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    I come here simply because it helps me..There is a variety of things that are keeping me sober..Family support, antibuse , the hypno cd's, willpower and Mwo..All put together give me my best chance of staying sober possible..
    I have read a few things here that have changed my life..Met people here who have changed my attitude..And read things here that have pushed me one step closer to where i want to be...And now keep me where i want to be..
    Plus it still tickles me that i speak to people in America Australia Soth Africa India Russia on a daily basis..I still get a kick out of that..
    I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
    One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009



      When I log on to the site, its a reminder to me when I'm feeling confident to not get overconfident and when I am feeling like hitting the liquor store after work to stay strong. There is no judgement here, and even though sometimes I'm reluctant to log on, I log on each day anyway. The support here is fantastic. Today is 8 days AF for me; I don't think I've done that in at least a year and it started the day I found this website.

