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Kick Marby up the Arse thread

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    Kick Marby up the Arse thread

    Marbella - had a good run?
    Commitment is my problem too!! (hey - maybe that's why my marriage failed?!?!?!) I am committed for a bit, then I lose it and almost - ALMOST - get to the point where I feel like giving up, just let it go, drink the wine, admit I'm a failure at this. Then no - I know I can't do that, so I try, try again. I stopped to pick up Alan Carr's book at the store and they didn't have any copies - phooey. So, I bought the "7 weeks to sobriety" one. Much the same approach as MWO and very interesting the physiological things that are happening. Hopefully through a better understanding of this stupid addiction, I can get over it.

    I think I am going to do like you, get back on all the supps and do this properly, like I did before, instead of my half-assed, cold turkey type of approach I have been taking lately.
    So here's to us and our imminent success!!!!
    xoxo peanut


      Kick Marby up the Arse thread

      Marb's How are you doing today? Have a good job yesterday? I've been dying to ask you how it went with the Jouney therapist.... have you found it helpful at all? Did she take you throught the whole Journey?
      "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


        Kick Marby up the Arse thread

        Hiya Marby,
        KP said you were sounding good yesterday and the till was ringing in the shop, I hope today is a good one for you too. How is your training going? I have managed to run for maybe 2 mins continuoulsy. I have much work to do :-)
        Stay strong x
        Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
        Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


          Kick Marby up the Arse thread

          Morning All- I feel much better today- I actually accepted help from people and phoned CY!!!! It was lovely to put a voice to a cyber name, and made me realise it was actually real people out there.

          The shop did well yesterday- I still realise it is quite a task I have set myself to get it off the ground, but I know with hard work I can do it- again I just HAVE to stop feeling sorry for myself.

          Deebee- the 'Journey' was very interesting! I did not get a feeling of euphoria as described in the book (The Journey by Brandon Bays if anyone is reading who may not know) but I did get a nice warm safe feeling- like being in an egg. It was very emotional and I began crying really hard although I couldn't really put my finger on it. I think that is normal, because she had a hugh pile of tissues on the table

          When I left her house I felt different- kind of happy and confident- I even noticed I was walking differently, and on the way back to BF I went into two shops and felt I was even treated differently (I am usually the one who every pushes in front of, and shop assistants are rude to) However, when I woke the next day it had all gone, and I was back to just being me.

          I have spoken to the therapist on the phone twice since, and she is very nice- she tells me I must identify the emotion I am feeling before picking up a drink, and just sitting with it. Very much like what WIP says- kind of mindfulness.

          It was certainly worth going, and I will go again in the future- time and money permitting.


            Kick Marby up the Arse thread

            Peanut;469342 wrote: Marbella - had a good run?
            Commitment is my problem too!! (hey - maybe that's why my marriage failed?!?!?!) I am committed for a bit, then I lose it and almost - ALMOST - get to the point where I feel like giving up, just let it go, drink the wine, admit I'm a failure at this. Then no - I know I can't do that, so I try, try again. I stopped to pick up Alan Carr's book at the store and they didn't have any copies - phooey. So, I bought the "7 weeks to sobriety" one. Much the same approach as MWO and very interesting the physiological things that are happening. Hopefully through a better understanding of this stupid addiction, I can get over it.

            I think I am going to do like you, get back on all the supps and do this properly, like I did before, instead of my half-assed, cold turkey type of approach I have been taking lately.
            So here's to us and our imminent success!!!!
            xoxo peanut
            Peanut, at least the trying is there? I think we just have to try harder.

            I went AF for 2 years (13 years ago approx) and Yes, the first few months were very difficult- quite hellish in fact. It seems now I am not prepared to go through that again, but it is surely better to have 2 or 3 bad months than this for the rest of our lives? (Which won't be too long IMHO if I carry on like this).

            We just have to get our arses in gear and commit to this totally- 110%!


              Kick Marby up the Arse thread

              [QUOTE][Also be aware that sometimes when we push ourselves somewhat out of our comfort zone it is great for a while and then we go back to feeling like ourselves again, this is when we start training our minds and pretty soon if we put the work in, we will notice we are walking differently more's a jouney and there will be bumps but we just keep walking and we will get there in the end.....we just need to keep pushing ourselves.


              That will help me no end to remember.....
              Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
              Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                Kick Marby up the Arse thread

                Hiya Marby,
                How u doing today? Superb I hope. Have you had a look at Oney's How to wake up thread? It is great, this might sound daft but I am learning that I need to WORK on my positivity and self esteem, it isnt just handed to me on plate. Anyway, you probably knew this but I wanted to share with you how helpful I found that thread.
                Have a great day Marby.
                Oh yes, yesterday I ran a little further than I did the day before. Progress!!!!
                Laters Marby xxx
                Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                  Kick Marby up the Arse thread

                  Morning Starts- Thanks for thinking of me- I was just going to write I feel fine today, but the truth is I feel like just about most days- anxious, overwhelmed and fed up.

                  I have to go now, as I have a very busy day ahead, I will probably start feeling better when I have some of the jobs done.

                  I will catch you later- dogs are going mental to leave


                    Kick Marby up the Arse thread

                    Hi Marbella,

                    Just here to give you a swift kick up the arse before I head off for a few days.
                    I woke up this smorning too feeling overwhelmed and fed up. I have tons of work to prepare and because I am going away for work for two nights I also have to get the house sorted, kids sorted etc.. and then my husband rings to say before I leave can I write down what time he has to pick them up from school for the two days..WTF!

                    Anyway, best wishes
                    There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.


                      Kick Marby up the Arse thread

                      Get those jobs done Marbs. Clear the plates, dont build it up. Take the weight of your shoulders and get some piece of mind. They wont get done by themselves u know!
                      Feel positive, do positive things and keep moving in the right direction.
                      To Infinity And Beyond!!


                        Kick Marby up the Arse thread

                        Bandit;470382 wrote: Hi Marbella,

                        Just here to give you a swift kick up the arse before I head off for a few days.
                        I woke up this smorning too feeling overwhelmed and fed up. I have tons of work to prepare and because I am going away for work for two nights I also have to get the house sorted, kids sorted etc.. and then my husband rings to say before I leave can I write down what time he has to pick them up from school for the two days..WTF!

                        Anyway, best wishes
                        Thanks for the kick Bandy!

                        I hope the next few days aren't as bad as you fear- sometimes its the thought we have about stuff that are worse the the actual stuff?

                        My overwhelming feeling has actually got worse- I am going to do as Oney suggested and start making lists.

                        Good luck with the next two days.


                          Kick Marby up the Arse thread

                          Marby, lists will help you hun. What about some supps? Gaba and true calm and valerian help me....
                          Oh yes, and some deep slow breathing.

                          Thinking of you xxx
                          Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                          Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                            Kick Marby up the Arse thread


                            I strongly agree with reading The Power of Now. I'm glad you mentioned it. I think I'd like to reread it. It's an amazing book, talk about thought-provoking.

                            I love this thread.

                            "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


                              Kick Marby up the Arse thread

                              :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


                                Kick Marby up the Arse thread

                                Let us know how ya day went marby baby!
                                To Infinity And Beyond!!

