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A cause worth fighting for.

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    A cause worth fighting for.

    It was last Sunday that I reflected on this thing called 'life'. The very thing in a poster we were told it is 'shit' and then we 'die'. Many men fought for this country I now live and in and a state of so-called democracy. Yet still war rages on in Africa, Afghanistan, Iraq, Russia, China, Tibet etc etc. The list is endless. Social 'Fucking' Services could not save a child who where totally warned about and was at risk from his parents. He was 17 months old and beaten, battered and tortured to death. The woman who blew the whistle on that council has been sacked and shunned from ever working again because she spoke out against the very council that employed her. She is a broken woman now who would do it all again and celebrates her own child's 13th birthday this coming week. How do you think she feels?...

    We are battered with news articles every day about the state of this country and our nation etc. Shit man!!! It's all doom and gloom because the economy is falling to pieces etc. Mortgages are on the increase. Multi Nationals are ripping us off left right and centre with gas and electricity etc.

    So yeah life seems pretty shit dunnit?

    Me personally I'm having a hard time with a break up of a relationship, I'm fighting to get some proper access with my ex over my daughter and I'm in debt up to my eyeballs and can't seem to make ends meet. I was disparaged last week after a damaging letter from my ex's solicitor and it threw me off guard. Yes I hate all the shit that's happening in the world right now but I am glad of people here who make me feel like WE can make a difference ( no matter how small you think that may be). It all starts with US. YOU, ME and everyone else here to make a difference in life. We came to this site to make a difference to our own lives and nothing more. But people are transgressing and making changes and influencing those around us to be better people. It's only a start but it's something. I would like to re-direct you this thread at present.

    Yes WE have our problems but think about those less fortunate than ourselves. Help all you can with this cause and think about other's first. Life Is shit at times but being good to your fellow man makes life a lot less harsher to deal with.

    Get behind this cause next year OK?

    I've had my say.

    Love to you ALL

    "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
    Clean and sober 25th January 2009

    A cause worth fighting for.

    Yes, there is alot of horribly stuff that is happening in the world at the moment. Sometimes I just can't take it in -- can't watch the news or read a paper. Especially with our volatile politics here, but you are right Hippie, we do need to take a stand and I personally can't keep sticking my head in the sand hoping and praying that things will *just* get better.

    I won't be able to join you guys on that side of the pond for the marathon but I will support you in any way I can.
    "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


      A cause worth fighting for.

      Hippie, you have a great attitude.
      Thank you for this. Today I will try to run for 3 minutes!!
      Thanks Hipps
      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


        A cause worth fighting for.

        I could not agree more

        I could not agree with you more. Baby P makes sickening reading and it has played on my mind as I torture myself in imagining what pain he must have been in when he took his final breaths. I have joined the campaign to get everyone involved sacked to ensure they never work with kids again. I also feel passionately that the Paediatrician who assessed this baby is struck off. I cannot help but feel there may be some kind of 'class' war going on with her and the baby was not treated well because the parent was obviously a low life. A bit of medical snobbery if you like. I have done nursing and there is no way, and I can say that, that baby would have been treated in such a manner, the medics who I worked along side were professional and quite militant and no way would these injuries have been brushed aside. I guess that is why I feel so angry at the doctor and the medics who treated this baby for months before his demise. Bastards, is the word that springs to mind. As a child along with my other siblings we were removed from my parents who were deemed 'unfit' by social workers. My mother or father never did what these bastards did and the result ruined my mother's life, and many of the siblings!!! So I have a blockage as to understand how and why the system continually seems to fail. I have yet to meet a social worker who I walk away from and say 'wow, that person can do the job'. I have met many. It is right what you say the one good social worker was hounded out of her job, but she has public respect. As for your breakup and access to your daughter, I hope that it can be sorted out amicably and that the sun shines on you..........


          A cause worth fighting for.

          are you coming over for it Hipps?


            A cause worth fighting for.

            WELL........THANK YOU, HIP.

            I needed to read something like this, `cos have gone all insular of late and,as a result of your post, am realising this morning, that life is not all about ME, ME, ME and MY problems.

            Life should be about each and every one of us doing our bit, in whichever way we can, to make this world a better place.

            One2.......I think what you and the others are doing is wonderful. I need to think hard as to how I am going to consciously make a difference in this sad world now.

            The blinkers are is a beautiful gift.........I can see that once more.

            Star x
            Formerly known as Starlight Impress.


              A cause worth fighting for.

              i will sponsor you

              I am so proud that people are standing up. I know that sweet little girl suffered and I cannot stand to read about Baby P. His finger sliced off. It really grates with me. My siblings were sexually abused but a successful prosecution came and those who were guilty can never work with kids again. What you are doing deserves just rewards. Never let a child suffer, but we know they will, but let us give some resources to those who need. So I want to sponsor you, but not sure where to go with it. How do I get the money to you? What I have learnt is that most people do care. This website has shown me that, it is just that in everyday life, no one seems to. The word on the street is sombre. This child Baby P has affected many and maybe that was his little job on earth. I believe he is in a better place, I hope he is in the arms of angels. I know he will be. I am about to protest if those piss poor excuses for child welfare agents get away with it. To my mind they all have blood on their hands and it makes me sick to the stomach. Good for you for being so pro-active. Next year will you run a marathon for me and my animal sanctuary? I am aiming to set a charity for animals who are mistreated. I save animals from the meat wagon!!! Each soul deserves a chance. Good luck and soooooooooooo well done:h


                A cause worth fighting for.

                I simply will not look at the stories, I know what they are about based on your posts and if I look at them, I will get physically ill.

                That said, I can't wait until you get the website set up. You are all doing something special. It is not just the money, it is the showing. Making people aware.

                You guys are so special. :l:l

                AF April 9, 2016


                  A cause worth fighting for.

                  I once read a great quotation by a Japanese martial arts expert, Masutatsu Oyama:

                  "If you do not overcome your tendencies to give up easily your life leads to nothing"

                  I'm not intending to tell you anything special by this, but this phrase changed my life people!

                  The whole thing about giving up smoking is closely related to proper education and attitude. If you can control yourself, you can master anything. If you managed to get rid of this addiction you can help someone stop smoking! Tell people the truth, show the the way if you are familiar with it! :goodjob: Charlie R

