Some of you may know I am new round here only on day 6. I posted something last night about muscle spasams, hence I have not slept in 3 days cause of them. So I had a master plan I would search the net for some meditation and hypnosis stuff to try relax me.
I find a really nice 10 min hypnosis on relaxing , so I layed down on the floor with my feet on my computer chair and listened it was great I felt relaxed. So as I opened my eyes and pulled down my legs snap my back froze I could not move. It was cramped up, I live by myself so thought oh no what am I going to do. Luckly it unfroze after awhile, but I am still in so much pain. On a funny note I can't drive to the bottle shop so maybe it was fate LMAO .... I am still laughing today although it bloody hurts ....:H:H
Just thought you all may get a good laugh.
Cheers Adrian