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    Hi All
    I have brought it up in the past that I found this tool very helpful when I was first trying to stop drinking.It was "putting it out there publicly" for all to see which was a big motivator .It was also very rewarding to make my entry at the end of a successful day.
    I have been watching the drink tracker since May and counting the number of people using it and their success rate.I don't look at the mods because I am AF and that is what I am interested in.In looking at the AF we can have anywhere from 20 to 50 people on it any given month. The thing that I want to point out is that each month there are usually only 3 to 5 people that have made the full month AF.
    This is not meant to knock anyone that is working on 30 days AF and not making it.This is to point out that it is hard very, very hard and it really requires your full effort and commitment.We all start out with the best intentions but in the course of a month something will come up and it will be our excuse. With a new month starting why not be one of those that makes the month AF?

    Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
    AF 5-16-08
    Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
    AF 5-16-08


    I agree and used it so much at the first of my sobriety...i am almost 9 months AF now and I have not used it in a while ...but do agree that it is a great tool...keep it up! buckle



      During my 60 days AF I used to get such a buzz filling in all my 00000's. It is a great tool to use and to keep motivated. The thought of sticking anything other than a beautiful 0 in my tracker always stopped me in my tracks.

      I am still using it whilst modding, it is very easy to forget how successfull or un-successful my month has been but by using the DT it keeps me on the level. Makes me really think hard about my consumption the night before.
      "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"



        I use it now to keep track of my moderate drinking - without it , AL can trick you into very short memory!

        I used it when I went AF for 2.5 months. My optimistic brain believes that some people just get tired of entering 0's - what's the point? Also, DrinkTracker technology doesn't always work, which can be discouraging and frustrating. So maybe there is more success than gets recorded.
        My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.



          There is quite a lot of scientific evidence that devices like Drinktracker are VERY helpful for people who are working on behavior change. The simple act of recording behaviors provides a very large motivational boost, among other things, to help people reach their goals.

          I wanted to use Drinktracker when I first got here at MWO... however, it would never let me log in! Several other people said they had to make numerous attempts to log in before it would let them do so. I wonder if others have tried to use it but cannot (Sunbeam says it doesn't always work right). Is CodeMonkey out there? Maybe someone should see what's wrong with it????


