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Oral surgery IV sedation - is it OK?

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    Oral surgery IV sedation - is it OK?

    Just a quick question. I'm having a tooth removed and will also be sedated by way of an IV.

    In the instructions, it says not to drink alcohol for 12 hours before-hand, and I haven't. I'm completely sober. (Yey, and it feels great .. and I'm looking forward to not having any tonight and tomorrow either, as per instructions .. maybe this can be a start for me.)

    Anyway .. my question ... I DID drink before this 12 hour limit, last night, and every day before that. I wonder if I should be afraid that my body might not handle the sedation very well. It's supposedly really safe, but still... I'm a little panicky.

    I tried googling for my answer, but couldn't find anything.

    Thanks for much for any input anyone has.
    AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.

    Oral surgery IV sedation - is it OK?

    ask the dentist to be on he safe side , im sure theyve heard it all before...and worse! lol! And good luck...


      Oral surgery IV sedation - is it OK?

      Talk to your dentist, it might be hard, but better safe than sorry. Your Not telling your dentist that you are an AL, your just telling him that you drank this week. We all carry that guilt feeling. Well drop the guilt and tell the truth -
      you letter says you LOOK FORWARD to not drinking- Well, you just took step one. Now think about next week, and being AF! If you need support, MWO buddies are here
      I am a newby of 28 days- and have been AF for 28 days. I was a closest drinker. GO FOR IT
      You have nothing to look forward to but a Bright Future!
      Good Luck,
      Sobriety since October 2008 ( with a few bumps in the road ) - but I am still here, strong and fighting every day for my sobriety!
      And every day is a challenge - But I am WINNING so far!

      • Yesterday is History
        Today is a Mystery
        Tomorrow is a GIFT


        Oral surgery IV sedation - is it OK?

        Thanks you guys. Telling someone is definitely a scary thing to do. I think I can tell him that I'm a little hungover .. and if he asks other questions (as in, how often), I'll tell the truth.

        Thank you again for the quick replies.
        AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.


          Oral surgery IV sedation - is it OK?

          it is always best to be honest, cause if something went wrong and you aspired some stuff - and your family sued - whose fault for your death would it be - not the dentists but yours


            Oral surgery IV sedation - is it OK?

            You dont have to tell him you are an alcoholic just that you noticed the warning and you do consume alcohol and did 12 hors beforehand.....
            Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


              Oral surgery IV sedation - is it OK?

              I have posted before that I had dental treatment for an abscess (bad teeth caused by alcohol abuse the dentist now told me ... it's all the sugar in it and then going to sleep drunk and not cleaning my teeth and vomiting the next morning - even though I did clean my teeth then) ....

              Anyway, they wanted to give me antibiotics for one week and NO alcohol, I had to just tell the dentist I can't take them because I WILL drink on them ... she was great and just said 'ok then' and changed them ...

              Now I see a different dentist in the same surgery and he said he has seen the change in me and how well I am looking .... I have told him I haven't had a drink for nearly 2 years etc
              ?We are one another's angels?
              Sober since 29/04/2007


                Oral surgery IV sedation - is it OK?

                Wow, Heavenly

                @ years is great, congratulations.

                As far as oral surgery or any must let the doctor know. He can adjust the meds or the dosage.


                  Oral surgery IV sedation - is it OK?

                  I think the concern is risk of bleeding and drug interactions if you are drinking very close to the time of the extraction. If you have followed the Dr's orders you should be fine but there's no harm in checking if you are at all concerned. I had four teeth pulled at once and it was easy for me, no pain whatsoever, HTH :l
                  Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
                  - George Jackson

