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I am SOOOO SAD !!!!!

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    I am SOOOO SAD !!!!!

    Dear Evie,

    Sending you strength and positive thoughts your way. I am so very sorry to hear about your brother and the pain you are in.

    A huge hug coming your way from across the pond.

    "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


      I am SOOOO SAD !!!!!

      I can't imagine Evie...I will be thinking of you and your brother...Big hug to you both:l
      I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
      One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


        I am SOOOO SAD !!!!!


        I am sorry about your brother. I am sending lots of healing thoughts his way. I know you know that the most important thing for you to do is just be there for him. Perhaps he will feel differently about the chemo once he is feeling a little better.:l
        AF Since April 20, 2008
        4 Years!!!


          I am SOOOO SAD !!!!!

          essential oils

          I felt very sad for your brother and yourself. A while ago my job was working in a Chemotherapy Suite in a London Hospital, my job was working with patients who were having the therapy - I did it for two years, as part of the Macmillan team. I am a complimentary therapist by trade. One of my main jobs as I was independant of the medics was to discuss options with patients who, like your brother, found the therapy very hard to take and looked desperately for an alternative. Personally, I would recommend research!!!! Nurses (and I did also study nursing at university, but do not want to be a nurse!) and doctors where I worked, had such demands placed upon them, that they had little time for the individual. So I was there to give complimentary therapies and to let patients chat to me for one hour a week. Chemotherapy is a cytotoxic drug - meaning it kills good and bad cells. A man who I soooooo admire and consider a pioneer is Philip Day. He is a researcher and has spent many years uncovering treatments for most illness, cancer being his specialist subject. I would recommend you get hold of a book called 'cancer and why we are still dying to know the truth!' It discusses Chemotherapy in depth. It also gives some amazing scientific data which can help people make choices. It tends to gear towards metabollic therapy - and goes by this that cancer can only survive in an acidic environment. Most of what we consume internally in the Western World is acidic so it looks at converting the diet, not by using any extreme measures but by making simple, but profound changes. It discusses vitamin B17 and gives some positive examples. I have experienced people who have shunned chemotherapy and taken vitamins instead, one such lady was still alive and whilst not running any marathons still continued to live a fulfilling life. Look at Essiac Tea (you can do all this on the internet). There are many charlatans and quacks out there who would have you wear white, chant all day and take much money for it. I studied hard and chose to specialize in cancer and it's treatments. However, as this is a alcohol helpsite, I guess you could say it did get to me in the end and whilst my drinking was not as bad it existed so I needed to get away from it. Personally, I find it astounding that nutritional therapy is not really addressed by the medical profession, but pharmaceutical giants do make a lot of money out of treatments and cancer is big business.

          As for your brother, chemotherapy takes the person to some of the darkest places and the body is basically suffering an onslaught of poison. He will be despressed, desperate, frightened and wondering.

          Does he have access to complimentary therapies?? Most cancer suites nowadays do provide access to such services as part of the NICE guidelines, not sure if you in the UK or where you are, but do ask. If so, essential oils can really help with his side effects, if he continues to choose to take chemotherapy. Reflexology is another good thing, but you MUST use someone who knows what they are doing!!!! and is aware of the side effects of treatments. I could go all controversial and throw some facts at you, but that is not advisable. As for me, would I have chemotherapy? I would give it some very serious thought indeed. I would try to build my immune system up instead of depleting it, again that is just me. As this is not a website to offer medical advise you must decide and research all your options. Look at the link between CANDIDA and cancer. All these things are really helpful when you are trying to figure this 'disease' out. Philip Day 'Cancer and why we are still dying to know the truth' is a really good starting point for you and I would suggest you read it first and decided whether you feel your brother is ready for it.

          In the meantime, I send you sincere best wishes and I hope and pray your brother starts to feel better soon. Hope I have helped you a little.:h:l:h


            I am SOOOO SAD !!!!!


            some would ask if you took a breath in that post - but if people would only read your post and research... and take control of their situations and not rely on pharma or others to dictate what we should do, there is more out there that can help us in these situations, research = knowlege.


              I am SOOOO SAD !!!!!

              I just type fast

              Well it is a little bit like people who drink KUDZU has research and that is natural and so is L GLUTAMINE, but you go to the doctors and they won't know what you are talking about. They do however, acknowledge the thiamine deficiencies in excessive drinkers and prescribe b vitamins, so it is a start I guess. I do not want to be controversial, but I really do believe in alternatives and whilst medicine is absolutely fantastic and it saved my son, he had a brain injury, so 100% respect. I do think that we must research and not just take on board what we are told. Bang you have cancer - therefore, chemo!!!!


                I am SOOOO SAD !!!!!



                  I am SOOOO SAD !!!!!


                  My heart goes out to you! I know that your brother has been struggling for some time and your heart has been, and continues to break. I hold him and you in my prayers for peace and comfort.

                  Sending you love, Sherry
                  "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


                    I am SOOOO SAD !!!!!

                    Thanks to you all and especially Middiva.I will look in to your suggestions.I think that spending time researching his disease will at least make me feel like I am doing something productive.i mailed him a care package today with herb teas, skin lotion and some calm tabs.I also included an old book on reflexology that I had.At least he should get a foot rub from his GF out of it.
                    Love you all !!!!!
                    sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                      I am SOOOO SAD !!!!!

                      Evielou, saying prayers of love, faith, and strength for you and your family :wings: You have helped so many of us here. Hoping our thoughts and prayers are coming back to you now in your time of need :h
                      LTG AF January 13, 2011


                        I am SOOOO SAD !!!!!

                        dearest evielou, you are in my thoughts and i am lighting a candle for you and your brother now, much love and peace to you both, love pixie x
                        I found myself on the roof of the world just waiting for to get my wings - The Waterboys


                          I am SOOOO SAD !!!!!

                          Evie...sending you love and good vibes today. Plese know you are not alone in this. Look at this as a transition in from this life to our eternal life. We will be toegtehr again. I KNOW this is very hard to do and I can't always follow my own advise, but I am trying very hard because it is the truth. Eternal life awaits us and there is no pain there.
                          Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


                            I am SOOOO SAD !!!!!


                            I am glad I seem to have helped you a little. I hope you find some comfort in this cold time. Cancer, like alcohol (drinking) - I loathe to say alcoholism, cos that is just a word!!! Is sometimes a disease of the spirit. Nurture what lies within and the body will respond accordingly. I think the internal holds the key. Good luck to you and your brother and I hope that the sun shines brightly on you both. Take care :l


                              I am SOOOO SAD !!!!!

                              So Sorry Evie- I haven't time to read all the thread but I think he is right to stop the chemo, if that is where is heart is taking him.

                              It might buy him time- it might not- none of us really know that, do we.

                              I am happy he is following is heart, and god bless you at this difficult time.


                                I am SOOOO SAD !!!!!

                                Sweet Evielou.... my thoughts and prayers for your brother, you and your family. :l :h
                                Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

