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Finally found it.

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    Finally found it.

    Found my very own way out all of 14 mnths. ago, thanks to MWO and its members.

    It has taken all of these past 14 mnths., but now I`ve finally found my way forward. This is a traumatic, yet hugely exciting time in my in for a rough couple of months with all that`s going on, but sometimes we have to suffer a little to appreciate just how sweet life can be. This is the turning point in my life.......I`ve been forced to face reality and now I have found the guts to embrace that reality.......hard as the next couple of months are bound to be........this time and circumstance shall be the making of me.

    Admittedly, I`ve felt as though I`ve been teetering on the edge of a nervous breakdown these past few weeks........was intent on finding the easy way forward, only.........sometimes there is no easy way. Am now able to embrace the magnitude of effort that has to be invested in a way forward.

    I have faith in myself now. Life has dealt me many blows........ALL as a direct result of my own bad choices. I alone am to blame for my own mess, and I alone now take back control and ackowledge that I can fix this mess and never again make bad choices.

    I am a strong woman and my life is about to change forever. I always felt rather disappointed in becoming sober.........I was JUST itself, sobriety doesn`t make for happiness.

    This is my "letting go". I am moving forward towards my happiness now........the kind of complete happiness that we all have to find for ourselves.

    My rock-bottom has only just surfaced, all of 14 mnths. into sobriety. I am a strong and capable woman. I have every faith in myself that the only way is up for me now. Am forward bound.

    Star x
    Formerly known as Starlight Impress.

    Finally found it.

    Good for you Star! My mantra is "whatever it takes," and it sounds as if that's where you are right now, too. "Letting go," and acceptance of what cannot be changed, are definitely the doorways to a new life.

    best wishes,



      Finally found it.

      Congratulations, Star. You sound so determined that I have no doubt that the only way is up for you. My best to you as you start on your road towards your happiness.


        Finally found it.

        You are an amazing woman, and an inspiration to us all! 14 months is fantastic and I am glad you are doing better.

        You sound determined to be happy.....good for you!!!
        AF July 6 2014


          Finally found it.


          Yes. You are an incredibly strong woman. You can do what you must do. No matter what that is.

          We love you. You must know and accept that, too. We are here for you on the support plane.

          However, you are there in reality and must do what you must do.

          You can do it. You will do it. You will prevail.

          AF April 9, 2016


            Finally found it.

            Star, Don't look back, you are doing great
            Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
            - George Jackson


              Finally found it.

              I'm glad to see you in a better place now.
              It's great you can see your way forward
              with courage and clarity you sound like
              you really are moving on with life in such
              a positive way. I'm really happy for you.


                Finally found it.

                Star, I am happy to see you have found a sense of peace with yourself. That is something that seems to have been alluding you of late. You ARE strong as you've said and you WILL get through the difficult times as you know. I am glad to see their is some light at the end of your tunnel.
                Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                  Finally found it.

                  I've been telling you for 14 freakin' months that you're a strong, wonderful woman!!!!.....



                    Finally found it.

                    Star, wherever you are in your journey I wish you only the best. You sound grounded, steady & focused. Enjoy your bound forwards!


                      Finally found it.

                      Star, that is so inspiring! How wonderful for you!
                      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                        Finally found it.

                        Star, when I first Joined MYO 23 days ago, I met you and Chief in the chat room. You both are my inspiration, you told me to stop looking back and look forward- when I was feeling my lowest- ----- well 23 days later I am still AF - and I want to thank you. If I met you in person I would wrap my arms around you with a big hug! You are a person of strength and determination!
                        Sobriety since October 2008 ( with a few bumps in the road ) - but I am still here, strong and fighting every day for my sobriety!
                        And every day is a challenge - But I am WINNING so far!

                        • Yesterday is History
                          Today is a Mystery
                          Tomorrow is a GIFT


                          Finally found it.

                          Chief is correct -- Star is indeed a strong, wonderful woman. Star may not recall, but she and I started on our AF journey at the same time. She has now been AF for 14 wonderful months. As for me, I'm still struggling and would be happy for a week. But I'll not give up as I know this is the right thing to do. For all the MWO'ers starting out, and those still struggling -- Star and Chief have shown us it can be done, so let us never give up.


                            Finally found it.


                            You know I love you and I believe you can do anything you set your mind to. I'm looking forward to watching you succeed. :l


                              Finally found it.

                              Star, I love the strength and hope in your post. It is something that anyone who is still struggling can use to see that there is hope no matter what point they are at in their life.
                              Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."

