I am so glad you took the plunge and agreed to do the show and interview.
That is the only way I know to deal with fear. Face it head on.
I can't remember where I saw it, maybe a signature here, or somewhere else but they quoted someone, and I paraphrase here:
Facing your fears gets your to the other side to the life you should be living.
Someone help with the real quote and the quotee?
I have to do it every time I go to a new client. It is scary and like both of you I always have tha niggling self-doubt and self-degradation. "I might fail, I am not good enough."
It is one of the things I love about my job. It forces me to face those fears and overcome them on a regular basis AND it keeps me doing something different every time I get on a new account. My life is absolutely not boring!! :H:H
I am proud of you MyHeart. :l:l
Greenie, you can do it, too. I sent you a pm that said this but remember, You have your BGP on!! :l:l