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My life is changing....

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    My life is changing....

    I am not too sure what to write here but I feel I need to write something. Please forgive me if it turns into a ramble, but I want to keep a record of my feelings and how I am dealing with things.
    Today after 13 years of working for the same company I was made redundant. Over the last few years my job has changed drastically. I work for a bank within the IT department dealing with compliance and audit issues. Although in some ways it was expected, the reality and the shock when the email landed in my in box telling me to "Attend a Briefing Session at 10am today" was a big one. There were 2 others in my team who are affected too. They have both been with the company for 25 years each so between us we have a lot of history there. What I am trying to get at is how I am dealing with such a big situation without my old friend alcohol to numb the shock. This is going to be a test for me.
    The first thing I was advised to do by well meaning colleagues was "open a bottle" isnt that a shame? So many of us deal with the tough situations with numbing our feelings. But how tempting was that initially? My very first thought was I wanted to smoke, and then have a drink. Thankfully, these were fleeting thoughts and not dwelled on but they were there all the same.

    Anyway, on the up side, I will get a good redundancy package. I am very lucky in that respect. Also I had been feeling in a rut for ages. This is going to force my hand to do something about my life and make the changes that are desperately overdue. For sure it is a mixed bag of emotions running through me at the moment and I dont thing it has really sunk in yet.

    Right now its 2am in the UK, the sleep fairy is avoiding me so I thought it would be good to jot down my feelings. Thats the blessing here, whatever the time, whatever the situation there is always something going on on the site to take a busy mind out of its own worry for a while.

    I am mainly numb, but there are fleeting moments of excitement, and fleeting moments of fear. I am hoping that in time the excitement will take over and I will see this as a blessing and an opportunity to be grabbed with both hands to make more of my life. It will be phase 2 of my journey. Phase 1 was stopping the drinking cycle. As some of you know, I have been going through what I call the "what nexts?" what happens when a massive change is made and things are better but not everything is wonderful? The honeymoon period and the excitement of being sober is over so its time to make bigger changes to enhance an already very different life. I am thankful that I am now about 4 months sober so I already have a little experience of dealing with lifes ups and downs with a clear head.
    Yes I am scared, yes I am excited but deep down I know I will be OK.
    Thanks for listening
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009

    My life is changing....

    Every cloud has a silver lining - have you any ideas what you might want to do now? This might just be the second best thing ever happened to you after giving AL the kiss ass of course. keep positive that is the main thing.


      My life is changing....

      Thanks BH, no clue as yet. But I will try to keep positve.
      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


        My life is changing....

        Wow, That is a big change! I can understand not being able to sleep! I just took a break from the election results to see what was going on here. You will be ok. And many times these things do turn out for the best. It's not always easy to see right away, but it sounds like you are open to that.

        Take a deep breath. You are so right. Things could only get worse if you were drinking. Thank God you quit drinking before this happened. Now you can focus on doing some things you want to do that you never have time for while you make plans for what you will do for your future.

        In a way I am jealous. Think of all the time you can spend here on the fourm [LOL]!

        Please let us know your thoughts as you process through this. I can imagine it likely hasn't really hit yet. So come here to let out the emotion when it does!

        Hang in there! We are all rooting for you!

        periwinkle :l
        Even baby mountain goats must learn to tackle the smallest mountains first. sigpic


          My life is changing....

          I know you will. How much did you get? I swear I will not tell anyone.


            My life is changing....

            boozehag;460575 wrote: Starting
            I know you will. How much did you get? I swear I will not tell anyone.
            That is so funny, you won't tell anyone! Like this is so private here!
            Even baby mountain goats must learn to tackle the smallest mountains first. sigpic


              My life is changing....

              Aww guys, you are making me feel so much better. I am even sitting here laughing to myself .BH I am not quite sure what the deal is yet but you will be the first to know.
              Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
              Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                My life is changing....

                Just kidding.


                  My life is changing....

                  I know BH and I am so grateful. You have made me laugh so please keep kidding.
                  How are you doing?
                  Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                  Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                    My life is changing....

                    As long as it is enough for whatever it is you want to do. Or just put it under the mattress as not much is safe investment wise these days. You cant even risk putting in the bank can you.


                      My life is changing....

                      Peri, you are right, soon I could be here 24/7!!!
                      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                        My life is changing....

                        Well, you're special! We care about you!
                        Even baby mountain goats must learn to tackle the smallest mountains first. sigpic


                          My life is changing....

                          I think (hope) financially I will be ok, it is the confidence thing that will be harder. You know, getting out there and selling yourself (so to speak) again. Have not had to do that for many years
                          Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                          Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                            My life is changing....

                            periwinkle;460586 wrote: Well, you're special! We care about you!
                            Ya see, thats exactly what I mean, no matter what time, what situation there is always someone about to help and we are not alone.
                            Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                            Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                              My life is changing....

                              Oh I am great today - and my toe is growing back nicely. In fact it is a much nicer toe than was there previously so that was quite lucky actually. I have just taken my l-glut as its guy fawkes here tonight and its usually party time with fireworks, drinks etc so I am on my guard.
                              You should be in bed!

