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Sometimes we forget just how far we've come

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    Sometimes we forget just how far we've come

    When I first came to MWO I was obsessed, depressed and struggling with a problem I'd been fighting for a number of years. I actually stumbled across this site by accident, was reading a news article about women my age having drink problems and think it just happened to be a sponsored listing on the page. I clicked on the link, had a quick browse through the forum, thought, 'Oh, that's nice...'and went away.

    The truth is, I already thought I was fixed - I'd managed to reduce my every day excessive vodka drinking habit down to just 2 beers a day with 4 or 5 drinks on Sat. Yep, I thought I was fixed.

    What? Obsessing about alcoholic rubbish in the gutter, dreaming about giant vodka bottles in your sleep, thinking about booze all day until it hurts so much - call that fixed??? The thought of going without AL for any length of time seemed impossible to me, I'd always made a point in the past of abstaining for Lent - for the last 2 years I couldn't face it, so didn't bother.

    The thought of the MWO site played on my mind, and the very next day I posted my story (still thinking I was fixed). I soon began to realise I wasn't and began posting about my past and present issues and it was a great relief to realise I wasn't the only person fantasising about that vodka bottle in the grass as I was driving to work or dreaming about vending machines that dispensed cans of lager. Recently I looked back at my early posts from June, I seemed so distressed and frustrated. I certainly don't feel that way now - thanks to RJ, MWO and everyone here.

    Although I was curious about an empty liquor bottle in the gutter this morning!!! It was the other side of the road yesterday, I know it was. I have to laugh about it now.

    I suggest though, look back at your old threads and posts - it certainly gave me a lift.
    Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message

    Sometimes we forget just how far we've come

    im happy for you Vlad and I know my behaviour has improved loads since i joined here.


      Sometimes we forget just how far we've come

      Vlad, of course you are right. It is so easy to overlook just exactly what it took to get to this point.
      A 1 1/2 ago I would literally check my watch every 10 minutes in the morning to see how long it would be before the liquor store opened up - I truly was obsessed with the drink. Now I can go to that same store to buy liquor for parties and not even think about having a drink myself. That is absolutely amazing....

      The tricky part sometimes is that while it is good to always be striving for more, we also need to remind ourselves to be content with where we are at, right?
      Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


        Sometimes we forget just how far we've come

        To be content with where we are comes with a certain internal peace. I find that peace comes easier with age when so many things don't seem to be that important anymore.
        That certain peace as it relates to AL is also coming. I look back and wonder who was that crazy person in me, why could I not have been calmer and dealt with what was happening with my husband in a more rational way? don't know.. but I am glad things have changed and improved. Now I can deal with those events and relapses, should they return, in a much better way...... thanks to all of you.


          Sometimes we forget just how far we've come

          vlad: good for you! What a wonderful thing, to see such dramatic differences!



            Sometimes we forget just how far we've come

            I just posted that I had have to thank everyone and this site for my success.....I couldn't have done this without their support and the support of my telling him, 'I'm going to the beer store', and his guilt ridden response....'Are you sure that's what you want?'.......

            I have some hope...haven't had that for a bit......
            AF July 6 2014


              Sometimes we forget just how far we've come

              I just went back to my first post, you are so right. It made me see how far I've come. Great idea Vlad.

