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November A@@ kickers - day 1!!

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    November A@@ kickers - day 1!!

    hi all , im doing grand but not expecting any craving trouble till saterday!
    Lost in texas , its shit but you know youve got to do it...focus on the!


      November A@@ kickers - day 1!!

      WIP - thanks for that ..... I'd forgotten that it was called "urge surfing":teeter: and I really like the concept!! I had a nice mental image of boogy boarding over my brain waves to check out what they are doing and thinking!!

      Lost - really feeling for you. This is how I feel sometimes when I dont know what end I want to be at :teeter: You're a smart woman and you know what to do ...... wish I could say something that would make it easier, but actually in the end it is down to you!! But you know we are all right behind you urgirl:

      I've often wished I had a magic wand that make all of this go away ........

      Taking lots of 5-HTP and l-glut myself today ..... cravings aren't too bad (there, but manageable) but it's a preventative!! I'm going to be at a pub tonight waiting on US election results (think the whole planet will be doing that!!). In the group I'll be with there are a few other non-drinkers, and lots of AF drinks available at the place we are going to. And I'll go home if it turns out that I'm finding it too hard.

      hope everyone is doing good! At Day 5, day 7 is now looking much more achievable, and from there it is only 3 more to day 10, and the I only have to do it three more times and I'm at 30!!!

      And I've booked myself a massage for Sunday, using the money that I've saved from not spending it on wine this week!
      Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

      Harriet Beecher Stowe


        November A@@ kickers - day 1!!

        Hey Aunty M and BH - I just stopped and picked up some 5-HTP. I really need help with this insomnia and the guy at the store seemed to think this would help, more than the melatonin (which doesn't help me anymore - only helped the first couple of times). So they are 50mg caplets. How much do you take in a day??? Does it take a while to build up in ones system?? If you take them during the day, you don't get sleepy do you? Or are they just calming? A precursor to tryptophan?? (Apparently, you can't buy tryptophan itself here in Canada!!
        Any help would be great - I think I might take one right now!!!
        xo Peanut


          November A@@ kickers - day 1!!

          Hi Peanut
          The ones I bought had 5-HTP 50 mg which says take 1-3 daily as required. I am sure they helped as I made it through okay and they certainly didnt make me sleepy at all just made me calmer. Mind you I could be talking thru a hole in my head as per usual. let us know if they help.


            November A@@ kickers - day 1!!

            I'll let you know. I took one before dinner (50mg) and am fine. I have been reading about it on the internet, and there certainly are alot of possible side-effects and no real dosage levels - depends on what you want it for I suppose. I might start with 50mg 2x/day, and see if that does anything! Do you get wild dreams on it?? I read that on one site - I already have vivid enough dreams! Aiy!!
            On to day 4!


              November A@@ kickers - day 1!!

              Peanut;460492 wrote: How much do you take in a day??? Does it take a while to build up in ones system?? If you take them during the day, you don't get sleepy do you? Or are they just calming? A precursor to tryptophan?? (Apparently, you can't buy tryptophan itself here in Canada!!
              Peanut, - I only take them during the day as I have them at work. Think they are 50mg tabs and I usually take two with my mid-morning coffee. But you may just have solved something for me as I've been feeling sleepy from lunchtime to mid-afternoon!! Maybe that is why!!

              Cant get tryptophan here either - but the TP in 5HTP is tryptophan.

              haven't been posting here today as have been glued to the US election results! WOW!!! I was with some American friends who said that they can now stop telling everyone in NZ that they are Canadians!!

              Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

              Harriet Beecher Stowe


                November A@@ kickers - day 1!!

                Yes Aunty M - Wow!! Finally, that evil GWB is outta there!!! But can't help but fear the actions of some red-necked bigot! I think Obama will be requiring some protection!! But that's just my opinion (well, maybe not just mine!)

                So 5HTP - I took one when I got home from work. Felt fine, but very tired later in the evening and didn't want to take too much at first. Maybe it does have a fairly quick, calming sleepy effect. Still, I suppose it has to build up in one's system to work? It is almost 7:30am here and I have been awake since about 3:30, after falling into a fitfull, dream-filled, non-rest at about 12:30am. Hmmm.... can one actually survive and work well on such little sleep??? It is totally pointless to stay in bed, as I will probably fall asleep 5 minutes before my alarm goes off at 7:45. Ugh!!! This is soooooo frustrating!!! I keep wanting to ask my doctor for a sleep aid, but I tried that before and she doesn't want to. Rightfully so I suppose, but still. What's a gal to do?!?!?

                So here's to another tired, sleepy, AF day. Mole-removal day, Maybe I'll just come home after the procedure and sleep for a bit!!

                Have a great day peeps!
                xoxo peanut


                  November A@@ kickers - day 1!!

                  Did I miss a day? It is nov 5 here today SO day 5 (WTF!!) for me, and where is everyone today?? I do have the topa from river pharmacy and am listening to the cd's. I had a couple of bad days at work but today so far is okay...however the boss has yet to arrive with his constant put downs and bad attitude. Craving is okay today How is everyone else today?


                    November A@@ kickers - day 1!!

