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Starting Over

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    Starting Over

    Greetings to All,

    I have had a long, complicated and dysfunctional relationship with alcohol. Alcohol never caused me problems at work, or in relationships. But I believe that my brain is wired differently than most people. The pleasure that I derive from alcohol is far greater than what most people experience. It is the mega-high that I get that makes alcohol so difficult to give up.

    I am not the type of person who wants to stop at one drink. Once I get going, it is at least three.

    I have quit drinking many times, once for over a year. But I always come back to it. Overall, I have reduced my drinking, alternating drinking for a few weeks with a few weeks of abstinence.

    So, I have decided to give abstinence another try.

    I am going to go to the Smart Recovery web site. They have an excellent toolbox, with great homework assignments.

    My goal is to post here on a daily basis.

    So, that is my story in a nutshell.

    Wish me luck!!!


    Starting Over

    I am wishing you luck. You are not alone and you will find a great group of very supportive pople here. Stick around, read and post. It really does help!


      Starting Over

      Hello and Welcome KT
      Sound like you know what to do. I may check out that website myself. Thank you. I can use all the help I can get. Look forward to seeing you around. Best wishes.
      "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


        Starting Over

        Hi, KT! Welcome. I think that the way your brain is wired is similar to the way my brain is wired! I think it's pretty common, actually, among people who have serious alcohol problems. The dopamine receptors are probably just a bit "off," so alcohol is WAY too pleasurable for us...

        Smart Recovery is great, and so is MWO, for helping to get over a serious alcohol problem! Good for you, for looking into and using both programs!

        Let us know how you are doing, OK? There are several daily threads where people regularly post; AF Army is one of them, and there is a daily thread in the Abstinence section. It helps a lot to get and give regular encouragement and support.

        best wishes,


