We are battered with news articles every day about the state of this country and our nation etc. Shit man!!! It's all doom and gloom because the economy is falling to pieces etc. Mortgages are on the increase. Multi Nationals are ripping us off left right and centre with gas and electricity etc.
So yeah life seems pretty shit dunnit?
Me personally I'm having a hard time with a break up of a relationship, I'm fighting to get some proper access with my ex over my daughter and I'm in debt up to my eyeballs and can't seem to make ends meet. I was disparaged last week after a damaging letter from my ex's solicitor and it threw me off guard. Yes I hate all the shit that's happening in the world right now but I am glad of people here who make me feel like WE can make a difference ( no matter how small you think that may be). It all starts with US. YOU, ME and everyone else here to make a difference in life. We came to this site to make a difference to our own lives and nothing more. But people are transgressing and making changes and influencing those around us to be better people. It's only a start but it's something. I would like to re-direct you this thread at present.
Yes WE have our problems but think about those less fortunate than ourselves. Help all you can with this cause and think about other's first. Life Is shit at times but being good to your fellow man makes life a lot less harsher to deal with.
Get behind this cause next year OK?
I've had my say.
Love to you ALL