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November A@@ kickers - week 2

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    November A@@ kickers - week 2

    Hi everyone,

    Day 9 and all's well!

    Kudzu seemed to help me deal with a stressfull day at work; got me home without stopping for a Fosters along the way. Looking forward to a quiet evening and a good nights sleep.


      November A@@ kickers - week 2

      Hi ass-kickers, sounds like you are really kicking strong, even after a setback or two... that's fantastic!! You've got a great thread going here, lots of good energy for doing Whatever It Takes to get out from under, and away from, the alcohol... what the hell "good" is that stuff, anyway.... ??? Let's not even give it the time of day!



        November A@@ kickers - week 2

        Hi everyone,
        Day 11 for me. I feel amazing! No more flu-like symptoms. Those lasted for about the first 5 or 6 days. I'm taking Topa still at night and it really helps me sleep. The cravings are getting a little better, but only a little. It's still really hard to go to the store and not grab my usual wine when I pass by the booze section and it's not like I can avoid that section because that's where all the soda is too. My new drink of choice at night is cranberry juice and Sprite. I absolutely love the stuff! I read about it from someone else on this forum who said they drink it in a wine glass and that's what I do too now. Anyway, I hope all you November A@@ kickers keep kicking A@@!:goodjob:


          November A@@ kickers - week 2

          Hi all,

          helpahol - sounds like you are doing great!! Hard that the soda is with the booze ....... in the place I go to it is in a completely different bit, so I just get my cheese, scoot past the wine section and pick up the bread!!:H:H

          Tom: good on you on day 9! I'm so curious about kudzu - we cant get it here and it has assumed mythical qualities for me!! Its got to the stage where I'm sure that if I could only get hold of some that it would help me to solve the world financial crisis, develop a peace plan for the middle east and leap tall buildings in a single bound!!

          Lost - hope you are hanging in there with us!!

          Christy, Limers, Cymru - hi to you all as well!! I'm enjoying having a thread that I go to every day and with a manageable number of posts to read!!

          My cravings are much easier now and I've been practicing WIPs advice on "urge surfing". For some reason that just really clicked with me ... maybe because the thing that I get most satisfaction from from my job is the analytical component. And The one thing that I have been enjoying most about the last couple of weeks (well, 12 days!) is that my brain cells dont feel quite as fogged up as normal!! (some fog from the medication, but I'm prepared to live with that short term ...... will talk to Dr next week about going off them during my Xmas holidays).

          And it also really helps that it is coming into summer here!!! I'm sure that part of the reason that I stumbled through August - October was it being winter - not an excuse, but I just find it harder when it is all a bit grey. Today was beautiful - blue sky, a touch of breeze, 22 degrees. My tomato seedlings are looking a bit withered in the heat!!

          must go, have a good day all and keep kicking ass!!
          Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

          Harriet Beecher Stowe


            November A@@ kickers - week 2

            Hi all
            Yes Mame beautiful day here today too. When the sun shines all is good with the world isnt it. You can order the kudzu from MWO you know? I could order some for us? I have only tried that other stuff neuro calm and that didnt do anything for me. I am finding the sero tonic bloody marvellous - or maybe its just the sunshine. I havent had any cravings at all the last couple of days just high on AF life at the moment - I do remember that phase from my earlier 30 days. Tom well done on 9 days and helpahol you too day 11. Lost check in today and let us know how you are getting on.


              November A@@ kickers - week 2

              Good morning...

              A crazy day well night, worked 1-11, and am working tonight and tomorrow night.....I miss my kids already! Otherwise things are well.....

              I will check in in a bit.....have to get kids up and ready for school.
              AF July 6 2014


                November A@@ kickers - week 2

                Hi all!

                Doing well today! It is a beautiful day here in Houston and actually I just took the kudzu and a couple one L-Glut to start the day. I don't have any cravings yet today, and am not going to give in again this week--I went on chat last night and had some real support and great thoughts from the group! Ready to give this 100%. Everyone have a wonderful day and let's do this together! I will check back in later tonight to see how all is going!


                  November A@@ kickers - week 2

                  Morning! I feel like crap this morning - think I'm coming down with the flu. Unfortunately, is opne of those days where I just cant take a day off becasue of things that have been organsied for a long time. blehhhhhhhhgggggg
                  Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                  Harriet Beecher Stowe


                    November A@@ kickers - week 2

                    Hi Ass kickers
                    I think one of our little team has 30 days today. Well done Chrissy - you are an inspiration and dont let those teenagers get you down they all turn out fine in the end. I was beyond excited today as it looks like I will be doing a mini marathon in Dublin next year with some of the Army crew. It was limers idea and it seems to have snowballed. Anyone else keen? Its just what I need an exercise goal to aim for next year. I need a swift kick up the arse in that area of my life.
                    Sorry to hear you are not feeling well Aunty M hope you are better now.
                    Lost so glad you are still with us. I agree chat, Kudzu and L-glut are all really good for cravings (especially all at the same time). Helpahol and Tom keep us posted as to your progress. We are almost half way through the month now so we are kicking it!


                      November A@@ kickers - week 2

                      Hi everyone!

                      Yes! A big 30 day AF for me today! I am feeling pretty awesome right now. Things are better with
                      DD1...we had a chat last night after I got home from work. I also got a replacement TV for my bedroom after mine died....I MUST have a TV in my bedroom!!!

                      Nothing big planned for my special day....working....1:30-9:30pm. Then I am off until Sunday....I need a little time off.....clean my house and do some laundry!

                      Hope everyone has a wonderful day!!!!

                      AF July 6 2014


                        November A@@ kickers - week 2

                        Christy - well done!! more power to you!! And also great that things at home are good!!

                        I on, the other hand, am feeling like a pathetic piece of shit. I drank wine last night .......... a combination of having had a long and hard day and feeling quite fluey through most of it. I didn't actually even have any cravings and it wasn't as if I had been hanging out for it. I was more like a deliberate act of self-sabotage. So that was 13 days down the tubes .......

                        I'm feeling quite cross with myself today, but also aware that dwelling on it isn't going to do me much good. I'm looking forward to a really quiet weekend on my own, with some time to do some thinking and reflection.
                        Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                        Harriet Beecher Stowe


                          November A@@ kickers - week 2

                          Morning All
                          Aunty M a few drinks does not in any way cancel out your previous 13 days NOT! You just have one less day in your tally. I know it is dissapointing but you just have to keep going you have done so well already this month. Just put it behind you and dont do too much thinking and reflecting just get out in the fresh air and relax. Otherwise I will have to come down there and kick yer butt!


                            November A@@ kickers - week 2

                            Aunty M is right, just because you drank doesn't mean those days are erased, silly! Start over again...don't give up...and ya the fluey, pathetic bag of shit feeling, ya that's me today...outta the blue today--BARF! Hope I will feel better tomorrow....and you too!
                            AF July 6 2014


                              November A@@ kickers - week 2

                              oops, I mean BH is right......sickness in my brain!!!! lol
                              AF July 6 2014


                                November A@@ kickers - week 2

                                Mame, I certainly would NOT suggest that you be harsh and critical with yourself, but I DO suggest that you spend some time reflecting on what thoughts and emotions were going on when you made the decision to drink... thinking about triggers (most definitely including thought processes and emotions, as well as stuff like being hungry, stressful events, etc.) is the "good news" part of this kind of episode. You can think it through, and plan for the next time you are experiencing something similar...

                                That's the good news, and also great news is the fact that you came back here right away and didn't let it turn into a full-bore relapse! Good for you!


