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    Somehow, somewhere I seem to offend. That was never meant. I have checked my writings and cannot see where this offence comes from. Maybe, I am blind!!!! Maybe I drank too much and wrote without thinking, yet when I look I still cannot see what it is I have done WRONG!!! Like all I am battling a demon and then it seems I have been condemned. Can you imagine if I took on board all those who chose to condemn me? I would be a lesser person and a very sad person. We are all entitled to our own opinions. If I offended you - I reiterate that I am not sure why??? Funny aint it. I have my own friends and they are seldom offended. Yet, I write and seems the whold darned world is.:goodjob:


    I've read your offense here

    :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.



      you are doing fine .. in no way are you offending anyone that i can see .. love you writing keep it up ..stay strong and think positive and keep on doing your best
      :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
      best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..



        Oh honey its all good...keep on posting. If I left every time I offended, I'd have been gone so long ago LOL Stick with us, we need each other.
        Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear



          We are here for you! You are doing great, and are a courageous woman!


            FOR THOSE WHO I OFFEND!!

            Thank you so much. I must admit I cried. Not cos I wanted to be friends, but cos I could not understand what I did wrong, other than express an opinion. I realise my opinion may not be that of others. My son is coming home today and I feel glad. A lot of shit has gone on in my life this past week, not only reliving the past, but just shit. Could not understand, but then I figured it after I cried. I am Maddiva, and I am a woman. I do not want you to call me Ms, Mrs or Miss. I am not titled. I am just. For those who support me. Thank You so much. It means so much. As for those who feel they should be titled. Sorry mate but this is a website and you are a blog and you are not worthy of me calling you any other name than that you chose to use. A hundred, thousand thanks are sent to you all and I will be strong. See I am controversial:H


              FOR THOSE WHO I OFFEND!!

              Can this be the end of it now and can we carry on helping those of us with problems with alcohol.
              To Infinity And Beyond!!


                FOR THOSE WHO I OFFEND!!

                As for those who feel they should be titled. Sorry mate but this is a website and you are a blog and you are not worthy of me calling you any other name than that you chose to use.

                you need to get your facts straight love ...I was not offended by you mistaking me for a male , I was just correcting you and I have no idea why , other than the fact that im irish as to why you would call me Mr. Leprechaurn, here my name is Limers. I did not choose to be called Mr. Leprechaurn! lol!
                It seems to me you are accusing us of been what YOU are in fact subjecting us to....threats, bullying, not been able to speak our mind. This is the last time I will ever respnd to any of your posts!


                  FOR THOSE WHO I OFFEND!!

                  limers is right... if you are "blind," it is to the fact that you chose to address limers as "mr. leprechaun," for whatever reason... and if you are (as you mentioned) in fact drinking while you are posting, you can expect things will get even more confusing than things already get, because of the fact that we are trying to communicate with each other online, instead of face to face!

                  Bottom line is... let it go, drop this one, OK? Let's get back to the question of recovering from alcohol problems, OK?



                    FOR THOSE WHO I OFFEND!!

                    OH SHUTUP YOU FUCKUP

                    I have just sent you a nice personal email Limers. And somewhere wires have been crossed. Cos I figured you said to me Ms Leprachaun to me. Maybe i AM WRONG and I shall go over what has been written today, so I hold the fought on that. I can and do make mistakes. As for not replying to my posts again. As you wish. I never meant to offend you, at all. I do not hate the Irish. I do not hate anyone, but realise my writings may come across as I do. I only stated what I found in Ireland and it shocked me. I have also found it in London, Rome and many other countries. I maybe, was more shocked at my personal companion. Who is Irish and who I did at one time love!!!! So I wish you well and in no mean wish you harm. That is not really my way. You know what, I take all on board what has been said to me and I will be discussing it with my psychologist as it seems I am viewed as some looney. Well, me and a million others!!! I am just the same as everyone else, I have a problems with drink and I am trying to get better. If I offended you I apologise, it is
                    up to you whether or not you are big enough to accept my sincere wishes:h
                    but for now shut the fuck up cos I will not call you Ms, Mrs or Mr and if I did it was in jest. So lighten up ,,,


                      FOR THOSE WHO I OFFEND!!

                      SOZ, CAPS ON!


                        FOR THOSE WHO I OFFEND!!

                        I don't find it funny and I wish you would just let it die. Please. :upset:


                          FOR THOSE WHO I OFFEND!!

                          maddiva;471642 wrote: I have just sent you a nice personal email Limers. And somewhere wires have been crossed..............
                          but for now shut the fuck up cos I will not call you Ms, Mrs or Mr and if I did it was in jest. So lighten up ,,,

                          that was so uncalled for.
                          All limers was doing was correcting her sex at birth...being she is not male (mr) but female (ms)...not as a status thing? Please can't you see that, and move forward, and let it go.

                          I wish you well
                          Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


                            FOR THOSE WHO I OFFEND!!

                            Ah I see it clearly now

                            I went back and looked at this Mr Leprachaun misunderstanding and figured out it was me. I called Limers Mr Leprachaun and yes, I had been drinking and maybe looked at the Irish place and sent this message. Yet, do you know what I never did it in an offensive manner, it escalated to being very offensive on both sides. I do not expect anyone to share my opinion, I have my own opinion and that is it. So sorry Limers, if you got upset at me calling you a Leprachaun (mind you they are very lucky+) So may the luck of the Leprachaun be with you. I have decided as now I am offended that unless I write a book I do not need to come onto the computer and will live my life and get better without any blogs from anyone else. See I seem to cause chaos whereever I go. May be it is my nature. May be I am awkward to the point of no point. Maybe I offend intentionally, but this was not the case on that matter. It was a slip of the fingers and such be treated as such. So may god, love and light be with you all Maddiva is leaving the blogs.:thanks::h:l


                              FOR THOSE WHO I OFFEND!!

                              All the best. Goodbye and good luck in everything you do.
                              To Infinity And Beyond!!

