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Weekend again - stay strong!

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    Weekend again - stay strong!

    Just a note to myself and everyone else out there who struggles with the weekends. Last weekend was tough for me - the weather is getting colder and I just really want to curl up with a drink in hand. But, it's DAY 14 and I'm sticking with this! Last weekend was pretty tough for me. I'm hoping this weekend is better. I got a lot of good advice - plan lots of activities, change from the "normal" activities, etc. - I'm gonna try to put them to the test and I hope everyone else here puts their plan to the test too, and succeeds! WE CAN DO THIS!

    :goodluck: - To me and everyone else!!

    Weekend again - stay strong!

    Time to switch to hot chocolate, YUM


      Weekend again - stay strong!

      I've got my trustee antabuse. Bring it on weekend.


        Weekend again - stay strong!

        The weekends got better and better for me because I found new freedom in being able to do anything I wanted instead of sitting on the couch drinking beer and watching TV. I was so isolated especially on the weekends and ended up wasting all that time that could have been productively used to actually accomplish something. I now can jump in the car anytime I want and run errands or do a little shopping if I feel like it. Before, I would be housebound by mid-afternoon because I would have had too much to drink to drive anywhere and too much to drink to even cook a decent meal. I now look at my weekends as a pleasure instead of a big hangover time that was spent 1/2 drinking and the other 1/2 recovering. I do not miss that at all!!
        "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu


          Weekend again - stay strong!

          i too am looking forward to the weekend, it's been 20 days af for me and the benefits are enormous. No more waking up and feeling crap, shouting at kids....i even cleaned my oven today lol......i still have loads of problems but am more able to face up to feels nice remembering whole conversations!! Summer xx


            Weekend again - stay strong!

            Good luck Frances

            I too struggle at weekends - and its my son's 3rd birthday tomorrow - feel like a bit of a celebration, but am determined to stay AF - am telling myself a sober mum would be the best way of celebrating of all. After my slight slip up on holiday am safely back on the waggon again. I do think "change in routine", which someone mentioned earlier is the key to it all, but not drinking over the weekend has so many benefits - focus on these - why make yourself feel crap and ruin your health at the weekend especially - try and look at it like that, then your weekends are free compeltely for all the other things you want to do and enjoy. Read some of the "what I hate about drinking threads" if you ever get tempted.

            Good luck and have a good AF weekend everyone !


              Weekend again - stay strong!

              Hi there Summer. 20 day's?..That's huge! day 15 for me here, and like you, i'm feeling, and (even if i say so) looking great. I liked Kriger's post re- w/kends..i.e. she looks forward to them now, get's out and does stuff.. Me too. you well there tonight? G.

              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-

