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Twilight Movie and Books

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    Twilight Movie and Books

    Well, blow me down with a feather. The sleepy town that I am closest to has become a tourist mecca for "Twilight" fans all over the globe. A couple of years ago, the Chamber of Commerce paid us a call regarding filming locations. We had the location and the forest, but the house was too contemporary.

    Over the summer we had such a welcome of tourism it was amazing. Even in our one grocery store they were into it paging Bella, Edward and Jacob.

    My step-son the dr mentioned to one of his patients that his father was flying in from Forks and she claimed total health if she could just get a t-shirt - yes, we did send her one.

    Friends are now in the local and sometimes "national news".

    Anybody into this?
    Enlightened by MWO

    Twilight Movie and Books

    My daughter can't wait to see the movie. Will probably take this weekend. I want a t-shirt!



      Twilight Movie and Books

      My 14 year old has read ALL of the books, and CANNOT WAIT to see the movie. She wants to go with her friends to see the midnight premier this coming Thursday night, but I'm a "mean" mom and told her she can't go that late on a school night! That's really cool that your town is getting so much notoriety, although I'm sure all of you would like it to calm down as well. What'll know more about these books and stories than anyone soon!


        Twilight Movie and Books

        My 13 year old son also wants to go to the midnight premeire. But he has a test Friday and I don't think it's going to happen. I hadn't heard of it until he mentioned it we'll probably rent it.


          Twilight Movie and Books

          I have read 2 of 4 books. I am half way through the third. My girlfriend from work got me hooked and she and I are going to go and see the movie but wait for the hype to die down a bit.

          It's a good easy read. At first I thought, "Good god, vampires, and werewolves?".....I normally read murder mysteries, but as I said, it really is a good saga.

          Forks sounds like a great little town....I would be interested to know if it is portrayed true to life....pick it up SK, good read! It's hard to put down!

          AF July 6 2014


            Twilight Movie and Books

            I love vampires and my 12-year-old gave me "Twilight" and I still haven't read it. I'm taking this post as a sign to start it before a bat comes flying in my window and bites me in the neck in the middle of the night... nfire:
            "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


              Twilight Movie and Books

              I'm totally a fan, even though I'm 27. I even got tickets to the midnight movie premiere.

              So, wait... you live in Forks? How cool!


                Twilight Movie and Books

                Yes, cool and very wet!
                Enlightened by MWO


                  Twilight Movie and Books

                  My daughter just finished the 4th book tonight. She likes it but is not obsessed with it like some other kids because I think a lot went over her head as she is only 10. She is, however, going to the movie with friends on Friday night and looking forward to it. I am not into the vampire thing but I am sure I would have loved it at her age too.
                  I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                    Twilight Movie and Books

                    SKendall, I'm in Seattle. Thanks to those books, I hope to someday visit Forks and La Push, though I'm not expecting anything crazy. It would just be fun to say I've been there and I know it's a gorgeous area being on the Olympic Peninsula. My favorite part of the movie preview is the scene with the enormous evergreens. I'd like to see the area in person. The closest I've ever been is Sequim, but never off the main roads...


                      Twilight Movie and Books

                      We are in Canada, and my daughter cannot WAIT for the movie to come out! They filmed it in your town? How exciting!!

