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Twitches when trying to sleep

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    Twitches when trying to sleep

    Hi all I am fairly new here it is my 5AFD, however have been reading alot of the post for the last month or so. So hello any way.

    I do have a question this is not the first time I have given up alcohol so I am pretty familiar with the withdrawls that go with it. Except this time I have developed a twitch right at the very point of dropping of to sleep. Now I expected a few sleepless nights and then some restless but I am on my 4 th night with no sleep at all. Has anyone else experienced these, I have trolled google and as usual found various reasons for it. Anyway its 3 am in Aus and I am buggered. Any help would be great.


    PS for Have been a hardcore drinker for along while this year managed to cut down but have still been going 5 days on and 5 days of the the withdrawls have generally not been to bad. Anyway sorry to ramble on..

    Twitches when trying to sleep


    I too get twitches while getting to sleep. I don't know what they are from, I still drink, but it sure is annoying because it occurs just about at the time I'm ready to drop off. So I will be interested in what responses you get. I don't remember if I get them when I don't drink, I never paid attention. :welcome:


      Twitches when trying to sleep

      I used to get that too- ( I am 28 days AF) I think its our body making readjustments- trying to be normal again, and not having interupted sleep. AL doesnt let our bodys go into REM sleep- restful sleep. Keep up the good work
      Sobriety since October 2008 ( with a few bumps in the road ) - but I am still here, strong and fighting every day for my sobriety!
      And every day is a challenge - But I am WINNING so far!

      • Yesterday is History
        Today is a Mystery
        Tomorrow is a GIFT


        Twitches when trying to sleep

        Yeah maybe my body just needs more time to recover as I get older. Thanks for the quick replies as well.


          Twitches when trying to sleep

          Ado, I was 42 when I stopped drinking, and it took a solid month before I felt like was sleeping normally again. Up until that point I as literally waking up every hour, tossing and turning, etc. Not saying that is what you will go through and even if it is please don't be discouraged. Our bodies need the time to adjust and heal from all the abuse we have thrown at it.
          Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


            Twitches when trying to sleep

            Thanks mate, just never had the sleep so bad as this time. The other symptom are pretty mild other than day 1. Maybe a trip to the GP might be in order.


              Twitches when trying to sleep

              Couldn't hurt, ado. Just be honest, so he/she can help. I twitch all night, but I have MS, so no help for you. Now, I sleep like the dead, and HAVE to have 8 hours!! Used to get maybe 4! Let us know, but doc should help. Withdrawal can be scary, even dangerous.
              Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
              awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


                Twitches when trying to sleep

                one of the main minereals alcohol destroys is magnesium which conducts nerve impulses when i was drinking heavily i took two magnesium at night which stopped twitches only a short term gap obvoiusly but it helped

