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Army Thread 16th November 2008

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    Army Thread 16th November 2008

    Good Morning peeps.

    Today I am determined to have a good day. Yesterday turned out to be rather a down day for me. Too much negative thinking, too much procrastination, too much feeling sorry for myself. Anyway, no more! Oney's self esteem thread has done wonders for me already and I am going to continue to work at it until it sticks.
    It really does help, this morning I woke up once again at first not feeling the best. Having chased away my negative thoughts I have made a plan for my day.
    Today I AM going to eat breakfast.
    Today I AM going to do my housework
    Today I AM going to work on that essay!!!
    Today I AM going to run further than I did yesterday :H That'll be a toughie..but...

    These are all quite simple things and if I buckledown and do them, I know I will feel a sense of achievement which in turn will make me feel better in myself.

    Thanks Oney, this is the boot up the posterior I so badly needed. Happiness is within us all right??
    Have a good one folks, catch yer laters

    Love Starts
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009

    Army Thread 16th November 2008

    Good morning Starts,
    I'd an early night last night. I was in bed at 7.30 and I slept throught till 7.00 this morning, apart from a few minutes at about midnight, when I was awoken by some people coming in from a night out. Lots of shouting and cursing. That would have been me a while ago. I snuggled in and wrapped the quilt around me and went back to sleep, happier. I had some great dreams.
    Another day of little to do. I'll be busy on Monday though.
    I hope everyone has a good, peaceful Sunday.


      Army Thread 16th November 2008

      Hiya Pops, That sleep sounds great. Sometimes for me a good sleep is all I need to get on the right track again.
      Are you OK with little to do? Sometimes I am and sometimes it leaves me too much time to brood. I have just lost my job and although I am still working at the moment I am a bit nervous about when it stops. I can be my own worst enemy with too much time on my hands.
      I hope your day is a relaxing one, I am going to work on my list above. So far I am having breakfast )
      Next is housework (
      Have a great day Pops
      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


        Army Thread 16th November 2008

        I usually end up on the PC if I'm bored. Plenty to see and do surfing.
        I'm looking for a job and a place to stay, so I'm busier through the week. There's not much headway to be made during the weekends in that department. I had my breakfast and checked my lottery ticket, and guess what? I didn't win. Who would have thought it?


          Army Thread 16th November 2008

          I didnt win either......
          Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
          Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


            Army Thread 16th November 2008

            Popeye;469588 wrote: I usually end up on the PC if I'm bored. Plenty to see and do surfing.
            I'm looking for a job and a place to stay, so I'm busier through the week. There's not much headway to be made during the weekends in that department. I had my breakfast and checked my lottery ticket, and guess what? I didn't win. Who would have thought it?

            I was moaning this morning to my BF- with getting the shop ready I did not have time to put my lottery on for the last 2 weeks- and last week I would have won 36 euros :upset:


              Army Thread 16th November 2008

              Never mind Marby, next week might be a good one!

              I am WELL into my housework, sheets changed, washing on and now I am going to dance with my hoover )
              Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
              Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                Army Thread 16th November 2008

                Last night I phoned my lovely nan- (mum's mum) she always makes me smile and i really should call her more often. She is 88, and lives for Manchester United FC, and loves all things gangsters!

                Her husband died 20 years ago very suddenly, although he had always been quite absent as he was in the army.

                She has had 9 kids- and miscarried about 4 others. The eldest in mentally handicapped, and is the loveliest man on the planet.

                Just thought it would be nice to share this picture of her taken a few years ago with Mad Frankie Frazier (from the Kray twin days!) She also has many letters from Reg Kray, she was one of his penpals)


                  Army Thread 16th November 2008

                  Awwhh Marby, she sounds like a right character....
                  I am glad you called her.

                  Thanks for the tunes Oney, playing now hun!
                  Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                  Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                    Army Thread 16th November 2008

                    She has (off the top off my head) about 17 grandkids and maybe 25 great grankids? I will have to make a list, but I am her favourite! She always loved the boys rather than the girls but she has a soft spot for me


                      Army Thread 16th November 2008

                      one2many;469607 wrote: Marby!!! She looks so like you!! She has the same lovely kind face...thats amazing....

                      What a cool pic...I know of Mad frankie.....I was a an avid readers of all things kray, used to have a T shirt of a boxing ring with the Kryas in, I wore it till it fell apart lol.....

                      Thanks for sharing Marbs...god she doesnt look 88!!!!!
                      That pic was taken a few years ago- they were both 83 I think- but no- she doesn't look or act anywhere near 88!


                        Army Thread 16th November 2008

                        I tried them once- herbal highs they were called- I thought they would get me of the booze.

                        I drank like a fish on them- and felt pretty shite for days after.

                        You are right- Wob sounds like he needs to grow up a bit, rather like me in fact- give him some tough love.


                          Army Thread 16th November 2008

                          Yes- they really shouldn't be allowed- I thought I would get a nice mellow feeling (Herbal like) but I actually felt like I'd snorted a kilo of coke.

                          Horrible to think young kids can get their hands on them.


                            Army Thread 16th November 2008

                            I hope it is never again for him....blimey I didnt realise you could buy stuff from a shop!!! I thought it was just dealers in a seedy flat. LOL

                            He sounds like me in as much as he has some whiskey for his cold and then goes off the rails for days after.....

                            Ah well, I know hes in good hands with you to look after him )
                            Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                            Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                              Army Thread 16th November 2008

                              Downstairs has been hoovered and dusted, now I am making my way up!!!!
                              Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                              Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009

