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Kick Marby up the Arse thread

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    Kick Marby up the Arse thread

    The Power of Now is worth a READ AND A REREAD...
    sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


      Kick Marby up the Arse thread

      LOL thanks Oney!

      I didn't read the posts from yesterday last night, but I feel better after reading them today!

      I do have the Power of Now- I will hunt it out and take it to the shop to read tonight.

      Thank you Guys!

      Love y'all!


        Kick Marby up the Arse thread

        To Infinity And Beyond!!


          Kick Marby up the Arse thread



            Kick Marby up the Arse thread

            Marby warby, have a good day today!!! Thats an order!!!!
            Love ya girlie x
            Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
            Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


              Kick Marby up the Arse thread

              Hiya Marby.
              How are you doing?
              Yesterday seemed like you werent feeling so great? I know that feeling but strangely it seems to not have plagued me so much since I read the self esteem thread that Oney put up.
              I am even thinking of starting to meditate to get my mind in good working order.
              Have you ever considered that?
              Thoughts are with you my friend.
              Stay positive and if you cant just TELL yourself that you seems to work somehow...
              Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
              Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                Kick Marby up the Arse thread

                Let us know how trix are tdy Marbs.
                Ass Kick Funny Picture
                To Infinity And Beyond!!


                  Kick Marby up the Arse thread

                  Morning All!

                  Thanks for the song Oney- brings back a few memories!! I missed most of the 80s- I wonder why? Missed most of the 90s too actually.

                  Still not feeling great- I don't get it- it is not really like me to be down like this.
                  I would actually go to a doc, but don't know when I will get the time. Just gotta get me arse in gear, but don't seem to be able to- I keep thinking 'tomorrow' and I'm even less able than the day before!! I guess it is depression- how are you doing with the pills Oney?


                    Kick Marby up the Arse thread

                    Thats a good idea- I actually have some I think- I am the sort of person who takes something once then when it doesnt work, I stop- well lots of these things take a while to kick in don't they- I will go to find them right now

