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Army Thread 20th November 2008

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    Army Thread 20th November 2008

    Good Morning peeps!

    I think this is a record cos I am still feeling good! Not sure I can cope with my own positive vibes any more.

    No, its great, I feel I have had some sort of breakthrough this week. I think its to do with finding ways forward. I have talked a lot about the "what nexts", and I seem to have been there forever I was getting a bit tired of it to be honest. Now, I am still not entirely sure what my next move is going to be but I know how I want to work towards it. For me that is being more open, open to new ideas, new ways of thinking, and accepting myself.
    Last night when Limey said she was going to mod, my crazy brain almost immediately said "I think thats a good idea, lets try" There is no way ever that I can mod, I know that now, so why on earth did that thought slip in and how did I deal with it? Well, I just thought for a while, not fought it or tried to change, just let it wander through. Eventually it left me thankfully.

    When I was at my worst taking drugs, I used to listen to this song over and over again, it used to give me a spark of life in my otherwise dead brain.

    [ame= ]YouTube - Walking On Sunshine - Katrina & The Waves[/ame]

    I am SO VERY GRATEFUL I am no longer in that place anymore.

    Have a great day my lovelies.
    See you later
    Love Starts ....who is walking on sunshine even at this ridiculous hour xxx
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009

    Army Thread 20th November 2008

    Morning Starts, I think it's great that your feeling so positive, keep it up hon. That song has lifted my mood this morning and i feel ready to face the day.

    I have all of 10 mins to get ready and get to work which i just don't think is possible but gonna give it a go anyway!

    Have a good day all, i will be back later

    Wish xx


      Army Thread 20th November 2008

      Hi Starts and Wish and all to come
      This running lark is a bit like giving up smoking and drinking. Its ODAT - a little bit around the block the first day then a bit more the next and so on day by day a little improvement in confidence and ability. And then after a week you feel good and you think you can win the fucking thing! I know there will be stumbles along the way but its a great challenge for us and certainly takes the mind off the other addictions we are afflicted with. Hope you all have a great day I am off to bed now and looking forwar to my run in the morning.


        Army Thread 20th November 2008

        Morning everyone. Have been really motivated this week so far and got lots of things done. Had a blooming crazy dream about an alcoholic crocodile though last night.
        Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


          Army Thread 20th November 2008

          vlad;473043 wrote: Morning everyone. Have been really motivated this week so far and got lots of things done. Had a blooming crazy dream about an alcoholic crocodile though last night.
          LOL Vlad- I get crazy dreams too, but I really enjoy them

          Last night I phoned Starts. She PM'd me her number ages ago, but I am so ANTI bothering people (thats why I havent called Oney- would love to talk and have her number too, but I think three little ones, and Wob and Alfie is plenty for one woman to deal with) I did not call her till yesterday.

          It was lovely to talk- she sounded just like the therapist I have seen recently- the same calming reassuring voice. The therapist charges 100 euros for a session, so I think that could well be Start's new career. I will let her practice on me in the meantime.

          Well i feel MUCH better today- for the first day no Alcohol withdrawal symptoms from my last binge, so no need to drink today (I can't go cold turkey because of the dogs).

          I slept like a log also- I think apart from my lovely chat with Starts it might have been the Lithium Oratate- I am going to continue with that, so if anyone else is struggling it might be an idea to try- I bought it ages ago and read to take 2 a day. Yesterday I took more, as advised on a thread here, and it seems to help.


            Army Thread 20th November 2008

            marbella;473063 wrote: LOL Vlad- I get crazy dreams too, but I really enjoy them
            Oh I do too - so much I created a thread for them in subscribers.
            Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


              Army Thread 20th November 2008

              your doing great Oney!


                Army Thread 20th November 2008

                Thanks Oney, you will get one very soon- after 7.30 is ideal for me, as I am in the shop on my own, and very few customers.

                Well of now to walk (run) the doggies...!

                SOD SONIA!


                  Army Thread 20th November 2008

                  Morning everyone,

                  Hope everyone is doing ok.
                  I got back late last night having been away since Monday. Got through it and the work went pretty well but just so glad to be back home. Easy day for me today thank god, just the usual stuff - cleaning, shopping, dinners and kids etc. but next week will be crazy so I am going to enjoy today while I can, weather is nice, cold but crisp with all the leaves on the ground which I love so I'm off now to bring the dog for a walk before I pick up my youngest from play school.
                  Catch you all later

                  There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.


                    Army Thread 20th November 2008

                    Hi One2,

                    I know and it was fine, good even, but god I was shattered - it was great to stay in my friend's house as she lives more or less on her own at the mo and her house was so quiet, no chaos or kids, it really helped me to concentrate on what I was doing, otherwise I don't think I would have been up to it. Luckily she also gives up the booze every November so no temptation there either!. I have two more work sessions next week and one the week after but my hubby won't be able to take the time off work so I'll have to commute from my own place in the mornings so we'll see how that goes!

                    There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.


                      Army Thread 20th November 2008

                      morning all. hope everyone is well. Im very grumpy tdy cause my tooth hurts and ive been up all night. Trying to make an emergency appointment now.
                      Great to see everyone doing so well. It gives me confidence.
                      To Infinity And Beyond!!


                        Army Thread 20th November 2008

                        Aww Cy, sorry to hear about toothache. Oney is right though, cry it works!

                        Oney, I think you were exagerating when you said you would have sober sex for a smoke :-)))))

                        Marby, you are sounding GREAT today!!! I cannot tell you how happy that makes me.

                        Bandy band, good you are badk in one piece )

                        Wishy washy, good morn at work? Glad the tune gave you a lift. It did me too.

                        Gia, sober and happy today? That is bloody great! good going girly!
                        Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                        Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                          Army Thread 20th November 2008

                          Hi everyone, well i've been to work for all of 3 hours today, I do sometimes think what is the point. Nothing much plan for me in wishy land today.

                          BH - Good on ya for sticking to the running. Wish i had the same determination. I will get there, PROMISE!!

                          Gia - You have inspired me to get the exercise bike outta the cupboard and start getting fit. I will try that before going running and embrassing myself in public with my beetroot face and panting! LOL

                          Marbs - Great to hear your feeling better today.

                          Oney - "Sober Sex" God things must be bad! LOL. Hang on in there girlie your doing great.

                          Bandit - Hope you have a nice relaxing day.

                          Cy - Get to the dentist babe. I hate seeing you in pain my darling x

                          Limers - Hope you have a good day!

                          Vlad - What a crazy dream. I've had a look in my A-Z of dreams book and couldn't find anything for an alcoholic crocodile but did find out what each one meant individually. I have PM'ed you with it.


                            Army Thread 20th November 2008

                            Hey starts, had an ok morning in work thanks. Wondering what to do with the rest of my day. Might just have a sleep.


                              Army Thread 20th November 2008

                              Oh Lucky you wishy!!
                              Can I pm u one of my dreams to analyse? Cant here cos I am at work but later?
                              Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                              Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009

