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Army Thread 17th November 2008

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    Army Thread 17th November 2008

    Morning troops,

    I am hoping that this is the last Monday I have to get up at this ungodly hour for a while! Actually, I will probably miss it, this really is the best time of the day .....I think....well I keep telling myself....
    Just caught up with last nights thread, I might have to start watching I'm a Celeb...feeling i am missing something important

    I had a look at the AA website last night, some of it really resonated with me. I am seriously considering joining. I feel I need to keep adding weapons to aid my recovery, feeling low has made me feel a little vulnerable and I know I need to be vigilant with all thats going on in my life right now. Need to pluck up courage for that though. It might just be a new years resolution for me.

    Still got those positve vibes going on so today is going to be another productive day for me. I am going to start a to do list and make sure I tick off as I go, makes me feel as if I have achieved something.

    Have a great day everyone and I'll catch you later.
    Love starts xxx
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009

    Army Thread 17th November 2008

    New recruit here! day 3 af for me, mainly because I've been working lates and not had time to squeeze in a drink..I have a day off so I have to be careful, the danger time for me is around 4-6pm..if I'm going to drink it'll be around then. I think I will hide under the bed during that time!!

    BTW, that video is great One2many!
    'The only people who give you a hard time (for stopping drinking) are those who used to look to your drinking to excess to legitimise theirs, and they'll find someone else to do that in time. '
    From an Amazon review of Allan Carr's ' Easy Way to Control Alcohol'


      Army Thread 17th November 2008

      hi starting and one,AA, eh,,there is a site i went on,was pretty good, ONLINE AA,just put it in the computor,my freinds and listen,i think you both would be intrigued with tht site,


        Army Thread 17th November 2008

        Good morning folks!
        I'm looking forward to seeing my grandkids this afternoon. My daughter's bringing them in at about 2pm, so that should be fun.
        I'm really trying to stay upbeat. My dad's recently found out that he has cancer, and he's managing to stay cheery, so I should be able to aswell.
        I've got my AA meeting tonight. I'll let you know how it goes.
        Stay positive Starts. Things generally go better with a good attitude.
        I know " The Look" O2M. I've had a few of those in my time.
        Enjoy your day everyone.


          Army Thread 17th November 2008

          all different kinds like here but they do preach the big book,they also have onlline meetings,note if you dont have the big book,you can find it also online,free,think its undr aabig book, 4 versions,just remember listen


            Army Thread 17th November 2008

            He's different! No doubt about that.
            He doesn't let much phase him.


              Army Thread 17th November 2008

              seeing no ones at chat, all do it here today,seeing gyco is trying his philosify ,a new today,1st a wake and have a beer normally,but im working today,not 10 coffee s a beer,not today a water and my hi blood pressure pill,work for 8 hours and think about the drink i wont have,buttht will diminish in time,then home,tht usually is the interesting time to what call winning the battle against AL,LAST NIGHT I HAD A BEER A BEER,AT 830,bed,so tonite i have to make it to 830,and thts 24 hours ,sounds simple but it is not,so all be back later to tell you how its going gyco hahahaha have a great and anyone who is thinking of going to online AA,READ THE 1ST 163 PAGES OF THE BIG BOOK IT MT HELP YOU,


                Army Thread 17th November 2008



                  Army Thread 17th November 2008

                  one it is somthing i have to want imnot having a problem modding i just dont no if i want to anymore but thnx for the encouagement i no all here try to help and tht helps most of all


                    Army Thread 17th November 2008

                    Gyco;470339 wrote: all different kinds like here but they do preach the big book,they also have onlline meetings,note if you dont have the big book,you can find it also online,free,think its undr aabig book, 4 versions,just remember listen
                    is this AA meetings on line you are referring to?
                    if so please explain... this might be good for me to get me back on track. thanks!


                      Army Thread 17th November 2008

                      Hello All,

                      Hope everyone is doing ok today?

                      Got back late last night so first time I've had a chance to check in. Very ropey this weekend, booze was everywhere - was walking through dublin city centre both Saturday evening and Sunday evening on the way to and from my mothers and all I could think about was calling a friend and getting a drink somewhere before heading home..I was like the lion in Madagascar, people of all shapes and sizes were turning into drinks in front of my eyes..luckily there was a bus home more or less straight away and not another one for ages so I just hopped on and went straight home, really hard though.

                      I'm off now on the road for work until Wednesday night so that will also be hard, doing my larry the lamb routine, I've to do team facilitation work with some groups and feck, I've more issues than the lot of them put together..I get so nervous but I'm as prepared as I can be, mainly as I have not been drinking, so if anything goes wrong it'll just be down to the people dynamic on the day and not a lot I can do about that. If nothing else it's putting some extra money on the table for the kiddies christmas pressies and that's the only way I can think about it.

                      Sorry to ramble on - it's me nerves

                      Best wishes and I'll check in again on Wednesday night
                      There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.


                        Army Thread 17th November 2008

                        Hi troops just quickly checking in before I head out to see my solicitor then to do some MORE Xmas shopping!!. I know I should be still taking the weight of me feet as my toes were weeping like hell yesterday and I had to re-dress them twice. BUT! today they seem fine and I'm hoping I get the all clear this Thursday when I go back to the hospital. I've been doing a good job redressing them and making sure they're clean and bandaged well so fingers crossed.......

                        Gotta rush folks and will probably check back in later tonight. It's kind of strange but I've been enjoying the time away from the forum of late and don't feel the need to jump on here every day!!! I must be getting 'better' lol!!!!!!!!!!!!.

                        Love and Happiness and have a great day all
                        "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
                        Clean and sober 25th January 2009


                          Army Thread 17th November 2008

                          Hi all,

                          Well done Bandit...Describing yourself as the lion from madigasgar put a smile on my face...I think we all feel like that sometimes..
                          First test for me today...Its Mine and Lisa's anniversarry..And my first one sober.
                          I feel very lucky to still be with such an understanding woman...And the best thing i can do for her today is be sober..

                          Meaningful...Yet...Cheap present...I like it..
                          I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
                          One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


                            Army Thread 17th November 2008

                            Posting at the same time Hipps...Great to see ya...Missed ya mate..
                            I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
                            One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


                              Army Thread 17th November 2008

                              Mack it's those presents that money just can't buy that mean the world to people. I know Lisa will be over the moon today.

                              Have a great day my friend and happy Anniversary to you both.

                              Love and Happiness
                              "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
                              Clean and sober 25th January 2009

