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AF Army 3rd November 2008

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    AF Army 3rd November 2008

    Good morning everyone,

    Cold and dark right now but I have woken up feeling really positive today. I have been inspired to get my exercise routine going again. This is scary because I dont have a lot of time what with being here, work and eating. LOL But still, i need to do something so on Wednesday I am going to get myself a new pair of running shoes and start running again. Baby steps as I am quite old and have knackered knees but if I just take it very steady I think it will help me to feel better.
    Anyway, thats my plan....for now. Oh yes and starting today I am going to eat better too. My family say I am too thin, I quite like it but I know I look a bit gaunt sometimes. So, I am going to make some positve changes starting today.
    It wont be easy because with mum not well I know the first thing that goes is looking after myself but I have to try and I am going to. I think it might even help me cope with her illness a bit better. Heres hoping anyway.

    So I hope everyone else is feeling good today.
    KP, good to see you back mate. Limey, you have a job to do (entertainment officer) so no slacking OK?? :H

    See ya later, have a good one.
    Love Startingover xxx
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009

    AF Army 3rd November 2008

    Good morning all-

    Well it's a lovely day here in Spain after a really horrible few days of unbelievable wind and rain.

    I am feeling very negative- I ran over and killed a cat yesterday. I was only doing 5 miles an hour- I had just turned in a cul-de-sac full of cars so it was almost impossible to move at all, but it ran out of nowhere in the pouring rain, directly under the wheel.

    The only good thing is it died instantly- I was unable to locate an owner so I think the poor thing was a stray.

    I have to bury it now.

    What has really struck me about this is my self talk- I have woken throughout the night and each time my self talk has basically been that I am a worthless piece of shit. It has made me aware of how I talk to myself like this just about all the time, and how experiences when I was very young probably made me feel this way.

    Maybe drinking is a manifestation of feeling we are worthless as in 'poisoning ourselves?'
    I wonder how many people with high self esteem are alcoholics?

    It has certainly got me thinking.

    Oh well, better drag my sorry arse of out- have a horrible busy day today aswell.

    Sorry to be on such a downer- I usually like Mondays too!


      AF Army 3rd November 2008

      Hi all , sorry to hear your feeling down Marbs, it was an accident about the cat , dont be beating yourself up about it. Hows the shop going?
      Starting 45 is not excuses , take your cod liver oil like your mama told you and get those knees out excercising...I thought you walked alot anyway , what sort of excercising are you talking about anyway?? you mean to say no more chippers???


        AF Army 3rd November 2008

        Good morning all from toothache central.
        I am fortunate that i seem to sleep through the night with no pain. I wake up, get out of bed and bang! There it is. Not a bad bad pain, just a constant dull throb! Anyone know if i get dental work for free while on the sick?
        Sorry to hear about the cat Marbs.
        I need to start getting fit too. Think i may take up running again. Got a nice big park not 2 mins from the house with huge fields, so i should take advantage of them.
        Hope everyone has a positive day.
        To Infinity And Beyond!!


          AF Army 3rd November 2008

          do you not have free medical while your on the sick Cy, yout tooth not going to get better itself, at least you slept tho.


            AF Army 3rd November 2008

            one2many;458983 wrote: No more chippers????Perish the thought Limerooney!
            Yeah but just think of the money you'll save too!!.

            I'm out for the day buying presents for birthdays so I gotta rush to catch a train over to Liverpool. Catch you all later

            Love Hips
            "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
            Clean and sober 25th January 2009


              AF Army 3rd November 2008

              cymru;458984 wrote: Good morning all from toothache central.
              I am fortunate that i seem to sleep through the night with no pain. I wake up, get out of bed and bang! There it is. Not a bad bad pain, just a constant dull throb! Anyone know if i get dental work for free while on the sick?
              Sorry to hear about the cat Marbs.
              I need to start getting fit too. Think i may take up running again. Got a nice big park not 2 mins from the house with huge fields, so i should take advantage of them.
              Hope everyone has a positive day.
              Hey Cym!

              Great to see you back mate. Just a quick one as I'm off out but I'll catch up later with ya!

              I'm on the sick and you get free dental work up to a certain amount if it's not considered cosmetic i.e. gold crowns, teeth bleaching etc etc. But anything like fillings or extractions or root canal surgery (which I had done and was bloody painful!) is fine. They'll ask to you fill in a form and sign it at your dentists and that's all.

              Later dude and good to see ya back

              Love and Happiness
              "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
              Clean and sober 25th January 2009


                AF Army 3rd November 2008

                Later dude....

                Hipps is that really you talking? lol!


                  AF Army 3rd November 2008

                  well done Starting....knew youd some brain matter left girlie!


                    AF Army 3rd November 2008

                    LOL!! I was watching Surf's Up again last night, YES on my own Limers!!
                    "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
                    Clean and sober 25th January 2009


                      AF Army 3rd November 2008

                      Good to hear from ya too mate. have a good day, and speak later.
                      To Infinity And Beyond!!


                        AF Army 3rd November 2008

                        hope thats all that was up ...har de har de har!


                          AF Army 3rd November 2008

                          Good for you starting! Always good to get that first one out the way I guess! Kind of set's your mind at rest for the following TMA's. Must be a real confidence booster.

                          How was your 400 mile round trip yesterday? Was it a rust bucket or did you go ahead and buy it?

                          Love Hips
                          "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
                          Clean and sober 25th January 2009


                            AF Army 3rd November 2008

                            ointup: Well done starts!ointup:
                            To Infinity And Beyond!!


                              AF Army 3rd November 2008

                              what are you going to buy her Hipps?

