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Thoughts on MWO business

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    Thoughts on MWO business

    Hi everyone. I've seen a thread regarding the "no gain" from MWO in spite of reading, supplements, etc.

    For the MWO members who are new you need to know this.

    RJ started this site as a non-profit organization years ago to help others dealing with the problem of abusing alcohol. She did months and maybe even years of research until she found a plan that helped her, and of course many others. To this end she wrote a book armed with her research from Universities, medical sources and nutritional sources, it was an enormous job.

    Many people who have started this program have gained success. Many have not, such is the problem of addiction. I can go on to name all of the successes, but no matter, many still struggle with this addiction because poor brain chemistry makes it so much more difficult.

    A year or so ago this free site started to have financial problems. RJ does have administrative staff, etc. and she informed us that there would have to be advertising on the site, and that she would have to offer a Subscription site with all of the perks of games, private MWO site, etc., she even did a webcam meeting one night with all of the subscribers who wanted to participate, it was a great time (although I was out of town at the time). Many of us became subscribers immediately to "keep the lights on" for this site.

    When you log on every day, even to report what you had for breakfast that this is a privately funded site. I see that many of you are ordering the ALL IN ONE from ebay, and that's okay, but don't forget that this site is free to all of us, but somebody is having to pay the administration fees and there isn't a great deal of income from the site, except for the Subscribers and the Health Food Store. Code Monkey has to have a salary right?

    Many are so quick to complain when the site is out of order (minimally), but the funds don't come out of a break in a silver lining. The genesus of the site and the maintenance of this site comes from a very dedicated first original owner, RJ herself. She never appears looking for kudos or grandiose, she monitors the best she can, and we ALL owe her a great big THANK YOU and a lot of GRATITUDE for this site where we have all found so much support and life lasting friends.
    Enlightened by MWO

    Thoughts on MWO business

    Oh SKendall, that was so well said! Yes, not everyone is going to find their solution here, but its not the fault of the site.
    I for one am very grateful for this place. It has done more for me than anything I have ever tried before.
    Thank you RJ and thank you SK for putting this across in this way.
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


      Thoughts on MWO business

      SKendall - agree with you completely. i am not a subscriber and have only purchased the download book from MWO. RJ has every reason to make money from her offering it is so short sighted of people to expect otherwise.

      Even non-profit organisations need to finance to succeed, and the people involved obviously need to earn a living. RJ deserves to benefit her life as a result of the increadible work she has done and the platform she is providing to help countless people.

      For those who dont believe this program works for them - the simple solution is for them to keep looking for something that does. I would think that the grumpies who are negative about the site or feel it does not work need to look at themselves for the reasons and not look for someone else to direct their negativeness on.

      The best thing about life is we can make our own choices. The hard thing sometimes is, what we choose to think or believe may not be what anyone else agrees with and that can be frustrating and turn into anger or resentment.

      I believe RJ has done something wonderful here and I can see MANY MANY others believe that as well.

      love pixie
      I found myself on the roof of the world just waiting for to get my wings - The Waterboys


        Thoughts on MWO business

        Thank you for understanding and your appreciation of this site.
        Enlightened by MWO


          Thoughts on MWO business

          Its like everything else in life. No one size fits all. RJ did the research for herself personally and then made it available to us out of the kindness of her heart. It doesnt mean it will work for everyone though. It is obviously going to have the most success with the people who follow the program carefully to the letter as she did and also have similar drinking problems/patterns to RJ. For me personally the program has been a life saver and although it has cost me money (on meds and supplements) none of that went to RJ and it was a small price to pay compared to what I would have spent on AL and fags over the last 8 months.


            Thoughts on MWO business

            This was incredibly informative and useful SKendall - thank you very much!

            I've never really thought about the issues (even though I do a lot of work with NGOs) and it was a good wake up call. I had decided not to be a subscriber (for financial reasons) but I may re-think that and give myself a Xmas present!!

            Quite apart from anything else, I've not yet found a site anywhere that has a better set of smilies!!! :thanks::thanks::thanks:
            Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

            Harriet Beecher Stowe


              Thoughts on MWO business

              Bravo Hilary.......thank you for posting.

              I too owe RJ greatly........MWO came into my life and guided me to find my way out when I truly believed that there was no way out. How wrong I was.

              Star x
              Formerly known as Starlight Impress.


                Thoughts on MWO business

                When I joined here about a year ago, I immediately became a subscriber because I know running a website can be quite expensive!

                Since coming back I haven't resubscribed- cos I'm mean.
                Well, actually I am not, but I am having a hard time at the mo, and credit card might not work sometimes! I promise to resubscribe soon.

