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    Hey all

    Hello all.

    this is probally long over due. i havent logged in for a while now. but visit and read a few post here and there.

    Im doing ok. still drinking. just not as much as i use to. so maby thats what i needed from this site. all i can say is you need to want to completely stop drinking to STOP. no bullshit no cop outs, you need to want to stop. i, well i dont think i really want to stop. and will live my life as bet i can. i no longer have black outs, no longer write myself off when i drink. maybe its the med's im on, or maybe its me telling myself to behaive. im not sure.

    as some of you know ive had some doubts about whats these anti depressent meds are doing. but not anymore. im use to it now. i like to now not think about things not think about anything. have a clear head all of the time. maby thats NORMAL. who knows.

    I just thought id log in and say hello, and let the special people i have met, know that im alive.

    i write this quickly, as not to 'loose' what im thinking. im pushing on. getting through life. alco or not..

    thankyou everyone. i will alway pop in everynow and then. its just i dont have anything to say anymore. not just here, but everywhere.

    Sedated and liking it..

    all my love. and all the best KARL

    an alcoholic is someone you don't like, that drinks as much as you do

    Hey all

    Its good to hear from you Karl. I hope your feeling better and that the summer weather is helping your moods.
    All the best for the future.
    To Infinity And Beyond!!


      Hey all

      Hi Karl,
      I was wondering where you were!
      In some ways your post sounds as if you are ok and in others it doesnt?
      But you know we are always here if you feel you would like to chat.
      Dont be a stranger Karl.
      Take good care buddy.
      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009

