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I feel like a non drinker!!

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    I feel like a non drinker!!

    My sober date is October 27th, and I already feel like a non-drinker. One of the things I didn't want to happen when I stopped drinking was to not be able to hang out with my family who drinks. Family is very important to me, especially my Dad. I know it's only been a little over two weeks, but things are way easier for me now. Last night was the first time I got to see things from the other side..(the sober side). It was very interesting. It also opened my eyes. Im taking antabuse and planned to take it for a month, but Im gonna keep on it for 3 now and postpone my plans for quitting smoking. The first few times I said no thanks to a beer were so awkward. It felt unnatural. Now it's alot easier, but I still don't feel the strength I know I'll need when I stop antabuse. I don't know why I'm saying all this, I just wanted to share.

    I feel like a non drinker!!

    Montana Mommy;466531 wrote: My sober date is October 27th, and I already feel like a non-drinker. One of the things I didn't want to happen when I stopped drinking was to not be able to hang out with my family who drinks. Family is very important to me, especially my Dad. I know it's only been a little over two weeks, but things are way easier for me now. Last night was the first time I got to see things from the other side..(the sober side). It was very interesting. It also opened my eyes. Im taking antabuse and planned to take it for a month, but Im gonna keep on it for 3 now and postpone my plans for quitting smoking. The first few times I said no thanks to a beer were so awkward. It felt unnatural. Now it's alot easier, but I still don't feel the strength I know I'll need when I stop antabuse. I don't know why I'm saying all this, I just wanted to share.
    That is just FANTASTIC, MM! I am happy for you... and it gets easier, too. Just stick with your plan. You are doing great!

    Amazing how the things we were afraid would happen when/if we quit drinking, never turn out to happen... it turns out to be good, instead of bad...



      I feel like a non drinker!!

      Huge congrats to you my most special friend!!!!!! I think you are doing great and should be very proud of yourself!
      :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


        I feel like a non drinker!!

        YAAH FOR YOU- GO MM. You and I are walking in each others footprints- as I am AF since 10-10-08
        Lets do it together- Move to the future AF

        Sobriety since October 2008 ( with a few bumps in the road ) - but I am still here, strong and fighting every day for my sobriety!
        And every day is a challenge - But I am WINNING so far!

        • Yesterday is History
          Today is a Mystery
          Tomorrow is a GIFT


          I feel like a non drinker!!

          Great post MM.
          Congrats, and i hope i can now put together my own long run of sobriety.
          To Infinity And Beyond!!


            I feel like a non drinker!!


            I have the same start date as you..And am also on the antibuse...Although for 6 months..I think once we get the initial 3/6 months behind us we will have had more chance to become accustemed to being non-drinkers..And also have more time invested into this so not want to give up our sobriety as easily..
            I am not saying it is going to be easy once the antibuse has finished..I have read enough here to realise this is a life long battle unfortunatly.....But by the same token i cant imagine anything being as hard as making that inital decision and carrying that through to your first week sober..
            I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
            One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


              I feel like a non drinker!!

              Congratulations! Everyone in my family drinks except one niece in recovery. I did AA for two years but always felt anxious and depressed (alos fely like an outsider whenever I was with my drinking friends)never got the pink cloud thing. Not knocking it but its not for everyone I guess. looking forward to trying one the meds mentioned on this site for perhaps a different addiction...:goodjob:


                I feel like a non drinker!!

                Congrats MM! I'm feeling the same you are about the "non drinker" thing. I went to a department store the other night at 8pm and I was looking at all the other people there thinking, "hmm, we're all sober. This is what sober can do at 8pm at night." I rewarded myself with a new duvet cover with the money I've saved by not buying alcohol.
                Like you, I'm waiting on quitting smoking as well. I've managed to cut down though because I smoked much more when I drank. My sobriety date is 11/1/08. Good luck!


                  I feel like a non drinker!!

                  Great job MM!!! Is it that you feel like your not part of the family if you don't drink? People seem to respond with a great deal of respect I FIND when I say I am not drinking. I just recently went to a wedding and only drank non alcoholic beverages and had a GREAT TIME!!! I REALLY enjoyed myself when I thought it was going to be BORING being sober or at least NOT drinking. It really surprised me. I left feeling REALLY good about myself and that was a HIGH in itself!

                  Best of luck to you and hope to hear more of your great success!

                  :beach: "You can't go uphill thinking downhill thoughts"
                  AF since 10/11/2008


                    I feel like a non drinker!!

                    Thank you all for reaponding, it means a lot.
                    Mackeral- That's cool about your sober date being the same. I've noticed it before. Personally, I like the antabuse. I can find a loophole for any thing except antabuse. It's like my warden-hehe!!

                    Hunkygent- I did AA before and it worked. But I lived in Los Angeles and I wasn't worried about running into someone I knew from AA. I live in a small town now, and who knows how it would've gone. I only went for a year, maybe a year and a half, but stayed sober for 5 or 6 years. I've seen it work great for a lot of people. This way is working good so far for me.

                    You're funny!! I thought that when I went to the grocery store Sat night and only grabbed Pepsi. So this is what a sober person goes to the store for. I've also cut way down on the cigs. I was at a pack now Im at half a pack. Congrats on day 12. Hey, you should write a list of what sober can do at 8pm.LOL

                    You'll get your long run going. Just keep tryin'.

                    I'm right behind you!! If I keep drinking all this coffee I might just warp through time and catch up, hehe!! Great job, and it's an easy date to remember.

                    I'm gonna put off quiting for awhile. It'll probably be my New Years resolution, AGAIN. If only they made a pill that makes you sick when you smoke. I'd jump on that train too.

                    Hey Buddy-Ro!!! I'm so proud, and you should be too. Thanks for being such an awesome friend.

                    Thanks. Nothing could've been as bad as feeling like an empty shell every morning.


                      I feel like a non drinker!!

                      I meant I had to do something that would allow me to go to my family's and still keep my sobriety. I have to be able to be the only one not drinking and still be okay. It was kind of fun watching them. I saw everyone from a whole new eye, including my husband.(not judging, just finding the fun in being sober now, instead of drinking.)


                        I feel like a non drinker!!

                        Good for you Montana!! I do have a question. Are your family "normal drinkers" or do they get drunk and obnoxious? I ask because I have a really hard time being around drunk people, but not so much people that are just drinking. We are going to my husband's sister's for her 50th over Thanksgiving, and they will be drinking pretty much the entire time. I get tense and bitchy every time I even think about it!!
                        NF since June 1, 2008
                        AF since September 28, 2008
                        DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                        :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                        5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                        The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                          I feel like a non drinker!!

                          No normal drinkers in my family. But they don't get obnoxious.(Most of the time). I would get tense and bitchy everytime I tried to quit before and would visit. I'd end up giving in because I hated feeling that way. My thing is a mind thing completely. Now I just hang out with everyone and it doesn't bother me. I'll be praying for you, that is gonna be a tough one going there.


                            I feel like a non drinker!!

                            Thanks for the reply. If you have any more words of wisdom for me, you can pm me. I think I can do it sober, I'm worried though, because last time they were here, I caved.
                            Oh, and thanks for the prayers too, i can always use them!!
                            NF since June 1, 2008
                            AF since September 28, 2008
                            DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                            :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                            5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                            The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                              I feel like a non drinker!!

                              I think what you've done so far is awesome. The strength part probably comes in time -- but you've already demonstrated a ton of it, right? Great great job!!!!

