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Human Kindess Prevails

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    Human Kindess Prevails

    I have only been on this forum for a week and felt compelled to say that each and every person I have been in contact with and have read about has shown genuine love and kindess for each other. We are all total strangers in life yet share such a major bond in our situation (past or present). It is inspiring for me to come here daily and relate to people all over the world who share my biggest fear and battle.

    This is forum such a safe place and thank you to all who have contributed. For those just starting this will be a place where you will find true acceptance and understanding and very good, old-fashioned, snarky humor to get you through the rough patches.

    So, I'm sappy for now - but must share positive thoughts when I can. Had a relative die from cancer Friday (not close but still family) and a friend (not not close but close enough) diagnosed with cancer that has spread to two systems of the body - both under 40. Lost a dear friend to cancer this summer. The two passed left young, school age children. The sick one has young children. I just hate to think of young kids living without their mommy. Lesson for me to choose health over booze - something I CAN control.
    Blessings to all....
    "Parenthood remains the greatest single preserve of the amateur." Alvin Toffler

    Human Kindess Prevails

    EGADS...maybe we should say kindness instead of kindess...need spell check....sorry
    "Parenthood remains the greatest single preserve of the amateur." Alvin Toffler


      Human Kindess Prevails

      Thanks O2M. I will cry here if I need to....I know I will be welcomed.

      How are things in Ireland?? I've always wanted to go to Ireland...

      I am here in the not so beautiful midwest - Kansas City. The neighbors are starting to put up their Christmas decorations already. Across the street they had outdoor lights on last night and their tree up and going...but I guess a few weeks here for the Americans (day after Thanksgiving) starts the Christmas season. Christmas music started non-stop on 2 radio stations last week....HO HO HO
      "Parenthood remains the greatest single preserve of the amateur." Alvin Toffler


        Human Kindess Prevails

        Aw kindness, goes a long ways doesn't it? Thank you C&C Mom, that was beautiful. And I too am so forry for you loss.

        Kidness, [lol] I like it as a new word too! If we were all a little more "kid" like, wouldn't this be a much happier world?! I love how kids see the world. [barring abusive situations of course] They have an innocence about them, they question everything, they love simple things, they do not worry about where their food or clothing will come from, they trust their caregiver(s), they love unconditionally. They know how to have fun!!! Please feel free to join in and add on if you like...

        periwinkle :h
        Even baby mountain goats must learn to tackle the smallest mountains first. sigpic


          Human Kindess Prevails

          I have cried here many times! Cussed a few times too...LOL This site literally saved my hinny from the flames of hell...NO LIE! I have no doubts I'd be a burnt frie by now. I am eternally grateful!
          Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


            Human Kindess Prevails

            Thanks for the invite to Army - I will join you - always needs good laugh ....who doesn't?

            Brittzak - yes my bum too has smoke & fire damage (as well as overaeting stretch marks) - apparently not enough to claim on insurance...

            And kidness - a trait we should all strive see the world thru children's eyes...."Mommy your tummy is a little big but it you are still beautiful because I love you." "Daddy, even though you only have a couple of hairs left on your head, you are still the handsomest man I know" They see life so lovely...
            "Parenthood remains the greatest single preserve of the amateur." Alvin Toffler