                    7am here and I can sympathise with your non-restful sleep feelings Peanut. I'm taking some stuff fromt he Dr which is supposed to make me sleep as well as reducing cravings - it worked for the first couple fo weeks, but doesn't seem to be any more and I wake usually 3-4 times a night and without good sleep at all. She suggested last week that I up the dose, but I think it leaves my head feeling very heavy. Mostly I feel pretty hung-over which seems to be to be extraordinarily unfair!!

                    I know that sleep issues are a big deal for a lot of people here, and I'm just going to ride this one through however much I feel like shit. Just keep reminding myself that if I was still drinking I would feel like shit too, so whats the difference?!!:H:H

                    Pity about your Dr Peanut - my Dr was away for a time last year and at one point I was trying to give up drinking and asked for a sleep aid but the locum she had refused to give me one because of potential interaction effects with alcohol. Which meant that I went back to drinking because not sleeping was driving me really crazy ......

                    Lost - glad the cravings are a bit better today and good on you for having got through the last couple of days!!:goodjob:

                    And hello Christy, Limers, WIP and BH!!! And everyone else!

                    I'm going to have a somewhat self-indulgent day today .... just about to go for a long walk, will go into work late and leave early, and come home with some work reading. My deck gets late afternoon sun so will sit in the sun and soak in some Vit D.

                    Was thinking I might start a new thread for week 2 on Saturday (7 days from the start of Nov) - what do you reckon??

                    Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                    Harriet Beecher Stowe


                      November A@@ kickers - day 1!!

                      Hi everyone....

                      Getting ready to head out to work, 2-9:30...but feeling like, well, don't feel like working. I'm sure I will be fine once I get there......there will be plenty for me to do, getting set up for Christmas and all.....

                      Lost--glad you are having a better day far anyway....nevermind abou the boss, can't let him bring you down.....I didn't know you were taking topa, how's it going? Would you be able to PM me with your experiences? I am expecting mine this week, and still nervous about taking it.

                      Hope everyone is doing well.....I will check in after work....mame, good idea to start new thread for week 2!
                      AF July 6 2014


                        November A@@ kickers - day 1!!

                        Day five and still alive!
                        Hi all, I haven't been posting lately because quite frankly, I've felt like crap. Between the Topa side effects and the withdrawls, I feel like I have the flu. The only good note is that the Topa makes me sleepy, so I take it before bed and don't have much trouble falling asleep.
                        I'd like to get some of the other supps you guys have mentioned, but between my Dr. visit and meds last week, I can't afford anything right now. Anyone have any advice on which one helps the best with cravings if I can only afford to buy one? The Topa only helps a little for me as far as cravings go. I still REALLY want to drink at night. If I can make it to 9pm, then I'm okay. For some reason, my cravings are incredibly strong from 5-9 and non-existant the rest of the time.

                        On an inspirational note though, Barack Obama's acceptance speech last night brought me to tears. If any of you haven't heard it, you need to find it on the internet. It really made me sit up and take note of my life and realize all the things I can accomplish. So this is what I have to say to all of you:

                        Can we overcome our cravings? YES WE CAN
                        Can we make it through one more day? YES WE CAN
                        Can we accept that alcoholism is a disease and needs to treated as such? YES WE CAN
                        Can we get back up on the horse if we fall down? YES WE CAN
                        Can we beat this addiction and finally live our lives the way we were supposed to? YES WE CAN!


                          November A@@ kickers - day 1!!

                          Morning all
                          Its day 6 here in NZ- had no problems last night with cravings! I think the sero tonic is working well as I havent been at all agitated but I did have weird dreams - must be the 5-HTP that is in it that is causing that.
                          Lost we are a day ahead of you so dont panic you havent missed a day (shame?). And great that you have made it through to day 5. You say you have the topa - but you didnt say whether you were taking it or not? Hope you day at work goes okay - it is terrible when the boss is a gobshite isnt it - I am sure we have all been there but generally what goes around comes around. His day will come!
                          Yes helpahol we may be far away from the US but we did get both speeches on TV and they were both really good. You have to admire McCain for his gracious concede. Really did bring a tear to the eye and hope for the future. We have an election here this week too and we may also have a change of government - will be interesting to see. I would say if I had to choose the L-glut is yer main man.
                          Hope you all have a good day.


                            November A@@ kickers - day 1!!

                            Good going, Helpahol, and VERY nice post!

                            Be sure to remember that this forum is not only here for posting happy feelings and great results! It's important to come here and ask for help when/if you are feeling shaky, too!

                            best wishes,



                              November A@@ kickers - day 1!!

                              helpahol - that was a great post!! Thanks!

                              feels like today has been a long day, and its 11pm and I'm just about to crawl into bed. I've spent tonight working on an urgent proposal which had a 24 hour turnaround ....... I am so happy with how it has turned out and what makes me the most happy is that my brain is clear!!! It all feels like a bit of a miracle really!

                              And the other miracle is that if I can get through the next 24 hours it will be day 7 - which I have had a hard time getting to over the last couple of months!
                              Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                              Harriet Beecher Stowe


                                November A@@ kickers - day 1!!

                                hi ass kickers...just signing in to let everyone know im doing grand , not drinking , not day counting either as i feel its counter productive for me...having said that it wouldnt take me too long to roll back to my last drink, were talking single didgits here...LOL! Still as full of it as ever! But im feeling good and doing fine...hope all yuo lot are too!

