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Desperately Need to Quit

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    Desperately Need to Quit

    I don't know how I got back to this place. Well I do, I keep drinking. I feel so miserable. When I am not drinking I feel so great, but then I go and make myself miserable again. It is this horrible cycle that I just can't break. Why would I want to make myself feel like crap? Why am I not worth feeling good?
    Goal 1: Today
    Goal 2: Tomorrow

    Desperately Need to Quit

    Oh, lukalee, I am sorry you keep going through this... sounds as if it is "back to the drawing board" time. What are the steps you have NOT been taking, that you could be taking? Getting the alcohol out of the house? Antabuse? AA? Getting back to the basics might be the way to go, as in: throw the whole kitchen sink at the problem, including the entire MWO program: supplements, exercise, hypnotherapy...

    What are your thoughts?



      Desperately Need to Quit

      Thanks. It is my hangover talking. I guess I am just very disapointed in myself right now. I really don't know what it's going to take, but it certainly is time to figure this out. No backing down; no giving up.
      Goal 1: Today
      Goal 2: Tomorrow


        Desperately Need to Quit

        Hey there lukalee

        Yes, hangover thinking stinks doesnt it? So glad you do feel great when you're sober, some people dont...

        You say you "..don't know what it's going to take.." & then "No backing down; no giving up." That's the spirit! You sound resolute & determined. Maybe it's just persevering & giving it another go that will bring you success in breaking the cycle.

        Be gentle on yourself now though, food, fluids & rest. Easy does it. Then do it!
        Good Luck


          Desperately Need to Quit

          Hi Luk: I'm with you as always. Like I said, I swear we are twins . Gotta stop this insanity. Maybe we can figure this out together.:l:l
          :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


            Desperately Need to Quit

            We will Dexter, we will.Sometimes I can't help but to believe that I sabotage my own happiness. I am so broken, I don't know how to live without chaos. I can't say that anything horrible is going on in my life; I have a job, a home, a car, kids; so hey, let's make something wrong in my life by drinking myself to stupidity. WTF? I wish that I could simply BE. Nothing good, nothing bad, just being. I think that is where my problem lies. Life either needs to be fantastic or horrible. Well, it hasn't been fantastic in a really long time, so gotta do something to make it suck. Make sense?
            Goal 1: Today
            Goal 2: Tomorrow


              Desperately Need to Quit

              I feel the same way!!!!!!!!! WE CAN BEAT THIS DEMON!!!!! Lets stop this insanity and do it!!!! I AM WITH YA! I have so much in my life too...and its like we are 2 ppl in we need to get rid of the bad one!
              Good luck


                Desperately Need to Quit

                Bunky, that is so true when you say two people in one. I am so calm and level headed when I don't drink, but the drinking me turns into a crazed lunatic with no sense and a big mouth. I am so ready to dump this evil twin of mine who creeps up and stabs me in the back every single time.
                Goal 1: Today
                Goal 2: Tomorrow


                  Desperately Need to Quit

                  Hi Bunky: I find that drinking relaxes me at first. The chaos of the week disappears at the first sip of my drink. Yet, I don't stop at one. The following day I'm riddled with guilt, not to mention having to deal with a hangover and feeling physically lousy. It really is a vicious cycle. You have to try to be good to yourself. Take one day at a time. As days go on, you feel better and better. Nothing tastes as good as sober feels.
                  September 23, 2011

