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You should not feel safe

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    You should not feel safe

    You can call any name you want...from discovery to have all been great fun. But seriously....are you safe? No. Not even those LUCKY DUCKS....who pay to be on the site. It is the internet....there are no safe sites when it comes to internet/with the governmet. Keep your secrets safe if you need to. I am so glad to not have any. But if you got em'....don't post them here. It WILL be used on you in a court of law.


    You should not feel safe

    I probably shouldn't respond to this, but I can't resist! What is this all about? I don't think I have any "secrets" that any government would be interested in - and if you've not done anything wrong why worry about "a court of law"? Kim, can you explain please and what exactly has this to do with alcohol problems (which I seem to think is the whole point of this site, but my head is a bit fuzzy this morning, stinking cold, not hangover - LOL!)


      You should not feel safe

      :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
      best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


        You should not feel safe

        Am amending my original post, because this doesn`t really merit a response, other than........ I consider the thread was posted in malice, but.......whatever........thankfully, stuff like that is like water off a duck`s back to the likes of me these days. As far as I can decipher, the intent of the poster was to alarm, and that is such a shame, because there are some very vulnerable souls here and those are the ones this thread can damage. Please don`t anyone allow this thread to detract from your goal to beat the drink. This site is as safe as any online forum can be, providing we never forget to exercise a little only common sense.

        And if the thread was actually posted to look after the interests of others, then I must apologise, but........I hold that apology in reserve for now. But just for the record, in the words of Mel and Kim........"we can look after ourselves all right".

        Formerly known as Starlight Impress.


          You should not feel safe

          yea i dont get it either,you could xplain wht you mean a bit better gyco


            You should not feel safe

            Oh I thought the message was quite clear, and true, although hopefully nobody here has been affected. I think the point is not to think that you can tell your secrets here if they are secrets that could be used against you in some way (mostly legally, I would guess). Even though it feels safe, it isn't completely.

            btw, in the U.S., even psychiatrists and therapists can be made to reveal information about you in a divorce case.
            Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

            Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


              You should not feel safe

     sweet thing you....I love ya! LMAO....ROFL LMAO!!! I TELL it ALL, BUT IS TRUE...I might've made the whole damn thing up cause I am crazy as'll never know will you???? LOL
              Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


                You should not feel safe

                Beatle, all that is true... but why would someone come here and make that his/her first post? Melman, what's up? Are you OK?



                  You should not feel safe

                  Yes Kim, as a LUCKY DUCKY, I have known to keep my life very private on the net. I have let my guard down slightly with a few but thanks for the reminder to keep myself protected. That is why I don't do the Drink Tracker or share anything specific about my life except about my doggy. I have a lot of fun here but that does not mean I do not take the issue seriously and wish the best for all- even Determinator! LOL

                  Determinator- I think you understand my comment and are ok with it considering the source of this thread. No one needs to get their panties in a wad.

                  Happy Sunday!


                    You should not feel safe

                    You wear panties Lucky, that is a very personal share ...thank-you...I feel so close.
                    Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


                      You should not feel safe

                      Getting your panties in a "wad" - :H Now over on this side of world we call that getting a "wedgie" - but you can't tell anyone cause it's a UK government secret weapon!!! Ooops! - that's it - Tower of London for me and sentenced to 20 years of wedgiesuch:



                        You should not feel safe

                        Oh no, Lucky. I think if you say "panties in a wad" online you get put on Dick Cheney's terrorist list. I hope you don't want to fly on any airplanes anytime soon.
                        Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


                          You should not feel safe

                          Gia;469855 wrote: Maybe we should all start wearing tinfoil on our heads and string hangers from the know, to break up their interference. Yikes. Do you think they hide mini cameras in your cereal?


                            You should not feel safe

                            How about if I say "don't get your knickers in a knot" or "tangled up in your underwear" Will that get me into trouble?
                            AF Since April 20, 2008
                            4 Years!!!


                              You should not feel safe

                              I knew i shouldn't have bought those cheerios yesterday...knew it!
                              Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear

