I went to a busness "networking" get together last evening (5-7) PM. I had a really good time meeting and visiting with work associates. I didn't get drunk, had a few glasses of wine, caught a bit of a buzz. But, I ate too much of the classic cocktail fare...meatballs, etc, nothing healthy. The combination of the wine and the unhealthy food just flat makes my body feel sub par and I don't sleep nearly as well.
I got home about 7:30 and had some ice cream with my soon to be 5 yr old son and then we went to bed around 8:30.
The problem is, is that as I have said before, age takes it toll and here I am at 3 AM awake, feeling "so so" at best and not sleeping well. So, clearly I won't be is as good of shape tomorrow as I was on Monday and Tuesday.
This kind of thing just makes me think that drinking at this stage of my life (50) has just become a nuisance and doesn't seem to be worth it; that's why I'd like to quit.
I have some friends in my age group who say they essentially quit drinking for similar reasons. Has anyone been through this sort of thing?
My guess is I would have had just as good a time at the meeting drinking Coke and eating less meatballs.