I've gained a LOT of weight too. Also not good. I'm getting scared of "what's next" ... I mean, how much more can I drink in a day? What's the next step down??? .... It's a scary thought.
Anyway ....
I've done some thinking lately about "why" .... And I think a much of it has to do with lack of attention from DH (we've been married 22 years and have two great DDs, ages 15 and 19 ... He rarely talks about anything ... works during the day, watches a lot of TV in the evening ... isn't interested in doing anything with me, such as bowling or any other little hobbies ... there's no sex .... he's not a drinker ... I don't know how to make things better ... I asked him if he was happy, after telling him I'm lonely and sad and trying to start a deep conversation ... and he said he's "not unhappy" ... and didn't feel like "getting into it right now" ... *sigh*) ... Then add to that my lack of other things to do ... and to that lack of any real "friends" (outside of work acquaintences). Lack of money also contributes (though if I wasn't drinking, I'd have much more). ..... Lots of "lacking".
Funny thing is ... most people think I'm happy go lucky, always bubbly, smart, level-headed, etc. Little do they know the torment going on in this head.
I know this is my thing to fix .... but how? ... I've tried hobbies, a gym membership, walking, etc..... and I've tried asking DH to please be more attentive (I even mentioned counselling - he didn't want to do that).... but nothing has changed.
................ Anyway, I don't want to sound like I'm complaining. I KNOW I have to take control of my own life - which I'm trying to get a handle on.......... I guess I'm looking for some ideas, maybe? ... Or anyone who is or has been in a similar situation and has turned to AL and then found their way out, or is trying to. What are you doing? How did you get happy?
Maybe I'm just weak, or lazy. It truly feels like there's some evil thing .. "making" me continue on this path ... and I so desperatly want OFF!
Thanks for listening to my loooonnnnnng post.