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Army Thread 19th November 2008

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    Army Thread 19th November 2008

    one to you, i use tosmoke 3 decks a day,never think of it anymore,30 years ago,stopped at 25,just think if i wouldnt of stopped i would be dead or close to,you can do it gyco


      Army Thread 19th November 2008

      everything is well here one, even the wife is showing less anxiety towards her new job, thnx for asking


        Army Thread 19th November 2008

        hahahah we got snow last nt, just a tinsy bit but snow hahaha


          Army Thread 19th November 2008

          labour is a tough one i remembe running with a lady partner and i asked about xplaining the pain of running a marathon,she said in the end its kinda like having a baby,it didnt help,never had a baby, hahahah,good luck with the tooth,old mothers tale,put an asprin on it,tastes yukky but it worked for me


            Army Thread 19th November 2008

            not lots of snow but enuff to make ot look like winter


              Army Thread 19th November 2008

              one did you find the AA book on line just curious,


                Army Thread 19th November 2008

                Morning Army - I'm struggling a bit today, decided I would be AF last night because I had loads to do. I did my work, had a coffee and went to bed but I was craving like mad. My thirst was so bad I thought I was going to vomit twice. I eventually feel asleep but woke up at 3.00am still craving a drink. I know this is because I've been drinking more lately. I felt fine this morning, but the cravings have started again, I've had a coffee but it's just triggered incessent thirst again. It all seems to be physical, not emotional at least - just annoying. I don't want to drink. Ne kachu peet! :yuk:
                Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


                  Army Thread 19th November 2008

                  on tht note i got to get ready to work,soon,by the way the 1st hundred and 63 pages tells the story,the rest are stories on people struggles


                    Army Thread 19th November 2008

                    I love the snow but mainly due to the fact that if it snows i can't get to work!!!


                      Army Thread 19th November 2008

                      glad to here tht one im not promoting it but next look up b4 AA, and the history of AA,TOLD YOU RESEACH OF ADDICTIONIS VERY INTERESTING,AND YOU CAN AGREEOR NOT BUT IT IS INTRESTI


                        Army Thread 19th November 2008

                        latr gyco


                          Army Thread 19th November 2008

                          Did you do your hair GG?
                          I havent got cravings at the mo Vlad, but had them last night when my tooth was bad, and if it plays up i know it will get bad again. Plus its just me here tnt on my own. BUT, i have no way of getting any money. No card and ?1 in cash, so that settles that argument. Cant get any bloody pain killers either though! Muuuuuum, you know i love you........
                          Have you eaten Vlad. Fill the tummy!
                          To Infinity And Beyond!!


                            Army Thread 19th November 2008

                            Right i'm off to sort out my car insurance.... yet again!! How difficult is it for them to just give me a quote! You'd think it would be easy but no.

                            Can't believe there is no jungle on tonight. Early night for me then i guess.

                            Morning Gia, I joined a gym years ago and used to go three times a week and the achy pains are horrible. I know how you feel hon

                            Here's to positive thinking and dancing with the hoover!


                              Army Thread 19th November 2008

                              Im having tuna, lime and corriander fishcakes for my late brek!!
                              To Infinity And Beyond!!


                                Army Thread 19th November 2008

                                cymru;472312 wrote:
                                Have you eaten Vlad. Fill the tummy!
                                Yep, I had my cereal this morning - I make sure I do that otherwise I'm tempted to have something unhealthly for breakfast part way through the morning, then I don't eat my lunch.

                                An hour till lunchtime, can't wait - will go for a brisk walk and then EAT!
                                Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message

