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    My friend and dear confidant, you are a shining example that exemplifies all that is good in humanity. You are going through some difficult times at present with the humanity of the existence concerning your brother.

    We are all but waiting on that human/spirit evolution etc. YOU have read yourself 2012 and although a lot goes over my head within that book I KNOW YOU understand the importance of this. I never held so much sway until you asked me to read that book. I have this week and I am truly enlightened (without sounding all hippie like OK?) .. We are on a journey here and many forget or laugh at those prospects........WE NOW DIFFERENTLY .....don't we??

    I'm not going to try and explain in such a thread because I would say make your own mind up people and read the book OK? What I will say though is that Evie.....Will.........?? You are 2 beautiful people who have gained me such knowledge without you even realising. Look to your spirit for guidance my friend. You know your brother is right in his decisions. Maybe it's his calling etc.

    Peace be with you my friend. I love you dearly and mean no harm by my comments but I know you KNOW what I'm talking about. (You're the only one that does here!!)

    My love and happiness as always Evie (if that IS you real name??) he says in a James Bond voice!!!

    Love you dearly

    "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
    Clean and sober 25th January 2009


    You are a DEAR SWEET MAN and we both love you very MUCH-LY(as our granddaughter says to us).Will says....Auhha SUCKS, it weren't Nothing !!!!We are hanging in there and hanging on to each other.It hurts so much to hear Kenny say that life isn't worth living anymore.I want to comfort him but nothing I say seems to get thru.Thanks for caring my Dear, Dear FRIEND.
    sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


      FOR EVIE

      What is this life though? Are we not hanging on to dear 'life' for again fear of change that is almost eminent in our advance as a species. I spoke to mt friend recently in Italy who believed that the dead are actually calling the living to come and seek out the new horizons waiting for them. I mean that within families etc. i.e grandfathers who have died asking their kin to join them etc. It's holds weight with what i've read in Geoff's book. I've always believed anyway that this mortal shell we hold is only a casket as it where. I have no fear of death itself as I know greater things are on the horizon for me. Your brother too Evie. Do not disparage at things that are going to happen or may happen. Maybe it is NOT time for him and he will make a recovery from this present incident. Maybe Not though.. It's hard to loose to a loved one but having that knowledge make things so much easier I think. Whatever the outcome Evie it is HIS choice at the end of the day and I wish and hope he is preared for his second journey if he chooses. It's HIS choice don't forget. Just be there for him and help him understand. Don't ever let him be afraid EVER and let him know how much you love him. That in my book counts for everything.

      Love Hips
      "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
      Clean and sober 25th January 2009


        FOR EVIE

        Thanks for this thread, my dear friend.It is helping me put my feelings into perspective.I don't fear leaving the physical realm and going home to spirit.I even get home sick, at times and hope my school work(earthly life) will soon be done and my report card shows passing grades.Then it's like Graduation....time for the next adventure.To my Brother(and many others) this is not their mindset.I am not looking forward to trying to explain this to his kids.I will let them know my beliefs, but society often says the opposite.Our Mom last words to me were, to take care of my baby brother.I guess this is gonna be part of taking care of him.She was a big part of how I come to my beliefs and in a way, I am carrying her teachings forward.At least, that how I am seeing it today.
        sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!

