I have been on MWO lots longer than most- I have tried just about everything suggested by RJ and lots more- meds etc.
I feel shittier by the day- I read more than I post and am thrilled by all the fabulous success stories- but I just don't seem to make headway. I am embarrassed to say I am really no where nearer quitting than when I came here 14 months ago- Yes- my drinking has got possibly a bit more controlled most days, but I never know what is going to happen and some days it is appalling.
What I am asking of everyone- and it is very difficult for me because I never ask anyone for help- is to give me a good boot up the flaming arse every morning.
Not an 'Oh don't beat yourself up' kind of post- more a 'What the feck are you still doing?' kind of post. If you can't be hard on me- please don't be kind to me- it doesn't work.
The shop is not taking what it should to make a living for me and my friend- I have loads of ideas for home deliveries and stuff, but while I am continuously thinking of AL- it just wont happen- so it is not just me I am sending down the drain.
Any of you who have even a week AF please give me a hand- I need tough love and I need it now. As I say, this is not just about me- it is about my bf, my animals, my friend who is working with me- and her family too.
I feel really selfish posting this but I need a kick in the arse and if no-one minds will bump it up for a few days in the morning until I have a grip.