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Scared of the weekends

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    Scared of the weekends

    I tried so hard during the week with much success, but when the weekends come...I drink! I blew it so bad last weekend after promising myself I wouldnt drink.
    I dont want to go through another drunken weekend...I am so scared.
    I think its because I spend all Saturday doing chores and maybe get pissed and feel I deserve a few..which I have learned that isnt an option for me because 2 turn into 12! I hate this so much!!!!!!!!!!!! Just wanted to vent.

    Scared of the weekends

    Just keep working on it. Keep doing your AF days, and keep promising you can do better on Saturday. Slipping and getting up a few times is part of the process for a lot of us.


      Scared of the weekends

      Oh Bunky, I so understand. I can always find an excuse to drink. Oh look, it's Halloween; oh look, it's my sister's birthday; oh look, it's Thanksgiving; oh look, it's football Sunday. Next thing you know; hell, it's Monday; hell, it's Tuesday; hell it's Wednesday...etc.
      Goal 1: Today
      Goal 2: Tomorrow


        Scared of the weekends

        That is so true!!!!!!!!!!!!!


          Scared of the weekends

          Hi Bunky:

          I can relate to wanting to drink whenever I clean my house. Most every time I "slipped" is when I'm home alone and am cleaning away. When I slipped last weekend (at my sister in-laws house), I came home and decided to clean. I fell down the stairs (a couple of steps) with a heavy vaccuum in my hand. I banged my arm pretty bad on the railing.

          Weekends are also big triggers for me. Drinking and hanging out at home "alone" is one of the things I did (and still do...when I slip). Keep yourself busy this weekend. Surround yourself with family and friends and try to do something for you. Go to the gym, shopping, to the library, etc.... Anything to keep yourself from drinking. You will feel so good mentally and physically come Monday morning when the rat race begins again.
          September 23, 2011


            Scared of the weekends

            Oh Bunky, I can so relate to what you are saying. I've managed more AF time in October than the previous couple of months ...... but come Friday evening and I start drinking. Then I start Mondays with new resolutions about making it the whole weeke next time ..... until Friday.

            Tomorrow I'm going to try a new game and start my stopping on a Saturday - and this time I really want to get to 30 days (if not the rest of my life!)
            Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

            Harriet Beecher Stowe


              Scared of the weekends


              If cleaning the house on Saturday triggers you, then don't clean this weekend. Do something else. Change the routine.

              I have found great success by doing that myself. Changing my routine.

              Do something new and different so that you don't have ties to the old routine of cleaning and drinking.

              A movie, bowling, putt putt, whatever.

              Remember, the weekend days are just another day.

              Hang in there, Bunky. You can do it. You really can.

              Come on line and chat or whatever you need to do to keep from drinking.

              I have found that if I don't have it in the house, I am so much better off. If it is here, I will drink it. Period.

              AF April 9, 2016


                Scared of the weekends

                Bunky, part of recovery shouldn't be taking away joy, just exchanging it for "real" joy. Alcohol is a thief. a false joy.

                after your Sat cleaning, reward yourself with a nice movie, or trip to the lake, bookstore, hobby shop or whatever. We must learn to develop healthy coping skills. it's critical!

                hang tight!
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)


                  Scared of the weekends

                  Buy a newspaper today and find the weekend entertainment section? look for everything that is available to do this weekend, pick a few things and go.
                  The house can wait.


                    Scared of the weekends

                    Scared of weekends

                    :new:Gosh this is my first time ever on this website and I can relate to how you are feeling and also think all the advice you have received is amazin. However please update me as the weekend goes on, I am starting on monday and I need to walk this weekend through with you to experience how it feels for someone else before I am brave enough to try next weekend. Please keep me posted x I am hours behind you timewise but will login as often as possible. KW
                    Keeps x:happyheart:


                      Scared of the weekends

                      Hi Bunky,

                      Make a plan for what you are going to do this weekend...don't let it just creep up on you and then have idle time to get into the Al.

                      You can do it...
                      AF Since April 20, 2008
                      4 Years!!!

