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What Did You Enjoy Most About Drinking?

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    What Did You Enjoy Most About Drinking?

    I think i drank to hide problems...But thats all it did..Hide them..They were still, and are always there...
    For me it was a bit like being in a constant state of denile..

    When all i really needed to do was tackle problems head on...Get them out of the way..Then no need to worry..

    Took me 15 years to suss that out...moron..
    I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
    One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


      What Did You Enjoy Most About Drinking?

      I drank to escape my reality
      Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
      - George Jackson


        What Did You Enjoy Most About Drinking?

        A Work in Progress;459839 wrote: This is the kind of exercise that can be helpful IF it is paired with an exercise one does at the same time, in which we list the things that we do (or did) NOT like about drinking.... done all by itself, it can all too easily turn into the kind of thinking that will serve to encourage us to drink. Not such a great idea, in my opinion!

        This is a good point WIP. Being I still drink (in moderation and doing pretty well with it) it was a hard exercise for me to do because I didn't want to give positives about the things I like about it especially when there are people really struggling to be AL free.

        The thread was a good idea but let's add to it with our answers by what we don't like as well.

        For me, I like the fun little buzz - "feel good sensation" and how I can have great conversations with hubby with the nice little buzz going.

        What I don't like? The times I have overdone the drinking and feel AWFUL the next day, demotivated, depressed, anxiety ridden and the whole day wastes away because I am paying the price for having one too many.

        Note: ToMyHeartIsDrenched...Fabulous Youtube composition. Thanks!
        "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

        ~Jack Welsh~:h

        God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:


          What Did You Enjoy Most About Drinking?

          Smart Recovery is a psychology-based approach. You can check out their web site,

          MYO seems more medically-based.

          I think the programs work well together, at least they do for me.

          As for drinking, people do it because they get something out of it. Otherwise, they wouldn't do it.

          It is just that the costs are way too high to make it worth it.


            What Did You Enjoy Most About Drinking?

            Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


              What Did You Enjoy Most About Drinking?

              i dont no i drank for 37 years cause i liked it,the numb feeling,cause tht was all it did,i could in the beginnig jusst hav a few,still can,som cant ,wip is rt somtimes the questions being asked are allusive to the one trying to stay totally free of AL,but like evie said if ones moderating which i recently tried again for reasons society wont change for me ,they keep on drinking,there view is here also,lot of good answers and some of the ones said are used in health facilities today,more and more these days,like the names on buildings have changed, the names , sanitariums,mental hosp, and assylums have changed , alchohol for som will never,in a society tht continous on,we have to change to where we are comfortable,there are many sites and places to go,we no of them AA,AA online just go thro the computor,like a news paper youll find them,be comfortable and have a great day all gyco


                What Did You Enjoy Most About Drinking?

                keeptrying;459948 wrote: Smart Recovery is a psychology-based approach. You can check out their web site,

                MYO seems more medically-based.

                I think the programs work well together, at least they do for me.

                As for drinking, people do it because they get something out of it. Otherwise, they wouldn't do it.

                It is just that the costs are way too high to make it worth it.
                KeepTrying, I am a big fan of Smart Recovery! And I agree with their methods and self-help handouts (I'm a psychologist). The point I am making is that the "what do you enjoy about drinking" question is most helpful (and has less chance of being harmful) when it is done with the other questions that go along with it! The exercise that involves writing out the pros and cons of drinking is a fairly standardized method of helping a person to change their level of readiness for for change, and to keep up the level of motivation to continue a change, once begun...

                One way to do the exercise, is to actually have four columns:

                1. Benefits of drinking
                2. Harm from drinking
                3. Benefits of being AF
                4. Harm from being AF

                It can be very eye-opening.



                  What Did You Enjoy Most About Drinking?

                  I personally, in the last 3-4 years, enjoy absolutely nothing about drinking. I am like a robot who simply pours it down my throat, to bury, hide, and cover up what I percieve (sp?) my life to be.

                  Alcohol is poison to I just need to use this knowledge to move forward. *sigh*
                  Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


                    What Did You Enjoy Most About Drinking?

                    Benefits of AL - warm fuzzy feeling of comfort
                    Harm of AL - kids see me drink, weight gain, feel like I am aging faster, money spent, tensions in me - when do the liquor stores close, etc, what if I have to pick up my kid from a sleepover late at night, etc
                    Benefits of AF - lose weight, have more money, get more healthy, being able to respond to anything anytime
                    Harm of AF - what do I do to get rid of fear and tension???

                    that's my story!



                      What Did You Enjoy Most About Drinking?

                      No offence intended, keeping, but we`ll have to beg to differ then, because you say that "people do it because they get something out of it", whereas I am of the opinion that people do it because they THINK they get something out of it, just as I used to do.

                      People drink seeking to satisfy all sorts of different needs, a satisfaction that cannot be found in the bottle. A crucial part of recovery only just begins when we lay down the bottle and seek to properly fulfil all our needs. In most cases, drink is merely some kind of recompense for what our hearts truly desire. Drink sells ourselves short in the extreme.

                      I am of this opinion simply because I have learned this from my own experience. I now know that nothing of what I want or need is contained in that bottle. I have gone from being a romantic illusionist in my drunken days, to being an optimistic realist in my now sober life.

                      Star x
                      Formerly known as Starlight Impress.


                        What Did You Enjoy Most About Drinking?

                        WIP, check out my new thread today, "What did you hate about drinking?"

                        I know for me, the harm outweighs the benefits. What is interesting is that the benefits that people mentioned here are sort of vague, the costs are specific and numerous.

                        You may not have seen my first post, but I am trying to ask myself a question every day, and pose the same one to the message board. The responses I get help me.


