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Kick Marby up the Arse thread

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    Kick Marby up the Arse thread

    All joking aside, I can really relate to your post. I joined here in March and saw many others doing really well while I just kept going round in circles. I think what happened recently for me was pissing a lot of people off at the same time not least of course myself. I too have just started a new business with a long term friend - a consultancy business, she has stumped up the money, I do the work. I completely let her down recently by not turning up to a presentation as I had been drinking the day before- my husband covered for me but swore he would never lie for me again, I was so sick that morning I couldn't bring the kids to school and they were wondering why I was so sick. I just knew then I really had to get it together, we have just landed a big contract and if I feck this up that is it. It's not just the money of course, not that we don't need it, but I know it would mean so much to my family too.
    Not to mention that you don't want to piss off O2 either - she's on your back now!

    Best Wishes,
    There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.


      Kick Marby up the Arse thread life is perfect oney, with no problems whatsoever. Honest!
      To Infinity And Beyond!!


        Kick Marby up the Arse thread

        Shite too - I thought I could sneak that post in without any of you seeing it
        There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.


          Kick Marby up the Arse thread

          I realised a few weeks ago- this is not just about me- HOW DARE I???

          And when I get around a week AF under my belt I fly- I feel so good...then the same old thought comes won't hurt.

          From now on I will post if I feel I will relapse again- I always felt it was being selfish and taking up time from newbies.

          From now on if I feel that take I will think of my dependents- thank you so much everyone- off to have a nice guilt free sleep.

          I Love you all- Sincerely. And that is hard for me to say.

          I will selfishly bump this up when I get up- sorry but might still need tough love for a few days.


            Kick Marby up the Arse thread

            Marbs I already said my piece to you this morning, a bit gently perhaps, but all the same: until you stop dreaming that there is a magic pill or special treatment "out there" that will fix this problem for you... you'll keep on having an excuse to wait till that magic cure happens TO you. It really is ENTIRELY up to you.

            I did it, you can do it. Repeat after me: "I.... DON'T..... DRINK!!!"



              Kick Marby up the Arse thread

              Its why you and me are here Marbs.
              Nos Da.
              To Infinity And Beyond!!


                Kick Marby up the Arse thread

                I am laughing and crying here...that's a wonderful thing to do at the same time.

                There is no magic pill WIP- I tried them all, but I think it has to come from our heads;LOL.

                This has been so helpful tonight.

                I have Starts number, she gave me it months ago saying if I felt like drinking to call her- at the time it felt so far away, ridiculous- but now if I feel like drinking tomorrow I will call her.

                I will get there-Marby might not win the marathon, but I will be in the pensioners list. I will be 44 by the way- i feel about 18- crying and begging for help.


                  Kick Marby up the Arse thread

                  I did clean out my inbox- I have room for 4)


                    Kick Marby up the Arse thread

                    All I can say is "Thank Fuck for that!!!!" I have been waiting for you to pull your head out of your arse for a while, wipe the shite out of your eyes and start seeing things clearly for a change.

                    Your friend always
                    Starts xxx
                    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                      Kick Marby up the Arse thread

                      Some tough love headed your way Marbs.

                      I don't do kicking to well especially when you are down.... but what is your Plan (with a capital P)?
                      I can't make the plan for you, everyone is different but I am here to SUPPORT you 100%.

                      Maybe go back to basics, start again.....

                      Come on Marbs, lets get shakin
                      "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                        Kick Marby up the Arse thread


                        My plan is to take all the supps- I have them all apart from the All One powder, but I have organic wheatgrass powder which I guess is a good substitute.

                        I always feel they 'don't do much' but what the hell they sure aren't gonna kill me.

                        I am going to ask people round here for help when I need it instead of trying to do everything alone and trying to be a provider for others.

                        I am going to go to a doctor and get some more antabuse-even if I don't feel it is helping the mentaal side of the problem at least it is back up and ensures I won't drink if I have weak moments.

                        I am going to start preparing myself proper nutritional food- with all the stress with the shop I haven't been eating at all- or just grabbing a bag of crisps now and then.

                        I am going to stop feeling sporry for myself, and I am for once in my flaming life accept the offers of help that have been given- I have numbers to call from people here, and I have the number of the 'Journey' therapist here in Barcelona. I did actually call her yesterday- she said I have to identify every emotion I am feeling before I drink. I had to admit yesterday, I had some worry but the more predominent emotion was boredom- get that- there are people lying in hospital beds with cancer, others grieving the loss of loved ones including kids, and there I am- getting shitfaced because I am 'bored'.

                        Sometimes I just can't believe myself.

                        Well off to take my supps.


                          Kick Marby up the Arse thread

                          good luck hunny! feeliing a bit wobbly here....


                            Kick Marby up the Arse thread

                            Oh Peanut- good luck to you too.

                            I guess you are in the same boat as me- what I feel I really lack is commitment. I go through the motions of being commited- but at the end of the day I am not- because if I was I wouldn't keep drinking.

                            I have to grab a big bag of it from somewhere. I am just looking at my little dog Jack and thinking how much he needs me to be happy- There! Some commitment just went into my bag!


                              Kick Marby up the Arse thread

                              hi bella,ive lerned a long time ago not to kik somone when there down,specially a freind,everything takes time,you have to feel good within yourself,this is about you,and only YOU,gyco


                                Kick Marby up the Arse thread

                                The problem is One2- you make me cry LOL.

                                I am pretty good at making plans actually- but bloody lousy at sticking to them.

                                I had woken up all puffy eyed and had just put some makeup on and got myself looking semi normal (my neighbours are here today- and always grab me on the way out on Saturday to catch up on things- they only come for weekends, (nothing to catch up on round here anyway, other than mushrooms sprouting, and things like that) and now it is all ruined, that song made me cry again, so back to square one

                                I will try to sneak out- difficult with five dogs all going mental.

                                I have my trainers on- gonna do a bit of running!!

