I think this is a record cos I am still feeling good! Not sure I can cope with my own positive vibes any more.
No, its great, I feel I have had some sort of breakthrough this week. I think its to do with finding ways forward. I have talked a lot about the "what nexts", and I seem to have been there forever I was getting a bit tired of it to be honest. Now, I am still not entirely sure what my next move is going to be but I know how I want to work towards it. For me that is being more open, open to new ideas, new ways of thinking, and accepting myself.
Last night when Limey said she was going to mod, my crazy brain almost immediately said "I think thats a good idea, lets try" There is no way ever that I can mod, I know that now, so why on earth did that thought slip in and how did I deal with it? Well, I just thought for a while, not fought it or tried to change, just let it wander through. Eventually it left me thankfully.
When I was at my worst taking drugs, I used to listen to this song over and over again, it used to give me a spark of life in my otherwise dead brain.
[ame= ]YouTube - Walking On Sunshine - Katrina & The Waves[/ame]
I am SO VERY GRATEFUL I am no longer in that place anymore.
Have a great day my lovelies.
See you later
Love Starts ....who is walking on sunshine even at this ridiculous hour xxx