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Thoughts on MWO business

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    Thoughts on MWO business

    I wholeheartedly agree. Even when Joe was out of work I get subscribing. I have found lots of support, the ability to vent, some great friends, and I'm hooked on the game Red so I guess I'll never leave until I become No. 1! LOL. All kidding aside, I really do appreciate this place, RJ and Code Monkey.:l:thanks:


      Thoughts on MWO business

      This site has helped. Some of us can't stay AF it seems, but won't stop trying. I have to say, that the friends I have made here have/had a real impact on me. Basically, I was staring death in the face. Well, I've been slipping again, but with help, I am not drunk 24/7, and that is a long way from where I was. I also had nearly 7 months completely sober, which would not have been possible. It's like anything else. You have to want it. It's not easy. And, you may fail. And fail again. But, you never give up trying. Life is too damn good for this stupid thing to beat any of us.
      where does this go?


        Thoughts on MWO business

        Well, I bought the book, the starter pack, cd's, etc, all from the MWO Health Store, and have been a subscriber for a long time......

        For those who doubt, the program seems to have worked for me.....

        I'm just sayin'.......



          Thoughts on MWO business

          Ditto what Don just said! I am very grateful for the ideas and help I have received through this program and website!

          At the same time, I do also think the questions and concerns of newcomers need to be addressed, because moderation is not the right path for everyone, and probably not even for most of those who come here (although it is the focus of the MWO book), and also because, for most people, stopping the alcohol abuse is not at all easy. Those who are brought here by advertising that promises this to be an "easy" approach are likely to be disappointed and to feel that they were given false promises.

          I heard somewhere that RJ was writing a new book, more focused on AF than moderate drinking? I hope so; it could be helpful for many, many people.



            Thoughts on MWO business

            I think that this is the most straight forward what you see is what you get site and program.

            Everyone who wants help gets it, everyone has a choice moderation or abstain.

            Most of all everyone has support in the journey.

            I for one am in such a better place than I was two years ago.

            It has worked wonders for me.



              Thoughts on MWO business

              I have not followed the plan except for luvuall's (Brittzak) thread - 30 days - but I can say I am grateful to this site (even upon all the ups and downs I have gone through - RJ and some of the other older members know what they are ...) ..

              I will be forever grateful and even though I now try and help others myself I will always recommend this site too.

              ?We are one another's angels?
              Sober since 29/04/2007


                Thoughts on MWO business

                I have love this site...bought the book, buy my supps here only, and subscribe....I have tried every method known under the sun....but my heart and soul belongs here and is where I have been able to work a program that works for me and sobriety in my life...I am sticking with what works! I am eternally grateful to RJ and this site and the people here.
                Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


                  Thoughts on MWO business

                  I also found this site when I was hurting and at a really low point. I receive support and encouragement every day from this site. It is a life saver. I have purchased the book, cd's, and supplements from the site. It has taken me a bit of time to crawl out of AL's fog and I recently have begun thinking about how much it probably takes to run this site. Like someone else already said, I love all the little smilie buggers here!:danthin: I've only recently began thinking about becoming a subscriber. It is something I will likely do soon, The small cost seems well worth it.

                  Whether people come here and choose to moderate or choose to abstain, it is a well thought out forum. I appreciate the encouragement we give and receive each other here.

                  Even baby mountain goats must learn to tackle the smallest mountains first. sigpic


                    Thoughts on MWO business

                    I think Roberta addressed this at a time when the site was at a real all-time-nasty low. Someone wrote some nasty reviews on amazon or Maybe that is why she is not responding.

                    What she wrote then seems to fit now. Maybe someone could bump that thread up.

                    But the latest people have asked whether this all works and that is fair to ask. They are not asking out of mean-spiritedness. The answer is, from what I read. that the people who can tolerate topa do seem to have an easier solution out. But a lot cannot tolerate the drug and others don't want to take drugs. I honestly can't remember anyone saying topa did not work! But. the side effects can be horrible.

                    It's a fair criticism that Roberta does not update the website and fill people in on what happened since the book. But hey, could she criticize the site? What would happen then? How many people would keep a site running in which a lot of people buy nothing and people are free to attack her own program and to offer things WAY outside the realm of what she started. Does she attack the community? No she supports it. Even though some have attacked her publicly.

                    My own view is that I bought the book, some kudzu. I wouldn't buy All One from here because I can get it from Whole Foods. I am definitely not convinced the kudzu works and think there is some placebo effect going on. I do think RJ is a remarkable woman and wonder how her ideas can be applied more widely and commercially.


                      Thoughts on MWO business

                      Wonderful post SK. Thank you and you said it all so eloquently and thank you RJ.
                      "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                        Thoughts on MWO business

                        I to am very grateful...I owe Roberta a lot..Basically someone who has found what worked for her..And has tried to share her experiance the best way she knows how..I am not trying to blow smoke or anything..but i will remember RJ...and many people here all my life.

                        Thanks Skendall for highlighting this...Should maybe be a sticky somewhere
                        I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
                        One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


                          Thoughts on MWO business

                          Just a note on this being an "easy" plan...

                          I don't think RJ herself ever said that. If you read the book, you know how much research she did and how hard she worked to put together the plan. It is also clear from the book how desperately she wanted to overcome her problem, which she assumes everyone who tries the programme, would also be.

                          That said, RJ did make it EASIER for a lot of people to get sober or mod by doing all the work and putting it together, writing the book, assembling the supps, making the website. We who get to benefit from all her hard work for a very minimal price should be thankful. I know RJ didn't ever expect to get rich from this, and I know she hasn't, but I hope she does someday!
                          Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                          Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                            Thoughts on MWO business

                            Plus, don't forget, it is MY Way Out-- always the emphasis is on each person as an individual has to find what works best for him/her. MWO encourages everyone to take their own path... it just lays out a path that worked for her, and all the research and ideas that went into it, so that each can do with it what they will.
                            Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                            Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005