                Of course one method won't work for all- I thank RJ from the bottom of my heart for this site and the people I have been fortunate to meet here.


                  Thoughts on MWO business

                  Well Said SKendall.

                  I joined as a Sub a while ago and altho it really hurts the bank account due to the exchange rate I would rather spend my last cent on MWO than on another bottle of wine!
                  The MWO program was a lifeline thrown at me when I really really needed it. The program has and IS working for me. Yes I am still learning and making mistakes as I go but I would never have got this far with out my friends here at MWO and that for me is priceless!
                  "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                    Thoughts on MWO business

                    I'm not sure what prompted this thread, but there never is a bad time to point out something good. Everything SK and the others have said is true, and I'd like to add a couple more "goodies":

                    1) Not only has RJ set this all up and offered her research and experience to the world almost for free, she also follows this site personally and personally responds when people need her-- this is definitely not someone who is "in it for the money".

                    2) The SUPPLEMENTS, and often unique products, offered by MWO are of very high quality, at a very reasonable price. If you buy supplements from MWO, you are getting a bargain -- the best stuff for reasonable prices-- and if it matters to you, you are also supporting MWO. For example, True Calm, a unique blend of natural calming ingredients, including GABA, amino acids, B-vites and valerian, is just $US 14.98 for 100 caps. I don't mean to sound like an advert, but this stuff is great. Anyone who hasn't, should check out the Health Store to see what all is there.

                    No, I'm not cured, but MWO sure has helped me along the rocky road, as it has thousands of others. And the FREE boards (subscription is by no means necessary) and all the people I have "met" through here are irreplaceable in my life.
                    Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                    Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                      Thoughts on MWO business

                      Beatle, i think the thread was started because yesterday someone mentioned they weren't too sure if MWO really works and maybe it was just a money spinner- it wasn't a nasty thread, just somebody voicing an opinion.

                      It would be great if it worked for everybody but I guess we all know there is no magic pill, or there wouldn't be any addiction in the world.


                        Thoughts on MWO business


                        Thank you for posting this.

                        I, too, went for a few months without subscribing. Even so, RJ would pm me and give me encouragement. Her motivation is NOT about money. She has gone through what all of us have.

                        No, no way works for everyone, but this site has saved MY life and the lives of some very dear friends I have made here.

                        At one point, I subscribed because I, too, understand the costs of maintaining a site like this. I also order my supps from MWO whenever it makes sense. Why? Because they truly are a bargain and they help MWO. It is a win/win and that is rare these days.

                        I have to add, it would have been very easy for RJ to just learn what she needed to, share it with her friend and go on. Life would have been easier for her, that is for sure. However, she felt, just like all of us who struggle, that sharing a method that helps and works must be shared.

                        Thank you, RJ. I hope you know you are loved and supported.
                        AF April 9, 2016


                          Thoughts on MWO business

                          SK - thanks for posting this. I will forever be grateful to RJ and this site.:l
                          You, as much as anyone in the universe, deserve your love and respect. ~ Buddha


                            Thoughts on MWO business


                            Thanks so much for this. I was involved with the post yesterday and marby is right, it started with a question whether MWO really works or not. I stayed with the thread, and my new friend for some time.

                            I am one who is quilty of buying All One on Ebay at times. I've also downloaded the MWO book and have suggested that to virtually every newbie on the site. I agree that the Kudzu Rescue is by far the best and worth every penny. This post has helped me to understand RJ's true mission and I think it's important for someone close to RJ to emphasize this occasionally, as you have. Thank you.

                            I will order more MWO supps directly from the site. I will continue to suggest the MWO book to the newbies and I hope that helps to support this as it's truly been a blessing to me and I'm very grateful to everyone who works on the site and to RJ and everyone else involved.

                            Thank you so very much. This Thanksgiving my thanks will be to MWO and the people who work to make it possible.

                            "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


                              Thoughts on MWO business

                              Very nice.....thread SK.

                              I keep putting off being a subscriber, because I spend too much time here and I keep telling myself it's time to wean myself off a little. Will keep it in mind, thanks for the reminder.

                              I went back to to see how the book I purchased was being promoted. There are parts of the description that say it's "easy" but I don't think it is misleading at all. I guess I've been around long enough to know that nothing is EASY.

                              MWO had most definatley changed my life for the better. Thank you for writing the book and for starting this website Roberta Jewell!! :thanks: :l :h
                              NF since June 1, 2008
                              AF since September 28, 2008
                              DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                              :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                              5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                              The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:

